Friday, May 31, 2024


Did a quick white wash in the morning, then dust-mopped and polished the kitchen floor. I figured that was enough work for the day, so packed lunch and took off. I went over the footbridge, thinking I'd walk to Wal-Mart, but changed my mind and deviated to Ralph's, where I bought bread, then had lunch at the fountain area nearby. It was overcast, but the birdies didn't mind:

Home, I called my cousin, John, to whom I haven't talked for four or five years. He's a little peculiar--okay, a lot peculiar--although he's about five years younger than I am. I wanted to ask him about my great-great aunt, who was a Sister of the Good Shephard and died in 1917.  We did have a nice enough chat and he filled me in about Margaret. What's eerie--I've noted this to myself before--is that is sounds exactly like his father, my Uncle Edmond, gone these many years.

Went over to Von's for IPA, ran into my nutty friend, Lorraine, and chatted for a bit. Other than that, there wasn't really anything of note going on. 

Thursday, May 30, 2024


Happy day--I found the Byrne genealogy book! Had to haul a lot of things out of the closet containers, but finally did, so I can show my cousin, Kevin in few weeks. 

Packed my lunch and bused to the mall and Target (this is getting to be a habit) for blueberries and apples. Ate at my usual place in the middle and an attractive, well-dressed woman came up and asked if she could sit with me. Now, this is not the food court area where a lot of people eat; it consists of a kind of set-off area with a group of four tables, chairs around them. None of the other tables were in use, so that seemed odd. However, she was clearly not mentally ill, homeless, or otherwise suspect, and I like new experiences, so I agreed.  Before she could begin talking, I asked if she was interested because she thought I was homeless or destitute and she didn't, just thought I'd like to chat. (That's the "you're old, so I guess I should be nice to you" syndrome, which drives me crazy, but I didn't express my annoyance.) 

Anyway, it turned out to be an interesting encounter. She and her husband live on a ranch in Oxnard (horses, chickens, and two dogs), she has four grown children, including a disabled daughter, her mother is a tyrant, and so on). We showed each other pictures on our phones, of course. She stayed until I finished my lunch, then we went on our separate ways, and it was nice. 

Home and had only a sketchy meal, then met Jim out front at 6:00 for the Igor Davis book presentation on The Devil In My Friend:  

The guy on the screen, Fred R., seems to have accidently murdered his first wife (pictured below with their two daughters), his second wife, and his stepson; all by drowning. He was actually a friend of Davis'es in their wealthy Malibu neighborhood and, together, coached their sons' soccer team. He now lives in another famous locale: Folsom Prison. 

I'm a member of the museum, so this was free for me; I had bought Jim's ticket on-line and got us both a glass of wine (seven bucks each, fer cryin' out loud, and in plastic), but it was an enjoyable diversion. As for the book itself: It was forty bucks and hell, no, I'll wait for the library to get it. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Fooled around with this, that, and the other until 11:00, then left to walk over the footbridge and meet Diane for one of our lib lunches. I was a half-hour early, but no prob, because she was even earlier. She had already eaten and was just enjoying her post-lunch Chardonnay.  As usual, we talked and talked and talked, and ranged over a lot of the supernatural, including her new fav, Doctor Joe. We also looked at faith-healing, reincarnation, Eckert Tolle, Islam, Catholicism, and a host of other topics that she considers gospel, but to which I react with an iffy/maybe/you-can't-believe-that-idiocy attitude. Hey, we get along fine.

Said goodbye around 3:00 and walked home. For some reason, I felt hungry and heated up some of the  veggies I had in the freezer. Also not sure why, but was sleepy and took a short nap. Up and I copied the information about my great-great aunt, the Sister of the Divine Heart, and gave it to Suzanne. Still can't find the Byrne genealogy book, but will keep looking. I sent nephew Dave a picture of the appreciateive note Suzanne sent me after reading his book. 

Called Jim to remind him we're going to the Igor Davis book thing at the museum tonight. He did have it on his calendar and will pick me up at 6:00.  Got an email from Lynne reminding me I'm scheduled to do docent duty at Dudley House on Sunday; she'll take me home, but I must remember to call the Access Van to get there. She also invited me to go with the group to tour an historic farm site in Oxnard on Saturday--not sure if I want to or not.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


I've been spending a lot of time looking for my father's genealogy book, which I stowed away so securely I can't find it.  I want to look up my great-great Aunt, who died in 1917 after being a sister of of the Good Shephard, based in Pennsylvania. Her full religious name was "Sister Mary of the Divine Heart" and she must have been my grandfather's sister; I'm not sure what her birth name was, which is why I want to find the book. Anyway, twenty years ago, my cousin, John, sent me a copy of her obituary from what seems to be an internal convent newsletter, describing her and her pious ways. I want to show it to Suzanne.

Speaking of whom: Suzanne returned the book by my nephew about his family before and during WWII, with a note of how much she appreciated it. I'll copy and send to my nephew.   

I was pleased to get an email from my tenant, asking how I wanted the rent paid--via Zelle? Yes, indeed, and I'm glad she initiated the subject.  

After dinner, I called Jim to remind him to pick me up for the presentation at the museum tomorrow evening. We chatted a bit and he seemed reasonably--for him--with it. Today, I'll meet Diane for a lib lunch and we'll catch up.

