Thursday, August 26, 2021


Getting back to semi-normal. I wrapped and addressed the drums book and took it to the post office to send off to New Jersey. Stopped at Von's for spinach and more cabernet in the little four-bottle, one-portion pack. Jim always refuses a second bottle and I don't want a large, uncorked one around--too much temptation to have some when I'm by myself.   

Had the homemade pea soup, plus the rest of the acorn squash for lunch. I'm still finding it hard to chew anything more than semi-soft and may have to go back to Dr. Babbitt for an adjustment. However, I can live with it for now and it isn't sore, so I'll wait and see if it improves. Don't want to go today, as I'm going with Suzanne to Wilco at 9:00, plus Jim's coming for lunch. Maybe I'll call and wheedle office maven, Stephanie, into letting me come on Monday (office is closed on Fridays).  

Bused to town after lunch. I bought two DVDs, one of them Under The Desert Sky--Andrea Bocelli singing at Lake Las Vegas, which I started watching last night. The other is the movie, Brighton Rock, from the book by Graham Greene, which I read years ago. Greene was one of my favorite writers and I've read all his books, fiction, plus his autobiography. He was English, died decades ago, and was the first--and only--author to whom I ever wrote a fan letter.

While I was waiting for the bus on Ventura Avenue, Sharon R. called. I had left T.O.P.S. early last week and she wanted to let me know it would still be at my place, as the Trinity Lutheran floor re-do wasn't finished. Fine by me and I told Sharon to call me when she was at Hill Street and I'd let her in. Last week, she came in the front and had to walk to the center, where we meet, and that's a terrific ordeal for her. She's now on a kind of fasting diet--doctor imposed--and is losing, but oddly slowly, considering the regimen. Anyway, we chatted for a bit, then I texted Lora that it would again be here. 

Sharon mentioned that she had gotten her booster (third) Pfizer shot at CVS, so I guess I'll go over there or to Quest for mine. 

Microwaved two pounds of fresh spinach, then pureed it with my newly-acquired hand blender, of which I'm finally getting the hang. Added some milk and butter and it made a delicious creamed spinach--delicious to me, anyway. 


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...