Monday, June 06, 2022

Sunday At Dudley House

Stella texted me in the morning, sending me a pic of the card from Ventura museum, an invitation to their opening reception. I had already gotten one and am toying with the idea of going; not sure if Stella sent it to ask if me to go or not. I called Diane about our idea of Jim and I going to her place and she was all for it. However, Saturday is not good for her, as she has another commitment. I'll call Jim and see what other day he might be available. 

I spent a freakin' twenty minutes getting into my Dudley House 1890's outfit. Damn, it's now a little tight around the waist, plus, for some mysterious reason, it's become too long. That's a real hazard--the last thing I want to do is trip on my skirt going down the D. House stairs. Finally got it together and it looked okay:

My brooch can't be seen here, but it was pinned on my bosom, as Caroline Dudley would say. 

Deanna picked me up at 12:30 and off we went. Luckily, I had time to adjust my outfit and walk through the rooms to re-familiarize myself with the place. I've always done the first floor only; somebody else does the second and yesterday, it was college student Cameron. 

It's been three years since I've acted as docent there, but to my relieved surprise, the facts about the Dudleys, their farm, their house, their children, and their lives easily came back to me. I didn't have to refer to the material in the docent printed guide at all. It was enjoyable to meet the different people from here and other places (one young woman lived in Alaska) and I conducted four tours, so wasn't idle more than a few minutes in between. 

Laura, who was the "greeter" (their duties include staying on the porch and, well--greeting people), took me home. She is ninety years old and still active in the community. (It came as somewhat as a shock to realize I'm only five years younger than she is.) I had been apprehensive about the docent thing, but it turned out to be an enjoyable day. 

As soon as I got home, I turned on the oven, changed clothes, then seasoned several pounds of chicken thighs and popped them in the oven. Had one for dinner--yum--and wrapped and froze the others. I then went over to Von's for rolls, made sandwiches with the ham, Swiss, and turkey breast I had left over from Saturday, and popped them in the freezer, too. Slept like a stone, I'm glad to say.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...