Friday, August 23, 2019

This, That, And Pat

Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of Pat's death. It's odd that I didn't think to write it here, although I put it on Facebook. Here we are in Boca Raton a few years before we were married. It still annoys me that I didn't wear a strapless bra!
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling
This and that in the morning. Changed the bed, did a load of wash, and went to the mall. I'd like to get our stage managers, Jen and Alex, little gifts, maybe with "American Roadhouse 2019" engraved on them. I looked at the kiosk "Personalize It," for possibilities.
Home, lunched, and fooled around with this and that. Watered my garden and was thrilled to see my larger tomatoes are now turning red; geez, it seemed to take them so long, I thought maybe they were peppers. Suzanne was in her adjoining patio and came over to see them, then stayed to chat for a bit.
Called Yandoo maytheyrotinhell and got the t.v. working again, showered, changed, and left for 6:30 rehearsal.
This consisted of just the play casts, no band, lighting, or sound. It went okay--maybe a little ragged in spots, as it's hard to be "up" after performing with all systems go and, especially, with a paying audience. Those not on comprised the audience and, after you've seen something so many times, it's hard to be as engaged. That's why, with a real performance, it's so gratifying--and even startling--to hear the laughs and other reactions; comes as a shock. Driving to rehearsal, I got a call from Ellen and later, from New Mexico; just had time to talk a few minutes.
Home before 9:00.  Niece Carolyn called and we had good long talk. Her entourage of five, coming from Santa Barbara, have tickets for tomorrow night. I was so pleased when she said Robyn, Steve, and Dexter enjoyed it a lot; Robyn also complimented me on my performance.
Now it's 7:00 am and I'll be off to T.O.P.S. at 8:30. I'm pretty sure I've gained, as for one thing, I haven't been walking nearly as much, and for another, I've been eating blueberries, grapes, and rice cakes at night. Having to be at the show at 6:30 has thrown me off my schedule, but I'm pretty confident I'll be able to get back on after next weekend. 


iloveac said...

What a good looking couple. Pat was what we called in high school a 'hunk'. You were so pretty and I never would have noticed a bra strap until you made me look....still can't see it.

Mimi said...

But I know it's there!!! (Hee-hee)
I never thought I was pretty, but yes, Pat was a good-looking guy. Thank you, my friend; unfortunately, you know all too well--well, what I'm feeling when I think of him.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...