Monday, August 05, 2019

The Museum, The Harbor, And Rehearsal

Decided to skip the Kimball walk, as I didn't get up until 6:30. One of these days, I'll get back in the groove. Did the usual Sunday thing; as I finished the crossword, Stella texted, asking if I might want to meet her at the botanic garden. No, but I might be open to something else.
What evolved is that I met her at the museum after she came from the 10:30 mass at the mission, which is right across Main. (I greeted the receptionist as "Elena," the director. Her name is actually Friday, incredibly enough, and they do look a lot alike; we laughed over that.)
Stella and I looked around here and there at various exhibits, but happily, left fairly quickly. I suggested the Paradise Pantry for lunch and we went there. It was good, but pretty crowded and noisy, what with all tourists (which I used to be--ha!).
I went home on the bus and immediately jumped in the shower, dressed, and took off for the harbor. Found Nancy's son, Richard, at the custom car displays and chatted with him for a bit. He made this "Manx Buggy" himself from a kit. Richard is a neat guy; hope he comes to our show. Here he is:
Went from there to WinCo. Thought I'd get spinach, as I'm mindful of the iron thing. Got two bags of fresh (I never eat anything but), plus butter spray, Parmesan cheese, and two 18 ounce containers of my addiction, blueberries.
Immediately drove to rehearsal, which had been called for 5:30. I got there a bit early, so saw a run-through of one of the other plays (ours is immeasurably better), then we went on. It went well, as we're all comfortable with each other and our parts now. I asked Jeff how essential it was for me to be at rehearsal in the morning next Saturday, which is called for all day, 10 to 8. He was emphatic that everybody be there all day. Darn. But I'm going to skip the fair poetry contest and Ellen's yard sale, I'm afraid. It's disappointing, but I'm afraid it has to be. 
Next Saturday, six days before we open, the entire cast and crew, including band members, are to be there from 10 am to 8 pm. Damn--I wanted to not only enter the poetry contest at the fair, but spend some time at Ellen's yard sale. I approached Jeff and asked how important it was to be there. It's very important and I know he doesn't want to have anyone out. Told him I'd try to change my commitment. I think I'll ask today (we have rehearsal at 6:30) if I could possibly come at 10, then leave at 11 and come back at 1:00. Or maybe I won't ask--dunno.

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