Friday, August 02, 2019


At the county fair, there'll be a "cowboy poetry contest" on August 10. I decided to enter and spent a fair amount of time in the morning composing a verse. Contestants simply have to show up at 11:45 and recite their stuff at noon. Sounds like fun, so I'll do it.
Suzanne texted me to ask if I could pick her up at the Sheraton when she gets in on the shuttle on Monday at 1:00. Sure I will, although that means I'll miss the widder group lunch. Think I'll stop there first to give them flyers on the show.
Erica, in our Welcome Home cast, put on Facebook that she'd host a read-through at 7:00 and I wrote back I'd be there. Carolyn B. emailed that Nancy wasn't feeling well, so would not join us for Happy Hour. I called her to learn she has a gastrointestinal upset. Combined with her continuing knee problem--the shot didn't help at all--and the low hemoglobin, she's has some real difficulties. 
Got the bus for town and met Diane and Carolyn at Fluid State at 4:00. It was okay, although another of those annoying "order at the counter and get your own utensils" places. We did have our usual good time discussing this and that.
On the way home, I got a call from the doctor's office, saying my iron is low and I should take some OTC supplements.  Okay, but why would my iron be low? I probably eat more spinach than Popeye--but I'll comply. They also want me to get another blood test, presumably after I've been taking the iron for a while, and I asked that the order be e-mailed to me.
Got to Erica's at 7:00 and Amanda, Jannelle, and Gwen came soon after.  Audi and Dan, the rest of our cast, weren't able to make it, but Kat, the stage manager, did. We ran through it twice, with Kat reading for the absentees. Broke up at 8:30.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...