Monday, August 12, 2019

Full Run

Slept well, I'm glad to report. Saw an email from Jen, one of the stage managers, saying our rehearsal start was switched from 2 to 3--great, as it's written in to last until 8.
Did my Sunday things, then drove off to get blueberries, cherries, onions, and mushrooms. I wanted to get my brother some kind of puzzle book, but found none in Target, where I went. I also looked for a blouse to wear in the show, but saw nothing I wanted. I then drove to The Coalition in town and found one that will do--if Jeff approves it, that is.
Saw a poster in a restaurant window and asked if I could add the one for American Roadhouse. Yes, I could, and they were kind enough to put it on their bulletin board. Stopped at the library to ask them the same, but it was only 11:00 and they don't open until 1:00 on Sundays. Will try to get there tomorrow.
After lunch, I took a first attempt to spray my hair white. It actually isn't hard, but I didn't realize the stuff just kind of sits on the top; it's not supposed to be combed through. I showered and washed it out, pleased to see the shampoo took care of it. 
Got to rehearsal at 3 and, yes, indeed, we were there until 8. One of the other plays was still being tweaked for lighting and it was almost 5 before we finally ran the whole show. We spent some time on what would have been "the curtain call," except we have no curtain. The large cast all comes out, shorter ones in front (that's me, folks), then sort of clap and sway while the band plays; we bow, then acknowledge the band and the light people, and that's it.
Things went okay, with just a few dropped lines from one or two others. My only problem was when I stand to address the audience at the end of our play: The stage manager had taped an "X" where I'm supposed to be when I get up, but with my slight balance problem, I suddenly felt uneasy, so stood in place and put my hand on a prop. I knew Jeff wasn't thrilled about this and I approached him afterward to tell him I'd widen my stance, which should take care of it.
We have a day off today and dress rehearsal tomorrow. I asked stage manager, Kat, to put the white spray in my hair then and she agreed.
Four more days to showtime!


iloveac said...

You're gonna be great. BTW, there are simple balance exercises you can do anytime...e.g. stand on one foot for 30 seconds....hold on with other up to 30 without holding it trains your brain too.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat. You know, my older daughter is an occupational therapist and she's urged me to do these kinds of exercises. Wish I had, but I definitely will for the next four days and hope it helps. Thanks for the tip.

iloveac said...

No them every day and you will see a difference.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...