As for outside activity: Ellen came to get me at 11:30 and we went across the street to Subway for lunch, then to Olivelands School and her third-grade classroom. There, I helped her with preparations for the end of the school year. I did the mundane tasks, such as de-stapling student papers from the bulletin boards; filing them in the kids' nooks (or whatever they're called), and otherwise making myself useful. She has only three more weeks, then she's officially retired--WOW! Here's her class picture, which I like so much:

          Funny--it was only yesterday when she was in third-grade herself...sigh..

Monday, May 27, 2024


Followed my usual Sunday morning routine: took my weekly bone pill, washed and changed bedclothes; then settled down with the big crossword, which was just fair, in my estimation. 

Made my lunch and walked to Telephone Road, then got the 11 bus to Office Max. Stopped first at Audi's for pretzels and peppers. Got ink at O.M., then bused to the mall. I stopped first at Trader Joe's for onions and saw there my pal, Alphonse. We hugged and chatted and--assuming I audition and get a part--will see each other in a few weeks at rehearsal. 

Went to the mall middle and ate my lunch while I enjoyed people-watching. Stopped at Target for blueberries--natch--and a few other items. bused home and started watching a recent show following Paul Simon all over the place. I always loved his songs, especially "bridge" and "silence." It was disconcerting to see this little old man, now 82 and deaf in one ear, trying to believe time hasn't passed him by:

I saw on Facebook that yesterday was Jimmy Downes' birthday. Called him and found him alarmingly deteriorated since I saw him last when we visited Betty almost two years ago. He said that he's quit playing golf and rarely goes out, although he never explained why. He also mentioned that his license is suspended--he couldn't remember the circumstances for that, either--but "just drives to the coffee shop for breakfast every morning"--AAGH!  But same old, same old: he mentioned several times how rich his daughters are, a clear indication, it seems to me, of low self-esteem. However, we talked about twenty minutes and, to an extent, it felt good. 

Linda, wife of cousin Kevin, texted me, confirming the June 21st date for their arrival; they'll leave on the 24th. She said she hoped they didn't "slow me down," as they both have some problems walking, she because of a broken back in 2016, he because he has Parkinson's. No prob, it's fine by me to just go places by car or whatever. 

Still on my food prep kick, I defrosted ground turkey, as well as an onion/pepper combination I had fixed the other day, and made my turnkey stir-fry. This time, I added what was left of the spinach, so it made three good-sized portions. Had one for dinner (it was yum) and stowed the rest in the freezer for later.

Ellen called and will be here about 11:00, after which we'll go to school and work on organizing her classroom. She and Greg and dinner together the other day and will remain friends, which I was happy to hear. 

Unfortunately, I had trouble sleeping last night. Had to answer Nature's annoying call not once, but twice. I do feel rested now, though. 

Sunday, May 26, 2024


I spent the morning searching through family pictures and documents, for artifacts I can show cousin Kevin when he gets here. Unfortunately, I have very few of his Dad, as he was considerably younger than mine, but I'll keep looking.

Bused to town about 1:00, walked Main and browsed around, so didn't get lunch until after 2:00. I had brought it with me, of course, and ate at my favored place across from the mission. The weather was nice, sunny and warm, and I enjoyed it. 

Home at 6:00 and I did some food prep. I like to have plenty of vegetables at the ready, so when I'm hungry, I don't have to spend time preparing. I seasoned (olive oil, vinegar, garlic) a big bag of fresh spinach, sliced and refrigerating tomatoes, and hard-boiled three eggs. I already chopped onions and peppers in the freezer, as well as ground turkey, so I can put them together and sauté in a jiffy.  

Lisa G., with whom I last appeared in Area 22 two years ago, texted me to ask if I was auditioning. Yes, I said, and I want one of the teenage parts. Actually, I'm not sure if there's anything appropriate for me, but I'm going to give it a shot. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024


My weight went up, as I knew it would, considering I haven't been walking as much and I've fallen into the nasty nighttime snack habit.  I gained two pounds, both at home and at T.O.P.S, to 125.8 and 126.7 respectively. Yes, I'm still within my comfort zone, but I want to nip this in the bud (or the butt 😁). Sharon called me just as I was leaving to report on her bladder surgery, which might be called "stop leak." Lora picked me up and, as there were only five of us, we just weighed in and left without a program, which is ever-so-fine by me. Interestingly, Lora and Lennie weigh exactly the same and to mark the occasion, I took a pic:

I actually got breakfast by 9:00, then straightened up a bit before I walked to Walmart, a store I heartily dislike, for face scrub and a few other items. I really miss The Market, just a block away, but now it's closed.  I had packed my lunch and ate it in the little park-like area dividing an office complex. I've done this before, but not recently:

Bused home and not interested in doing much else, watched the rest of a James Dean documentary that was made two years after he was killed: 

Incredibly, he left this earth sixty-nine years ago, in 1955 and he would be 93 today. The film is in black and white and includes interviews with his grandparents and uncle, who took him in after his mother died. Later, I watched a short video about the town--Fairmount, Indiana--where he was brought up. Okay, now I'm finished with James Dean.

Walked over to Von's and got frozen shrimp, plus a good supply of fresh and frozen veggies; also picked up a big cauliflower. Later, I spread on the mayo/parm/garlic salt dressing, roasted it, and had it for dinner. 

I was charmed when Greg texted me with pictures of the salmon dish I had made for him and Ellen once. He had asked for the recipe and made it yesterday. I'm glad we're still friends.

Niece Carolyn texted Ellen and me, inviting us to both a dinner and a barbeque on two subsequent days--June 15 and 16 to celebrate Claire's graduation from high school and Finn's from UCSB. I don't think we'll go to the first, but will the barbeque and that should be great fun. 

