Wednesday, August 04, 2021


Before lunch: I did lots of little household chores: stripped the bed, remade, put in two loads of wash, and found, washed, and rearranged some glass ware. I now think it's amusing to surprise Jim with different wine glasses every time he comes to lunch. I found some I had forgotten, which I had painted myself several years ago. This was when I volunteered for Caregivers, the outfit for which niece Carolyn used to write grant requests. As artwork, they're pretty dismal, but I care not, I'll serve them up when he comes tomorrow. 

Also did some food prep: Used the mandolin to julienne four onions, then stowed the result in the freezer. Put dried beans (they're beige, but I don't know what they're called) in the slow cooker, along with veggie juice, chopped onions, frozen broccoli, and seasoning, and let 'um simmer most of the day.

After lunch: I walked to Telephone Road, then took the 11 to Bed, Bath & Beyond to look at folding beds. Of course, they don't carry them in the store; you have to order on-line. I don't like that at all, as I won't be able to examine the thing first; think I'll see if any store around here carries them. Stopped at Target first to use the restroom and it was unspeakably filthy and disgusting. Told the manager, who seemed a befuddled teenager. I walked over to The Dollar Tree and got the small trash bags I like and a few other items. Bused home to find my beans were doing fine. Had them and a big mixed vegetable dish for din-din. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...