Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Did a color wash when I got up, had breakfast, then made a black bean stew. I've done this before and like it--plus it's loaded with protein, which I know I need. Put the beans into the slow cooker with (bought) beef broth, added a finely chopped large onion, and let 'er rip. Later, I put in half of the fresh spinach I cooked earlier. Took off for Smart 'N' Final and The Dollar Tree after that. I got a nice quarter of a watermelon at the former, a bunch of this and that at the latter, and got my three miles in. 

After lunch, which consisted of deviled chicken and cottage cheese on whole wheat--sounds weird, but tasted good--I took off for town. Just strolled here and there; unlike most days, it was pretty quiet, maybe because it was a cloudy day. Bused home, getting in close to 6:00. 

I spent some time on this machine (or is it a machine?) and asked the folks at Photo Restoration & Colorization Free Service to enhance the graduation picture of my third and final brother, Frank (they had obliged for Jim and Larry before. Here's the original:

and here are two colorizations:

I think the second looks a little overdone--cartoonish, or something. However, I like the blue suit coat. 

Yesterday was the forty-seventh anniversary of the death of Betty's husband, Wes. I called her, but she hadn't remember it. I don't know if she remembers Wes or that second-to-worse period in her life. Maybe it's just as well. 


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