Monday, August 23, 2021


Went to Santa Barbara to see Betty. It was, as ever, gruesome and sadly demoralizing. Stayed about an hour--that's about as long as I could take it--then said goodbye. After, it was enjoyable to walk the Santa Barbara waterfront, where there were lots of paragliders--so colorful and festive and evocative of summer.

Had dinner at Pacific, in town, where Nancy, Diane, and I used to enjoy for Happy Hour. I asked the waitress if Iris was still there and she said yes, but she doesn't work on Sundays. Got Miso soup and a Topa Topa beer; I was able to soak the accompanying bread in the soup and swallow that. Not so the mushrooms, which I was unable to chew. However, it was a good meal.

After, just walked a bit on the blocked off section of Main, enjoying the crowds having a good time at weekend's end. Stopped at a candy shop and got sugar free peppermint patties. That was a mistake; see below. 

Home, I showered and washed my hair in preparation for today's visit to Dr. Babbitt.  

Unfortunately, I had a bad night. I foolishly ate two many peppermint patties while watching As Good As It Gets and my tummy kept me up for hours. I feel okay this morning, though I may take a nap later. 

Yesterday marked the twelfth year I've been a widow. Rest in peace, Pat. Here's one of my favorite pictures of him--with Joel, Jr., at his parents' wedding, 2003.  (Adorable baby is now in college.) 

1 comment:

Pat said...

Love that picture of Pat...such a good-looking man...must be those Irish genes.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...