Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Second Day

Things doing all right. My temporary dentures were in all day and aren't too gruesome. They actually allow me to smile like a normal person and look reasonably human:

Walked to The Market and Wal-Mart in the morning to pick up a few things. I've been eating only soft things--wish I could have a glass of wine, but the pain medication, Hydrocodone Acetamin, won't allow alcohol. I've taken only one of the prescribed stuff so far; otherwise, I've made due with aspirin, as I don't have a lot of pain. Mostly, it's when the gums get sore, as they do occasionally. 

Jim called again, to ask how things had gone and we had a nice chat. Suzanne stopped in to do the same and ask if she could help. Ellen's been in close touch, of course, and the tentative plan is to have lunch with her and Greg on Saturday.

Just had soft foods so far: dinner of mashed potato and butternut squash, followed by ice cream. Slept well, but am having some discomfort this morning (Wednesday) on the right side. Hope it passes.



iloveac said...

Very nice photo and beautiful smile.

Mimi said...



I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...