Thursday, August 22, 2019


Just the usual in the morning. The big news is that I switched my black, 46-inch shoe laces in my sneaks for 36-inch white ones--whee-e-e!'
Suzanne had left at my door information on a "Readers Theatre" group,  which recites stories at elementary schools--gratis, of course. I called the woman listed and we had a long conversation. It seems they'll have an initial meeting in September, which I want to attend. I may or may not decide to join, but I want to learn more.
Finally and at long last, I cleaned up a lot of the paper work I had hanging around; damn, I'd love to have a secretary or something to do that for me--fat chance.
Left after lunch for Happy Hour and met my pals, Nancy, Diane, and Carolyn, at Fluid State at 3:00. It turns out all of us prefer a meet time of 4:00, but we somehow got mixed up about it. From here on in, I hope and expect we'll go to 4:00. It was good fun, as usual, and we were there for more than an hour.  Carolyn's son is about to leave for Northridge (college) and asked what Ellen might want for the small refrigerator she bought before she got the new one. I texted her and heard back fifty bucks, which I let Carolyn know.
After, I hopped on the bus to arrive home at 6:00. Called Ellen to ask how the fridge was doing--considering how much it cost, it should be singing and dancing--and how her new class looks. Found an email this morning to say school was to start in two minutes.
Pickup rehearsal at 6:30 and tomorrow, we go on again, I'm happy to contemplate.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...