Mike facetimed me about 6:00 pm (early morning his time) and we had a pleasant talk. He was in the middle of one of his shorter bike rides: only ten or so miles, for him a mere nothing. I'm sorry that he probably won't be here in August when Violet finishes camp, but may be for Christmas.

Friday, May 24, 2024


Did some business-y stuff after breakfast, such as sending my tenant's info to Sunrise Bay management and checking my bank account. I was surprised to see that about ten recent purchases hadn't yet been paid out of my debit account. Checked my wallet and realized I had been paying with one of my BOA credit accounts. They're almost exactly alike: red, with the BOA logo and everything else, except the one has "debit" in small letters. I often just pull that out without putting my glasses on, so mistook it for the debit one. No problem, but I'm not carrying that card now.

I had intended to bus to the larger Target for some of the things I like there, now that The Market--both of them--have closed. However, I changed my mind and decided to go to the one at the mall, instead. Walking from the transit center, I again changed and jumped on the 11 bus to go to the larger one. Damn, indecision is my middle name--or would be, if procrastination hadn't jumped in first. I had packed my lunch and ate on the bench outside there. 

Texted Vickie to see if Sunday was okay for her for our little social hour, but she's going to San Luis Obispo with Mary's daughters, so we'll do it later. Suzanne texted to see if I wanted to go to WinCo today, after T.O.P.S., but I'm really pretty well caught up, so declined with thanks.

Talked to Ellen and she suggested we get together on Monday, Memorial Day. The buses don't run, so she'll pick me up, we'll go to school and I'll help get yet more things done before the end of the year (and of her tenure!), then go to dinner. Of course, I'm happy with that plan.

This popped up on Facebook:

I debated with myself as to whether I want to audition. Rehearsals can be grueling and then there's getting there and back. Also, iy can go pretty late (to me, "late" is about 9 pm). In addition, a fair amount is in the wings for me this summer, including a trip to Jersey, my cousins visiting, plus my brother's children and the traveling memorial for him. Do I want to add this to those other commitments? Yeah, I do, and I'm going to give it a shot and hope I get a part.

Thursday, May 23, 2024


Did some things in the morning, so important I can't remember what they were. Showered and had a quick early lunch, then went out to wait for my ride to the dermatologist's office in Oxnard.  It was infuriating that again, the driver had been directed to the wrong place--the gate on Brookshire. This is the third time and even after calling them and that illiterate letter! However, the driver, Andrew, was fun to meet. He drives for Uber on the side, but plays bass and sings with a local band, although he's no kid. I always like to meet show-bizzy types and we had fun talking.  

I got to Dr. Chiu's office very early and she took me early (zapped some of my blemishes, but the nose had only a a dot), so I was finished almost an hour before I was to be picked up. Cancelled the ride and took a bus home. 

Jasmine and Bobby from management came shortly after I got home for the annual inspection to check various devices and for leaks, of which I have none. That took only a few minutes, then I stopped next door to Suzanne's and we chatted. She said she had had a sudden dizziness--not sure why, but it concerned her. Oddly, I used to experience dizziness once in while, but years ago. I never did find out why. She invited me in and we caught up with each other and with Vickie's ailments. Unfortunately, she now has some kind of problem with her hip, besides the possible heart thing, and--always lurking in the background--the breast cancer. I've having them over for our version of Happy Hour, I think on Sunday, when Suzanne's free and I'll text Vickie today. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Fairly quiet day. As planned, I met Irene at the new Thai restaurant right across the way. Once I did, I remembered much more about her than I had before. She has one daughter and an 18-year-old grandson and the three of them live together. She also comes from a large family; she had six sisters and possibly, some brothers. Two sisters have died. Irene still works at  77; she's a real estate agent with REMax.  I wish I could say we were wonderfully compatible, but to be honest, I can't. I actually enjoy knowing people whose ideas and beliefs are different from min, but not when they become shocked and horrified if I don't go along with their agenda. Anyway, the Pad Thai was good. Irene insisted on paying for lunch, so said I will next time--if there is a next time and I doubt if I'll initiate it.

Later, I spent a considerable amount of time julienning four large onions and slicing four big sweet papers. Sautéed them, reserving some to have with dinner last night and freezing the rest for a future turnkey stir-fry. I then--finally--tackled organizing and rearranging the three-shelf cabinet where I keep my containers of various shapes and sizes. After that, I looked through some Byrne-family memorabilia (my father's generation, that is)  for pictures I might want to show or duplicate for my cousin Kevin. I don't have many of his father, my uncle Joe, but will keep looking.

Aside from walking back and forth to the restaurant, I didn't go out--unusual for me, by maybe it's just as well. 

Note: Yandoo Communications was "doing maintenance" this morning and the Internest was down. Now, at 8:25 am, it's up. 


Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Pretty busy day. I spent a lot of time on the phone, first to brother Larry. We had a good long talk and he, at 91, is doing well. I responded to the BCNN monthly "Gals Dining Out" invitation, even though Julie, who usually takes me, is on one of her European jaunts. I can easily get there on the bus and, if nobody's going my way, I can bus home, too. It's next Thursday, May 23, at 6:00. 

Called Muckie and we also had a long, long talk--I think for two hours. I love talking to her and this time, our discussion included our ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions about other-worldly stuff, including what happens after you kick off. Bottom line is, she thinks there would have had to be some kind of intelligent being that put everything in motion. Aside from that, she has no clue and neither do I. More significantly, I believe nobody else does, either. 

