Friday, August 06, 2021


Another busy day: The nurse came a little early, at 9:30, which was fine by me. She was of Korean ancestry and had a slight accent, but what a professional, yet caring and kind young woman she was. She was here about an hour, asking questions about my health history, taking my vitals (see, I know the med talk!), and even giving me a minor memory test. While she was here, Suzanne rang my doorbell to ask if it was all right to bring a birthday cake tomorrow when I have her, Vickie, and Mary over for lunch. She said we'll make it for Mary's birthday. I know that was July 19, but I think it's a nice idea and sure, I told her, bring it. (Incidentally, that also relieves me from making dessert.)

After the nurse left, I made sandwiches for Jim and me, set the table, and awaited his arrival. He came, as usual, at 1:00, and we had our weekly session. He is very worried because his classes for fall are not full enough, so been cancelled and he will be unemployed. Damn, to be destitute at the age of 78, is terrible. 

Anyway, I asked Jim to drop me at the mall, which he did. I wanted to look for a little gift for Mary, in particular a child's book of some kind, but with a twist, such as music. Didn't find anything I wanted in Target, but also went to Trader Joe's to look for French wine. I have dishes that depict bistros and have the straw-bottomed wine bottle from Patrick, decided to have a French theme for lunch. I looked up French dishes, but am not about to try anything complicated, so will follow Martha Stewart's advice and serve ham and Swiss cheese on baguettes, which she says is a common French lunch. I'll go back to Trader Joe's for a rose from Provence that I saw. 

Bused from the mall to Wal-Mart for a taper to put in the wine bottle, then stopped at CVS, where I got a child's kind of scratch-off activity book (yeah, she's 87, but...). Home after 6:00, but I didn't feel like dinner anyway, so just had a few crackers. I had been watching the DVD about Edward R. Murrow, Good Night And Good Luck, but I actually don't like it much, especially as it's in black and white, so switched to All That Jazz, which I hadn't seen for years, but is terrific.

Unfortunately, I had a terribly restless night. Have T.O.P.S. this morning and want to clean the hard floors today, but will try to nap.     

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...