Saturday, June 11, 2022

Nuthin' Much

Aside from T.O.P.S., ain't nuthin' much happening. Weight-wise, I went up--I knew I would--by 1.06 at home to 130.6 and by 1.03 at T.O.P.S. to 131.2. That's out of my comfort zone, so I'm going to quit having the cream sherry at night. 

There were six of us--Lora's back from one of her many trips (she's a travel agent) and Sharon brought back my coat. The meeting, if you can call it that, was the usual snooze fest; Julie brought in an article on the importance of protein (oh, really? I thought you were supposed to eat bonbons all day)* and Sharon had her usual electrifying news (little grandson did something). Didn't get breakfast until 10:00, as usual on Fridays. 

Went over to Von's for pixie tangerines from Ojai--they're fabulous and I have one with my oatmeal every morning for breakfast. Also bought frozen veggies: spinach, string beans, and Brussels sprouts. Took some stuff out of the freezer to make for lunch today, assuming Jim will be here.

Shamefully, I lazed around a lot of the rest of the day. I was fine, not achy or sleepy, I just didn't feel like going anywhere or doing anything productive. Therefore, I sat and played games on the laptop. Also read "MedPage" and found this hysterically funny video by young doctor, Dr. Mike:

Ellen called--today was her last day of work/school with the kids. She'll go in on Monday for staff day and that'll be it. We had a good talk, then I went out to get the mail and found a sympathy card from her regarding Helen's death. Called her back to thank her. I want to call Larry today to see how he's doing and what the funeral plans are.

Called Jim and, as ever, invited him to lunch today. I think I'll make it myself this time; I have ground turkey for meatballs, Ragu for sauce, and will get some pasta. I also picked  up cornmeal and will make proper cornmeal bread, not the odious stuff from a mix. 

As I constantly bemoan, the Ventura Star doesn't publish on Saturday. However, since I pay for it, I get the digital edition. Reading about the county fair (I hope to participate in the western poem contest), I saw Barbara Quaid, who's a friend of mine. I haven't seen her for awhile, but we're both in Soaring Spirits and I've met her otherwise for lunch a few times. The story noted that she has retired (she's 72) as CEO of the fair and her replacement is on her former staff. Here's Barb on the right, meeting the press yesterday:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...