Finally sent the lease to Leanne at Sunrise Bay. I had to call her and found they had changed the email address when a new company took over management. Closed the savings accout account   

After lunch, I walked to Smart 'n' Final (stupidest name for a supermarket I've ever heard) for onions, peppers and bread, then next door to The Dollar Tree for a few minor items. Walked home, so got two  miles in. Got home at 4:00 and called Bank of America to ask why they slapped a five dollar charge on one of my accounts. So annoying and I closed the account; will get a new one with the new security deposit. 

Cleaned up a bit, then left at 4:30 to bus to Stone Fire Grille and Soaring Spirits. We had a fine time--only seven of us this time; usually, we have twice that. We talked and talked and talked and Vera, as ever, took me home. She's celebrating her birthday on Friday--her forty-sixth (I can barely remember my fifty-sixth) and is one of my favorite people. Got in close to 8:00 and, without a strong interest in anything else, started re-watching Capote. Capote is one of my favorite writers and Hoffman has him not just on the outside, but where it counts:

Monday, May 20, 2024


Routine Sunday morning: I washed the sheets, changed the bed, and did a white wash during breakfast. The crossword was good--not easy, but I was able to get all but two. After, I had planned to go to "the other" Target, across from WinCo for some items I didn't get on Saturday. I didn't get there, though, because I had a pleasant surprise when Greg texted me to ask if I could meet him at Peet's Coffee House on Victoria Avenue.  

I immediately changed my plans and walked down Victoria, first stopping at Wal-Mart for hummus. Met Greg, who had just come from Santa Barbara, and we greeted each other with a hug, then settled down for a good, long talk. I'm glad he contacted me and we're both glad that he and Ellen will remain friends. He dropped me off at home and I didn't do a lot after, but watch T.V. (no nap, though, I'm happy to say).

I know I'm getting to be a slug with the television thing, but I have a defense: the weather's been very unpleasant--cool, somewhat windy, and, worst, overcast and gloomy. Therefore, I don't feel like waiting in the chill for busses all the time, so shoot me. I did water the geraniums and put bread out for the birds. Called El in the evening and we had a nice chat.  

My blog buddy, Pat R., sent me a piece on quintuplets who just graduated from Montclair State in Jersey. They're not, of course, identical, but I'm always interested in multiple births (for obvious reasons) and loved seeing the article and picture:

Tonight is Soaring Spirits and I think I'll bus early to "the other" Target, which isn't too far away from Stone Fire Grille, where we meet. I still want some things--such as a strainer and shoe laces--and it'll be convenient, plus Vera will take me home. Hmm, but I haven't walked to Smart 'N' Final for months, so maybe I'll do that, instead. Indecision--my middle name!

Sunday, May 19, 2024


 I left for town about 10:30, bringing my lunch. Stopped in a few shops and ate--as I hadn't done for months--across from the mission:

Finally, the sun came out for several hours and it was so enjoyable. I went from there to the mall and Target and got most of the edibles on my list. Home, I was at loose ends, so just watched more of Marcia Clark's real-life murder series, then took a short nap. 

I was surprised to get a text from Irene W., asking how I am. I actually couldn't remember who she was, but finally did; she and I had gotten acquainted when we used to walk every morning at Kimball Park. That's been a number of years now, but I was pleased to hear from here. Naturally, I suggested we meet for lunch and we will on Tuesday; she'll come her to the Thai restaurant right across Brookshire from me.  Following is a clip from this blog six years ago. (The Diane mentioned is not the same as the one I see frequently.)

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

No Car Yet

Well, things are looking up. I met Irene and Diane while we were walking the park and they asked how the car situation was. I told them I was going back to make a decision about a particular car, but really didn't want it, but felt uncomfortable, whining that I was all alone--(sniff). At that, Irene said she'd go with me.
And so she did. We met there about 11:30, I told sales rep Jamie no, and said he'd have to look for something else for me. Irene was all business and, of course, backed me up. She also, on the spot, called her son-in-law, whose friend is a car dealer, to ask him to get on the case. I feel much relieved  about the whole thing. I kept the car for an extra day, but am going to take it back before noon today. It's costing me a fortune that I can ill afford, and I'm just going to rely on the bus and maybe Uber until I get the car I want.

Saturday, May 18, 2024


I was down to 123.8 at home, a loss of 1.2 and down to 124.7 at T.O.P.S, so down 1.01. The meeting was the usual therapy session, but not too bad. Sharon gave me the necklace she had made, but she picked up on the fact that I thought it was too long, so will shorten it. She's undergoing surgery next Wednesday or Thursday to tighten something or other so she can better control her urination frequency (sorry, I don't know the medical term! 😁). 

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30 and after that, I went over to Nails D' Elegance and got a badly-needed pedicure:

Went to Von's afterward for a few things; ran into Lorraine in the middle and chatted with her for a bit. As for lunch, it was almost 3:00 before I got to it, While I ate, I followed my decadent ways and watched several hours of Jeopardy. I've been a little low lately, and just didn't feel like doing anything. I've had to deal with some problems with my house, but won't enumerate them here, as I'm confident they'll be resolved before too long.

