Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Tuesday, Town, And Bizarro World

About 11:00, I took my cart and bused to town to the place LaVonne told me about that has reduced groceries on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Got ground turkey, apples, peppers, and zucchini.  Then--I hadn't intended to--but stopped at a shop and found two nice blouses. I want cotton, but don't want to iron, and these are a good compromise of a cotton blend.  Strolled around for a bit--beautiful sunny day--and when I was ready to go home, was delighted to find that the more convenient bus stop in town has been restored. For a time, boarding had changed to a block away because of some kind of construction.

E-mailed Diane and invited her to lunch on Saturday; I'll ask Jim, too. I had expected her to take the Access Van here, but when she wrote back to accept, she asked for the bus schedule. Hmm...I don't know if she'll be able to walk here from the bus stop with her neuropathy. Called her after dinner and yes, there should be no problem walking the few blocks. However, I asked her to call me as she was disembarking and I'd meet her and walk her here. 

Called Primary Medical to ask about my blood test, as I hadn't gotten an order for it. Dr. L. had probably already mentioned this, but I forgot: She just sent it to Quest electronically. Okay, I'll go over to Von's in an hour, when they open at 7:00 and get it. 

The bizarre part: When I got the paper just now, I found on my doormat an anonymous typed complaint about people in apartment 604. It charged that they don't clean up after their dog. There was one at Suzanne's door, too, and I assume he, she, or they left one for every tenant in this building, maybe the whole complex. It might very well be from a woman Suzanne has mentioned who was angry about dogs being allowed to run loose in the grassy area outside my windows. I must call Olivia and tell her. She had lived in that section and when we talked the other day, she had complained about a "Joey," who lived downstairs from her in--yes, 604. 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...