Monday, June 20, 2022

Sunday, Sleep, Suzanne, and Gaten

A slow day, which was just as well, considering I woke 3:45, then couldn't get back. I finally got out of bed at 5:00, but was pretty draggy all day.  Didn't do much but this and that on the laptop and a few clean-up chores. I was determined not to address any more of my problem with the apartment company; will return my attention to that today.

Ellen called and we had a good chat. She and Greg got a kick out the card the kittles, Sessie and Gwennie, sent Greg for Fathers Day. (Me? No, sir, the kitties sent it!) Son in Tokyo sent pictures and videos of adorable Mr. Kl, who will turn 9 in September. Son himself will turn--well, a little more than 9--next week.

Went next door at 4:30 to Suzanne's for our little social session; Vickie came, too, of course, and we caught up with each other's doings. Vickie said she had called her birth father for Fathers Day. He and her mother were divorced when Vickie was three and she had always considered her stepfather her real Dad, but she loves her bio-Dad, too. I was intrigued when Vickie told us his second wife had skated in the Ice Capades. I thought I may have seen her in one of their performances in Atlantic City, but then I remembered that Vickie is only two years younger than my older son, so that seems unlikely. By that time, it had been years since I had seen the Ice Capades.

Suzanne served some of the cheese, crackers, and jam her relatives sent for her retirement and it was good. As we always do, we brought our own drinks, which works out fine for all of us. Home, I watched the rest of the first episode of Web Of Make-Believe, then switched to Stranger Things. However, that was one of the earlier episodes, when Gaten was a little boy, but I don't think I want to keep watching for the years until now. I'll try to get the current version, now that he's 20. Constant Reader (that's you, Pat!) may recall that I was in Steel Magnolias with his mother, Heather. 

I came across a recent pic of Gaten and Mum, Heather. and how she looked when we were on stage together It's quite a contrast from twelve years ago when were on stage together. (I'm standing second from left, Heather is seated on left.)


1 comment:

iloveac said...

Heather looks like an actress I've recently seen who is well known. I can't remember where I've seen her.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...