My cousin, Kevin, called and yes, they want to come visit. They now have a tentative date to arrive on June 21st, which happens to be my sixty-sixth wedding anniversary and will probably stay for four days. We had a nice talk, with Linda on speaker. Although Kevin is seven years younger than I am (and I'm pretty sure, Linda's several years younger than that), they seem to me to quintessential old-time Byrne. I mean Catholic in the old sense of "believe every word" and earthly life is just a kind of foyer to the real, eternal one. However, I'm not going to judge them or assume anything before I meet them. I will, when we get to know each other better, bring up the topic of religion and see if we can have an interesting discussion without the traditional "I'm right and you're an idiot" confrontation.      

Talked to Ellen last evening; lots going on there, too, but the major thing is, there are only seventeen days more of school! Got a text from my Manhattan (NY) friend, Susan, that she'll be back here on the twenty-sixth, and would like to get together. Good, I wrote back I'm looking forward to it. 

Friday, May 17, 2024


Did this and that after breakfast, then left for town at 10:30. Although I wasn't meeting Rosa for two hours, I wanted to check out a motel or two for my cousin, Kevin, so got off on Thompson. I saw the Best Western, went in, and got info on prices. It's across from the beach, and reasonably near Main Street, but is it too pricy? The rate ranges from $150 to $250 a night, depending on...well, I don't know what it depends on. I'll try to check out a few more places and let Kevin know. 

I went from there to Main and stopped at the library. I happened to see this book and, intrigued with the title, took it out:

Combined with the Carl Sagan book about how various religions and sects shaped belief in devils and demons, it should be interesting.

Went from there to Dargan's for lunch with Rosa. She had never been there before and we had a good time together. She had a salmon dish and I enjoyed the Irish stew, plus a good IPA. We sat until 2:00, talking and talking about our varied backgrounds and present lives. I told her about the ordeal with Sharon on Wednesday and darned if that champion yapper didn't call me right after I did. (Diane would believe that was mystically arranged.)  She asked what length necklace I prefer and, as she and Bobbi share the jewelry-making hobby, I surmised she's going to make me a necklace. I'll see her--and hear her, I'm afraid--this morning at T.O.P.S.  

I had time to stop in to a few shops on Main before I boarded the bus. Home at 5:00 and that was good. My dinner was one of my bizarre ones: I seasoned and roasted about a pound of broccoli and simply had that. Slept reasonably well, no doubt because I got my walking in, and hope that continues.

Thursday, May 16, 2024


Again slept poorly, but got up about 6:00. Lorraine called me at 7 am, as she's been doing lately. I don't mind the hour--I never sleep that late--but her constant complaints about Michelle, management, and all the forces of the world dedicated to her demise are getting to be a bore.

I spent some time preparing to see Bobbi (real name, Barbara) R., a fellow T.O.P.S. member, who comes from Brooklyn and used to spend summers in Ventnor. She's a longtime member of my chapter of T.O.P.S., but recently broke her leg in two places. When Sharon asked if I wanted to go see her today, I thought it would be fun. Was it? See later.

After breakfast, I went over to Von's for a few items, then found a gift bag for the puzzle book I had gotten for Bobbi. I hadn't had a chance to buy a card, so wrote a silly little verse. It's pretty bad, but she got a kick out of it:

B e better, Bobbi

O r I'll cry,

B ecause we want you

B ack--oh, my!

I n a group that has no flops--

    Yes, of course, I'm talking T.O.P.S.!  

Had lunch, then Sharon and Lewis picked me up at 1:00 and we drove to Oakmont in Oxnard, an independent living facility, to see Bobbi. It's a nice one, only four years old, and actually, I like it better than The Townhomes. Bobbi and her husband live there in a pleasant, two-bedroom apartment with a surprisingly large kitchen and big windows with nice views. The three of us sat down and I foundt that Sharon and Bobbi both sew, plus B. makes jewelry. S. gave B. an enormous amount of beads, pearls, strings, clasps, earring parts and other pieces--all brand new--with which to make jewelry, which Bobbi does, also. Sharon then  proceeded to talk non-stop for the almost three hours we were there. 

That's not much of an exaggeration; she went from elaborating about her children and grandchildren, her parents' divorce and subsequent three-marriages each, a long treatise on her high school years, her career as a switch-board operator, and so on and on. If I had been by myself, I would have made any excuse to leave, but I was trapped, so it was 5:00 before Lewis came back to pick us up. 

I was surprised that Bobbi didn't offer us anything--water or anything else--the whole time we were there. She seemed to enjoy Sharon's endless narrative, so maybe my agonized reaction is just because I've gotten cranky in my old age. 

I took a picture of the three of us, but it turned out very badly and I just didn't care enough to do it over:

Here are Bobbi and Sharon as we waited for Lewis to pick us up:
Incidentally, Bobbi is always nicely dressed and nicely groomed at the meetings. She's less so here, I think because of her leg and, also, her husband has health problems. She's two or three years younger than I am and Sharon is seventy-something. 

Free at last, free at last, I didn't get home until almost 6:00. Made a turkey stir-fry for dinner and have another serving left for tonight. Rosa texted me to check on our lunch date for today. I'm looking forward to seeing her at 12:30 at Dargan's.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Diane and I had planned to eat outside on the hospital veranda, but it was unpleasantly cool, so we decided on the Vietnamese restaurant at the Barnes & Noble shopping center. I first walked over the footbridge to the Hill Street library and picked up Carl Sagan's book. Note that it's co-titled Science As A Candle In The Dark: 

I had read it years ago, but had the urge to again be presented with actual facts, real findings by real scientists who are peer-reviewed, and not by pie-in-the-sky shamans, psychics, priests, and mystics, who seem to abound nowadays (or  maybe I just wasn't noticing before). I was surprised to see it was written twenty-nine years ago, but am willing to bet it's still relevant--maybe more than ever.  

