Wednesday, August 25, 2021


In the morning, I did two loads of wash and a variety of other household chores. Went out to give Suzanne back her futon and there she was, about to ask how my (dental) week went. We sat on the chairs on our mutual front walk and talked for a half hour or so. I had been pretty down, but felt better after our chat and I told her so.

Bused to The Market after lunch, got the few things I needed, then walked home. I had a sketchy dinner of pea soup and tomato soup--both made from scratch--an avocado, and ice cream. (I still have to graduate to all solid food.)

Called Jim and, among other things, we talked about how long it takes to walk a mile. In some ways, he seems oddly unware of the obvious. He said it takes fifteen minutes; I countered with the fact that there are many variables, such as height, weight, length of stride, age, fitness, and so on. He seemed doubtful and after we hung up, I found some info on-line and sent it to him. In any event, he'll come for lunch tomorrow.

Slowly, but surely, I guess I'm recovering--physically, anyway. Now I have to work on my inner health. 


1 comment:

Pat said...

Got your email and I understand. Glad you chatted with Suzanne. It must be a drag with only soft foods but it will get easier and you'll be so glad you did it. There's a 15-minute mile, a 20-minute mile, and so on...maybe he or you can walk a 15-minute mile...others may take 30 minutes. I agree with you.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...