Sunday, August 04, 2019


Moseyed around early on, still in a bit of a mood. I was annoyed with myself that I accidentally bought thin-sliced bread (Dave's Killer Bread). Since I eat only only one a day (at breakfast), I want the full slice to put my cottage cheese on. This morning, I think I'll go wild and eat two.
Went to Smart 'n' Final for blueberries, Romaine, oranges, and two pounds of carrots. I scrubbed and cut up the last two and put them in the slow cooker--I love carrots that way.
I was pleased to get a text from Diane and Irene, my old Kimball buddies. I haven't been doing the park walk for the last few months because I thought I'd be selling my  car. They asked if I was going to be Caroline Dudley at the county fair this year; no, but I told them of the American Roadhouse show. I said I'd go to Kimball at 7:00 today and see if they're there. However, I just got up at 6:15 and I don't think I will. I'll text that I'll see them another time.
Town after lunch. I saw a huge painting that I thought would look great over my bed, although that space is already occupied. Luckily, it didn't have a price on it, so they wouldn't sell it and what kind of insanity is it to buy it, anyway? So I won't--I want to get rid of things, not get more!
On the way home, I called Nancy to ask about her various physical problems. She told me her son, Richard, is showing his--well, it's some kind of dune buggy--at a custom car exhibit at the harbor from 3 to 5 today. I know she'd like me to go and  I said I'd try, but I have rehearsal at 5:30. I'll keep it in mind and see if I can get there.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...