As for lunch, I was surprised to hear Diane had never been to the Stone Fire Grille where I go twice a month with Soaring Spirits, so suggested that instead and she agreed. She liked it a lot--we both had the lunch special of a small pizza and sides--and we settled into one of our long talks. Diane is now contemplating moving to Santa Monica. Why? Because it has a reputation as one of the hubs of the psychic world, plus it has a group of those who suffer from the worse kind of neuropathy, as she does. She's not sure if she's going to be able to swing it, but she's working toward it.

We sat talking for our usual two plus hours, then left. I took the 11 bus with her, as it was a bit after 2:00 when I know school lets out and I wanted to avoid the teenaged crowd on the 6 and 21. That worked well and I'll do it again. 

Got home and called Sharon, who said Lewis and she will pick me up at 1:00 today for our visit to Bobbi. I wanted to get her a little gift, so stopped before lunch and got a puzzle book, which I think she'll enjoy. Bobbi seems to be progressing well after her broken leg, but she's still in a wheelchair except for brief periods.   

Unfortunately, after several weeks of good sleep, I've been wakeful lately. Not sure why, but I usually blame it on insufficient exercise--walking, that is--and I'll try to increase it. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Bused to the mall, walked the almost-a-mile down Mills Road to Verizon and, just as I was positive would happen, they have no authority to lift the bogus bill. The person there--Julie--did call somebody, then gave the phone to me and after a fifteen-minute conversation, I was told it would be dropped.  I DON'T BELEIVE THIS FOR A MINUTE! Of course, I demanded the person's name--Merrill--and a confirmation number and will add it to my entry of  April 24 about evil Verizon.

I had packed my lunch and after the Verizon thing, walked back to the mall and ate it there. It was  enjoyable, but it occurred to me I don't see how long the place will stay open. It was practically deserted, hardly anyone there, and that's common nowadays. 

After I ate, I stopped at Target and got four packages of blueberries, a carton of plant milk (Almond Breeze) and some nice apples. Home, I cored, seasoned, and baked, as is my wont,* so I'll have one a night for my evening snack. I had intended to get a few other things, but my cart was already heavy enough and I'm meeting Diane for lunch today not far from the mall, so will get back to Target.  

When I got home, I turned my attention to yet more business crapola. I had gotten a nice email from my tenant, Lori, about her and her mother's backgrounds in response to mine. She graduated from Penn State with a B.A. in speech/communications, divorced, expecting first grandchild; mother Pru brought up on an onion farm in Goshen, N.Y.; daughter getting a masters in, of all places, Dublin, Ireland, and so on. It was interesting and I was pleased to know she's educated (if that sounds snobbish, shoot me).  I responded to it also  I sent her the request from management to provide proof of age. Copied and sent management the lease. as required.  

*"As is my wont" is an old-fashioned idiom that means as someone usually or often doesFor example, "He enjoyed a drink after work, as is his wont."  

Monday, May 13, 2024

Sunday--Mothers Day

I'm picking up where I left off, with Ellen's yummy fried egg breakfast.  After, we went outside to the enclosed yard and El washed down the table, chairs, and umbrella, while I dead-headed the rose bushes, which are quite beautiful. When we went in, that lovely young lady poured us Margaritas and we sipped and talked and talked and sipped as she prepared lunch and put it in the oven. This consisted of pulled pork and roasted Brussel sprouts, the best I ever tasted (I must get her recipe, which includes maple syrup).  Of course, the pumpernickel made it special and this isn't the light tan, sissified stuff. It's very dark, very dense, and you can almost hear the Steppenwolf howling. El insisted I take what was left of the loaf home and I was happy to oblige.  

As I mentioned yesterday, our talk included a long discussion about The Law of Attraction. I don't agree with all the assumptions, ideas, and premises, but it was interesting. We also discussed this hanging Ellen has on her wall, a kind of moon horoscope which tells about the moon cycles. Presumably, this was handed down from the ancients:


I was pleased when niece Carolyn and the rest of her family called with Mothers Day wishes and of course, I sent the same back to her. Her son, Finn, is graduating from UCSB on June fifteenth and her daughter, Claire, for high school on the thirteenth. Of course, El and I are invited to whatever party they have--I assume it will be joint and I'm looking forward to it. We said goodbye a bit after 5:00 when the Access Van picked me up a wonderfully enjoyable Mothers Day weekend. 


💓💓Above: Saturday evening, the day before at Sea Fresh. 💓💓

And what the hell is this? A woman in the Verizon store was wearing it and I asked if I could take a pic to send to my friend, Vera, who has an outdoor collection of (living) turtles. She'll get a kick out of it:


Sunday, May 12, 2024


This will be a quick once over, as the laptop just came up--I hadn't brought the wire with me to Ellen's and that's too long and involved to go into why. Access Van picked me up yesterday a little after 2:00 and we got to El's in Ojai by 3:00. Sat around and chatted for a bit, then went to Verizon store and talked to the person there. As I had suspected, she couldn't do anything about the problem, but told me to go to corporate Verizon, which I already had and oh, the hell with it.*

By that time, we were ready for dinner and went to Sea Fresh. I had their sand dabs--I think I like them  better than Lure's--and a hazy IPA, El the salmon, which she preceded with a Pink Moment cocktail We had a good mum/daughter time with lots of fun talk.  She took a pic which she hasn't sent me yet; I'll post it tomorrow.

