Tuesday, August 06, 2019


Oh, boy, it was a scary family news day.
I look at Facebook (and often post) after I write this blog and check my email. Didn't see much of note and went to make breakfast at my usual 8:00. Daughter Ellen then called me to tell me my brother's daughter had posted on FB that her father, my brother, Jim, who is 94, had broken his hip. I immediately called Jim's number and talked to Jim's son, Mike.  Earlier, I had called Betty to tell her I'd be there to go to lunch with her today. At that point, neither of us (I don't think) knew about Jim. I called Carolyn and told her, but she said Chrissy, our niece had already called Betty to tell her the news. Later, I called my other brother, Larry, who's back from Budapest, about Jim, but he already had had the news, also. Anyway, I understand Jim came through surgery well--he had a hip replacement--although I didn't find that out until late afternoon. I do hope he'll come through this okay--he is, at least, in reasonably good health otherwise.
Carolyn called again after and we had a long talk about her mother and her condition (sigh). Went to the widder lunch early and just had roasted cauliflower--no beer, because I was driving. Got into long heart-to-heart discussions (separately) with both new member, Deidre, and my dear  young friend,  Donna. Carolyn B. and Nancy were both there and I chatted with them, too. Gave everybody flyers about the show and several plan to come.
As I had expected, Suzanne called me about 1:00 to say the shuttle was a few minutes away from the Sheraton. It took me only about ten minutes from the Stonefire Grille to pick her up. I took her home with pleasure, as I like  having her next door and I had missed her. Had my regular salad lunch, knowing rehearsal was called for 6:30 and I wouldn't eat much, if anything. for dinner.
About 4:45, Chrissy posted that Jim is doing well and will probably go home on Wednesday--YAY! Went to rehearsal and sat through two run-throughs of one of the other plays, then we went on twice, also. It went well and, as virtually any performance of any kind does, gets better in exact ratio to how many rehearsals we have.
Home and my usual, but I made the stupid mistake of setting the alarm for 5:30--what was I thinking? I have a doctors appointment at 7:15 am tomorrow and I should have thought of that, plus rehearsal again at 6:30 tonight. I'm going to be dragging, I'm afraid, but I'll live through it. 


iloveac said...

Sorry to hear about Jim. On the bright side, I've heard hip replacement rehab is much easier than the knee. I don't want either.
BTW...you'll be more than dragging with roasted cauliflower and "not much for dinner". I sure hope you're getting your protein and iron somewhere. Track your intake for three days and check to see you are getting adequate protein and iron. Remember, the latest nutrition thinking is that older folks need 1.5 gms of protein per kilogram of body weight. I thought I got plenty of protein until I learned that formula a few weeks ago from our Registered Dietician.

Mimi said...

Pat, thanks for the good words about my brother. Actually, I did pan fry three jumbo shrimp and had that, plus a large bowl of slow-cooked carrots with orange wedges. That was my "not much" for dinner. One of my self-styled diet constants is protein at every meal and I do follow that as a rule.

iloveac said...

I think that 1.5 gm per kilogram is for folks who are trying to lose wgt like me. It's a bit much for the average bear. You're probably fine with your protein intake.


Busy day. Got my train tickets for Encinitas on line. Finished most of my packing and tidied up a bit. After that, it was a walk to BOA to g...