Saturday, August 28, 2021


 Now I'm puzzled at the discrepancy in my home and the T.O.P.S. scales. I was 125.2 at home, for a loss of 2.4 (wow!), but at T.O.P.S., I was 126.7, a loss of only .05. I'll take them both, of course, but I'm going to check with Bobbi, the weight-taker, to see if I recorded last week's in error.

There were five of us, which is getting to be standard--Sharon didn't come, as she said she wouldn't--and Lennie conducted the meeting in her usual vague. For the "program"--if you can call it that--she had duplicated the two articles, one on the "Bible Belt Diet," the other on the highly-processed foods the alarming majority of children are being fed. She had us read them aloud, in order, which is the absolute rock-bottom of don't-know-how-to-make-anything-even-remotely-interesting. The kicker is, that I had brought both articles in last week, to try to start a discussion that at least had some semblance of relevance to why we were there. Anyway, I stayed the whole time, of course, and even agreed to Lennie's request that I take the minutes and conduct next week's meeting when she'll be away.

Home at 10:00, had breakfast, then did a lot of busy work, mostly financial, and typed up the minutes. Found the deed to my house on the Ocean County Clerk's Office website and printed it out for the trust I'll establish. Tried to call CVS to see if they did the follow-up Pfizer, but after a lo-o-ong phone runaround, hung up. I went over to Von's for Stella Artois (on sale) and a few other things. There, I consulted the pharmacy and found that boosters are being reserved for those with compromised immune systems, which explains why Sharon was able to get it. Must remember to tell Jim.  

Food prepped by combining fresh veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, tomato, and onion) and reserved "veggie juice" in the slow cooker.  

Walked to the Hill Street library branch and enjoyed an hour of reading a book called Dopesick, which is about the Opioid drug addiction problem and how it happened. If we don't think Big Pharma is sometimes a death-dealing monster, we should open our eyes. I didn't take it out though, as I have the King book, a whopper, so will continue it later. I did borrow three DVDs.

Home and had the vegetable "stew" for dinner. Along with mashed potatoes, it made a good meal.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...