Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Walked to Pacific Therapy for my 10:20 appointment. I started to get annoyed when it got to be 10:30 and I was still in the waiting room, but then calmed down. I had plenty of time to get home and prepare for Jim coming for lunch.  It was a good session and I like Laurel, the P.T. She had me go through several exercises, which I'd add to the ones I do daily at home. I also did twelve minutes on the Nu-Step. My friend, Pat R., is a lot better on it than I am. My "speed"--or whatever that upper right number records--was between 5 and 6 and my "steps" ranged from 76 to 80--or maybe those numbers should be reversed--dunno.  Anyway, it was a workout. Laurel also guided me on other devices, more aimed toward improving balance. 

Walked home and got out the sandwiches I had left over, plus the rest of the crystal pickles. Jim came at his usual 1:00 and we spent some time in the garden while I showed him the geraniums (which are improving) and daisies (which have me worried). He was interested in the fact that the recently installed gate opens inward--I've wondered why in the world they put them that way--but Suzanne's doesn't, as her huge ficus tree wouldn't allow it. When I mentioned this to Jim, he walked next door and looked over Suzanne's gate--if she hd seen him out there, she might have been alarmed, but he assured me she wasn't home.

We had a good visit and lunch, as ever (he finished the crystal pickles, which was fine with me) and he left about 3:30. I then went over to Von's to return some bottles and cans, for which I got a fortune--a dollar thirty--then stopped at the office/clubhouse to look at the fitness center. I might take advantage of it one of these days. It doesn't have a NuStep, which isn't surprising, as Laurel told me the one at Pacific Therapy cost five thou used. 


iloveac said...

I'm just getting back into NuStep and like you, I do levels 5 and 6. Once I'm at 20" I take my iPad and watch a movie or something to keep from getting bored. They have a TV in our gym but I don't use it. Staying at 80 steps is great. With all the walking you do your general health must be A+. The NuStep is good because it's supposed to work the major muscle groups. All this exercise is supposed to be good for our brains as well. So, I'm motivated to do it. I never liked exercise and still am not a big fan but I now believe the benefits.

Mimi said...

At my p.t., I have the idea they put me on the NuStep if the therapist isn't quite available yet (although I have an appointment). Anyway, it's okay.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...