Friday, August 16, 2019

Dress Rehearsal Three

Up again after 7:30 and didn't have breakfast until 9:00. Went to a few stores for red lipstick, blueberries, bleach,* and vinegar.* I also bought from the deli at WinCo, a half pound of cashew raspberry chicken salad to eat at rehearsal. I really didn't do much otherwise aside from computer stuff and some food prep.
Our last rehearsal: Arrived at 6:00 and didn't get home until 10:00. It went well--as usual with equal parts great fun and hours of tedium. The "theatre" is shaping up wonderfully, now looking more and more like a speakeasy, with lighted beer signs, the front part of a Ford pickup, and various other honky-tonk items on the wall.
One of the other plays includes a young woman named Meredith Newcom, who is an artist. While we were sitting around waiting to go on last night, she was painting in a little notebook. I asked to see what she did and wow! Here's her web site, which I asked her to send me: and some of her works follow. (The rabbit is not a painting, but is a wall hanging made of some kind of wool technique.)
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We open tonight at eight p.m.!
* Every once in a while, I clean the coffee maker by adding a cup of vinegar to about ten of water. I run it though, then do two "flushes" of plain water. I did that yesterday morning and thought little  of it--until I realized I had accidentally used bleach instead of vinegar. (I don't even want to contemplate how I could have done that.)  I didn't know if the two water flushes would have gotten rid of the bleach and I immediately went to the vinegar routine. Even so, I wanted to be sure, so I called one of those "ask the doctor" sites (can't remember which one). In the chat box, I explained the situation, then got a response from a "doctor's assistant," asking what my symptoms are and did I take medication for it? WHAT? Clearly, she hadn't read what I wrote and I responded snippily and checked out. I then called Poison Control; interestingly, I got the New Jersey one, as my cell number is still listed as being in Jersey. I explained everything to a very nice woman, who listened carefully, asked questions, and after thoroughly understanding the situation, assured me there would be no danger of being poisoned by the bleach. 


iloveac said...

Have a great opening night and enjoy every minute of it.

Mimi said...



I was down 1.2 at home and down 1.7 at T.O.P.S. to 126.6 and 127.3, respectively. The meeting was partly one of our therapy sessions and par...