Saturday, August 31, 2019

Penultimate Show

I'm coming out of my Slough of Dispond, but it's still a work in progress. I wanted to get a card for my grandson, Mr. K. that would have lights and music and stuff. I was sure I had seen them at Wal-Mart and went there, but the choice was crappy, plus incredibly expensive: one was $11.95, but I wouldn't buy it, as it was entirely inappropriate for a six-year-old. I also refuse to buy cards (or any other merchandise) that feature "licensed characters." Why the hell should children be Disneyfied, just so these f--king corporations can make more money? I honestly think one of the major reasons our culture has sunk so low is because kids are exposed to this kiddie-crapola.
Yeah, that's the mood I'm in. I drove to Target at the mall, thinking they'd have a better selection (they didn't; it was just as abysmal) and you have to make a left hand turn there. I came to it after the arrow and there were a lot of cars going the other way. Naturally, I waited to turn and damned if the guy behind me didn't start blowing his horn! Well, what I blew was my TOP and I yelled at him though the mirror--I hope he got it.
Got the card there, but just an ordinary one that cost only as much as we used to spend on the gift. Filled it out at home and drove to the post office to mail it. I then realized that Mr. K.'s parents anniversary is the day after--September 10. All right, I'll get a card tomorrow and send it.
I had forgotten to mention earlier that I've awakened the last two night with a terrific inch around my left ankle. I don't see anything like an insect bite there--besides, there are no insects in California--and I think it's just from nerves or something. Bought some anti-itch cream and applied it.
The show, our second-to-last, went well, although G.'s performance, as usual, was lackluster. The audience was great; as we had almost every other night, we had a full house and they were enthusiastic and appreciative. We close tonight--SOB! 

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