Back at her  place, we watched TV, then I turned in. El stays up so late--she said she turned in at two am--she slept until 9:00 or so. Naturally, I had been up since my usual, 5:00. When we were both up, El made a delicious fried egg breakfast. I almost never eat eggs fried--as a rule, I do scrambled and fried tasted great. After that, we had a two-hour discussion on The Laws of Attraction and other ideas and beliefs, which was very stimulating. El gave me a lovely card, a Kohl's gift card, and these pretty tulips: 

Okay, I'm going to end this here. It's now 12:07 on Mother's Day and I still hours of good luck being with my dear daughter.

Saturday, May 11, 2024


Weight up just a bit. At home, up .06 to 125; at T.O.P.S., up .05 to 125.8, so no prob. I again provided the program, which went over well, as opposed to the usual, which often consists of  somebody bringing in an article and everybody reading a paragraph. Just like the "thought for the day" and "inspirational quote," which are part of the official program, they're boring as hell and instantly forgettable. Sharon invited me to go with her to see Bobbi on the fifteenth and yes, I'd like to. Called Bobbi to see if she was okay with that and she was very pleased. Her broken leg seems to be healing well, although she has a long way to go. 

Didn't finish breakfast until almost 11:00 and after that, I did a fair amount of food prep. That included cooking up a pound of asparagus, ditto with the very large acorn squash I got the other day, sauteing the onions and red peppers I had chopped and stowed in the freezer, and ditto with the fresh spinach.  Contemplating the goodies, for dinner I had a two-egg omelet with lots of yummy veggies through in.  

Received an email from Sunrise Bay to the effect they want a copy of the lease and also, need to have Lori fill out the stupid age thing--then I have to verify it. Will work on that today. In the meantime, I sent her sibs the pictures from El's retirement party. I took care of a few other "business matters," too, my least favorite chore, but I'm getting it done. Called the Access Van and arranged for pick-up to go to Ojai and El's.

And I got flowers--boy, did I get flowers:

I later put this one...
...between Suzanne's and my front doors:
Besides the pretty pink calla lily plant, Mike sent an Amazon gift card and also Facetimed me in the middle of his 62-mile bike ride. (Good grief, he's nothing but muscle.) I was disappointed to hear he won't be bringing Violet to camp this summer. She'll fly here on July 12th by herself and Ellen will pick her up at LAX. Camp runs until August 10 and Mike  may or may not come before that. I'm so looking forward to being with my own little girl--not the teenager, but the other one, Ellen--today and tomorrow. 

Friday, May 10, 2024


Met Jim outside at 12:30 and we went to Jasmine Thai for lunch. They seem to have changed their menu and I was disappointed in what I ordered--can't recall what it was, but I'll go back to pad Thai. Of course, the Sapporo Japanese beer was as good as ever. 

For some reason, Jim and I started discussing marriage and divorce--he's never committed either--in a general way and he surprised me by being somewhat open about his parents' history of them. He said they were never suited for each other and that they had separate bedrooms. Good grief, for Jim that's practically like revealing every detail of one's personal life to a worldwide television audience. Anyway, it was interesting. 

After, he came back to my place and we did our crossword puzzle thing. It's pretty boring, but it beats sitting around trying to get him to put two syllables together. I talked to him again about the Access Van and he showed interest; I sent him the web site and said I'd go with him sometime. He stayed until almost 6:00, unusual for him and I walked him to his car. He thanked me several times for lunch (it was for his birthday) and I was touched. However, I'm alarmed about his increasingly evident mental confusion. It seems worse than Stella's and that's not good.


My favorite pic from Wednesday's party--my little girl and me:


Thursday, May 09, 2024


Well, things are looking up. I made a decision about the 29 1/2 show on the eighteent and: no, I'm not going to participate. I emailed director Karyn with a little fib--actually, I lied in my teeth--saying I might have to be out of town that weekend.  Interestingly, I just got an email from her and Mike inviting me to their going-away party on June 1. It looks as if they're moving to Sacramento then. 

Called Little Egg Utilities Authority to be sure I was on the right track with what I pay and what my new tenants pay. I was, sent them a email to that effect and hope that's the end of it.

Went over to the office to get the lowdown on the rental insurance thing and learned I had gotten the wrong info from the other person. It's only $131 dollars, so I called the company, paid on-line, and that's the end of it. Except it isn't: Jasmine at the office asked me to send a declaration page, so I'll have to pursue that. 

Then I was ready for the party. Suzanne took me (Ellen said she was welcome to go, too, but she didn't), dropped me off at not quite 2:00, and I went to Ellen's room (the kids get out early on Wednesdays). She cleaned up a few things and we then went to what they call "the kinder outdoor area." 

What fun it was! My retirement party at Rider was nice and memorable, but quite formal, with people speaking at the dias, and so on. Of course, that's a university and this is a kinder through fourth grade school in a semi-rural area of southern California. It was so casual and warm, and I loved meeting Ellen's colleagues; of course, they all had wonderful things to say about her. I had expected maybe a few appetizers, but there was a terrific spread that made a delicious dinner. I won't write more, but will say it with pictures (and I took about twice this many). Two colleagues read tributes to Ellen:

The buffet set up and some of the attendees:

Ellen and Debbie, who retired last year:
A free more attendees with my girl:

I love this shirt:

Ellen and the school nurse, also retiring:
The superintendent of schools and Ellen:
This is just a sampling of the many more pictures I took of El with colleagues; 

Their school, surrounded by hills and farms, is a beautiful area where Ellen was lucky enough to educate third graders for so many years.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024


At nine, I called the Access Van to take me to Ellen's retirement party today and was horrified to learn they don't go to her school on Foothill Road outside Santa Paula. I wouldn't trust myself to try to find a bus that does, either; I know they go to SP proper, but not up on Foothill. Frantic, I rang Suzanne's bell and asked if she could take me. Happy day, she can and she will. Told Ellen and she invited Suzanne to stay for the party.

