Sunday, August 29, 2021

Saturday And Sleeplessness

Composed and typed up the minutes for T.O.P.S. and semi-planned for next week when I act as "leader."  Did more food prep, to wit (I like these hoary old terms, so shoot me) pureeing more tomato/onion to make soup; doing the same with spinach; and pureeing macaroni salad I had bought. (I know somebody who thinks the latter is revolting, but I like it.

After lunch, I actually lay down and took a short nap. Got up refreshed at 2:30 and left to walk down to Telephone Road. There, I got the 11 bus to Office Max and bought printer ink. From there, I bused to the mall, where I went to Target for crackers (I soften them in the soup), B12, and a big, beautiful grapefruit.

Didn't get home until 6:00, which was fine by me. Received and sent several texts to and from Vickie about the booster shot being reserved, at this point, for those with compromised immune systems. She qualifies, of course, having just finished radiation for breast cancer. I didn't realize you also have to have had the last shots at least 8 months ago. My second was in February, so I'd have to wait, anyway. I sent Jim an email to inform him about the booster.  

Unfortunately, I again had a gruesomely restless night: Up at 2:30, couldn't get back for what seemed like hours, then got up just now at--AAGH!--quarter of eight! I hope this is just a phase.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...