Thursday, June 30, 2022


Sort of a down day: I spent most of the morning reading, copying, and checking out the info from BOA re my rent and utilities payment.  Assembled the evidence, scanned it, and emailed it to the office. Also rearranged the freezer and labeled a lot of containers--makes it a lot easier to select.

I got an email back from Diane saying it was fine for Vickie and I to come over next Wednesday. Later, though, Vickie called to ask if maybe we could do it Friday, instead. I forgot it was Wednesday and asked Diane if we could come "tomorrow." She wrote back that she would rather Wednesday, at which point I wrote back to say I had meant Friday, not tom--. Oh, never mind. Turned out Friday's okay with her and we'll go tomorrow (the real tomorrow!).

I set out to walk to Smart 'n' Final after lunch, but--I assume because of the sleep problem--felt tired and turned back after a short distance. Tried to nap, but got restless, so I just got up and played my favorite Jewel Match Royale. 

Perked up a bit late in the afternoon after I walked over to Von's for a few things. I need human contact and, aside from emails and texts, I didn't have any until then. 

The Insomniac's Note

I've been having trouble sleeping lately, darn it. The night before last, the insomnia followed my usual pattern: I go to bed about 9:30, read for a half hour, then fall sleep with no problem. However, I then wake up between 2:00 and 3:00 for the usual, but after, can't get back to sleep. Think I'll try changing my routine a bit. My ideal get-up time is 5:30, but I have my phone/alarm set for 6:30; hardly ever do I sleep late enough to use it. But happy day--I slept well and just got up at 6:00--what a relief.


iloveac said...

I believe most of us have that problem. I find chamomile tea works. I get OOB...drink the tea with the boring TV on and very shortly I go back to bed.

Mimi said...

Chamomile has been suggested to me before, Pat, and someday, I may try it. But--happy day--my change in routine seems to have done the trick, I hope.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...