Laura picked me up at 11:30 and off we went to Cafe Nouveau. She insisted on treating, so okay, but I'll do it next time. We've gotten to be good friends and I know all about her struggles with her disturbed son. He's now in a high-security mental hospital that seems the right place for him, but it's a heartache for Lora, of course. We also talked about the house she and Todd are having built in Arizona--sounds great and she has friends there, too. She'll be missed here, but it seems a good move. When I got home, the latest edition of American Lifestyle was in my mailbox. Lora's much more attractive than she appears here and I hope she'll update that picture:

   Turning to more serious matters: I had a seafood burrito and this yummy IPA:  
                            Raging bitch? Yeah, it kinda suits me.                    

Home after, I turned my attention to yet more business items; sent what I owe Kim via Zelle, did some filing, and whatever else, I don't remember. Then I was at loose ends. Didn't feel like doing much and again, took an hour nap. I'm hoping when the weather gets warmer and I'm in town more, I'll resist the temptation. 

Cut and chopped the three big red peppers I had bought the other day and stowed them in the freezer. One of these days, I'll saute them with onions and make a stir-fry.

Call Ellen and told her Suzanne would be bringing me. Called Karyn to tell her I've decided not to participate in the 29 1/2 hour thing. Left a message, but haven't heard back, so will email. 

Tuesday, May 07, 2024


Washed sheets, changed the bed, showered and washed my hair before breakfast. Ate, then fussed around with this and that. I paid the water bill for my house. It's quarterly, so the billing period is from April 1 to June 1. I'll ask my tenant to add a third of the total to her rent payment since they moved in on May 1.

Left at 10:30, walked to Telephone Road, took the 11 to the Stone Fire Grille and, as I was early, stopped into Barnes & Noble to get a Mothers Day card for my daughter-in-law. (Yes, it's going to be late, but I'll send an e-card, too.) She's an artist and I think she'll like it; it's one of those pretty pop-up cards. In the same shopping center, I met the Soaring Spirits crowd at the Stone Fire Grille. There were two guys and seven gals (a common ratio of men to women, I think) and we had a great time with our free-wheeling talk and sharing after 2:00. 

On my way home, I was pleasantly surprised to get a text from Lora, asking if I was free for lunch today. Yes, indeedy, and she'll pick me up at 11:30. Wrote out my DIL's card and dropped it in the slot on campus here, then decided to go over to Great Clips even though Maria left at 3:00. Dropped in and George did my hair. Actually, it looks pretty good--maybe better than when Maria does it.

Got home and opened the mail from Verizon. To my amazement, it was a bill for $251.50. Yes, I thought they had decided to stop torturing me, but I guess not. I'm simply not going to go into the whole thing, but I called them at 4:30 and didn't hang up until 5:55. I don't want to go into the whole thing--it drives me crazy--but the upshot was that whoever I was talking to accidentally--or was it really accidental?-- dropped the call. I was so frustrated when I talked to Ellen that she took over. She's a Verizon customer and called her person to complain about the harassment of her mother. Incredibly, she was told by her person to go to the Verizon store and let them rescind it--or something. I'll be staying over at her place on Saturday, so we'll go them. If this actually resolves my problem, I'll be very much surprised, but dollars to doughnuts, it won't. 

Monday, May 06, 2024


The Camarillo Garden Tour with Suzanne, but as it turned out, I greatly enjoyed it. We left at noon, drove to Camarillo and started at the first house of seven. I'm just going to post a few pictures, because what we did was simply--well, tour the gardens--and oh and ah over the blooms. That sounds as if I'm being sarcastic, but really not; I enjoyed it. Here are some pics:\

These are different gardens, some several miles away from each other and I probably didn't get the best shots, as I was trying to keep my balance on some of the paths, many of which had stepping stones. Refreshments were served at the last house--lemonade and cookies. 

This a stunningly beautiful 1250 acres. The owner sat down with us and I asked him when the house was built--in 1837, he said, which is practically pre-historic in California. Suzanne introduced herself because the tour was a benefit for St. John's, where she worked for 30 or so years, Interestingly, Tom is on St. John's board. He's an investment advisor and lives part of the time in San Francisco. 

Later, Suzanne texted me an obituary of Tom's father, who died in 2022 at 97. Family background is interesting, too; I looked it up and also looked Tom up. He lives part of the time in San Francisco and is gay. The house and grounds themselves can be rented for wedding receptions and so on (I assume Tom vacates when that happens) for $200 an hour, so if I get married again, I'll definitely have the reception there. 😁 Here are Suzanne and me at one of the venues:
We got a kick out of this, which illustrates my own gardening skills:
Home about 5:00. A few days ago, I had texted Rosa suggesting we get together again for lunch and promptly heard back from her. It's funny: Stella tends to call ten minutes before she wants to meet (well, I'm exaggerating, but not by much); Rosa and I agreed on next Thursday, the sixteenth, and haven't decided where. Well, I know I'll be at the Stone Fire Grille at noon today for lunch with the Soaring Spirits gang.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...