Friday, August 27, 2021


 As usual, I checked my email in the morning and found a message from my tenant, Susan. She said they've been having a major problem with ants. I immediately called former neighbor, Susan Geldart, and she told me a lot of people in Sunrise Bay have been having ants, probably due to the amount of rain in southern Jersey. She recommended her exterminator, "Tom," of Sincore. I called him, he got back to me and, happy day, he went to the house and remedied the problem with ant traps. He'll send me a bill--only $125, which is okay. That's the good news.

The bad news is that Tom called to tell me he saw evidence of termites, also a common problem down there. (After all, Little Egg Harbor was carved out of the pinelands.) We talked about it and he'll also send a contract. He said it will be close to a thousand dollars. It doesn't have to be done immediately, but I'd just as soon have him do it now than later.

Went with Suzanne to WinCo and got everything I wanted. Jim came for lunch, as usual at 1:00, and we had our usual vigorous talk sessions. I walked him out when he left and ran into Vickie and Mary--chatted with them for a bit. Sharon had told me she got the Pfizer follow-up at CVS, so I went over to the one near here, but they told me they don't do that one; maybe Moderna? I was told CVS down on Victoria Avenue does, so I'll call there.

Called the state of New Jersey to see about getting a copy of my deed, which I need for the trust I want to set up. Anyone, it seems, can get it, just by requesting it on-line, so I'll work on that today.  

Unfortunately, I had a horribly restless night: Got up for the usual and made the mistake of looking at the time: 1:35. Then I could get back for hours because of the damn restless leg thing. I had forgotten the first does of Ropiniorole and took only one an hour before I went to bed. That probably did it and possibly--although I'm still skeptical about this--it happened because the bar of soap had slipped down toward the mattress. 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...