Monday, October 31, 2022


After a somewhat restless night--woke at midnight, but happily, was able to sleep after being at the laptop for fifteen or so--I got up at 6:30, which was good. Breakfast at 8:00 and a really good crossword, which I completed--well, completely. Prepared fresh spinach which was part of dinner, then sat down to finally, at long last, prepare three of my scripts to send to Shannon...

...but, damnit, I hit a snag. One of them, Hell On Wheels, which is in rhyming couplets, kept modifying itself so one page slipped down to the other. I've been trying all kinds of things to fix it, but no luck. Will continue to work on it.

Additional snag: I continue to have a problem with my Office processor downloading onto Microsoft Word, which I don't have. Trying to send scripts to Shannon; maybe I'll have to print them out and send via the mail, but I don't want to do it.

Packed a lunch, took my cart, and walked to Telephone Road, where I knew there was a nice leafy area near the Hill Street Café.  It had tables, chairs, and umbrellas, as well as trees and other foliage--a nice place to eat. After, I called Stella just to chat; we'll get together one of these days. Bused to the mall where I went to Target and got broccoli and blueberries.

Ellen called at 6:00 just to say hello and we had a long talk. She thinks the Cricket phone thing for Jim may not work out. After talking to her, I'm beginning to think she's right--for a variety of reasons. Anyway, I was able to get my data off it, so we'll see what transpires after this. 

Slow day, as Sundays so often are; today should be more interesting. I'm going to call Office Depot about Word, then maybe go there and have it installed. 

Sunday, October 30, 2022


Called Diane and told her, even though Jim didn't want to meet on Tuesday, I would. She was pleased about that and we decided we'd both get Urbane Cafe's "bowls"--I love the salmon bowl, which comes on a bed a rice and with a variety of other sides. We will, of course, bring our own libations (as Diane always calls them)--wine for her and beer for me.

Went to Von's in the morning for a variety, including a Viola "chicken ranch pasta mac and cheese," which may sound questionable, but was really yummy. Jim and I both liked it a lot. I added sour dough rolls and strawberry ice cream, plus wine and beer, of course. We sat after and I explained about the Cricket phone to the extent I could. I'll be glad to give him when I figure out how to take my info off. 

Re the wine: I had both the red cabernet and my cream sherry near each other in the fridge and, after Jim had left and I was cleaning up, I realized I had actually served him the latter with lunch. Since this is a semi-sweet dessert wine, I'm amazed he didn't remark on it. Called him and in his sadly confused way, he just said, "it was good." Whether he realized it wasn't a dry or not, who knows? Maybe an effect of Parkinson's is a deadening of the taste buds? Dunno.

I gave Jim the three large bottles of apple juice I had picked up for him and he gave me a check for three bucks to cover it. He left at 3:00, after which I worked on assembling some of my plays to send Shannon.  I took a short nap, after which I had a very light dinner. Watched bios of Ava Gardner (I've been at her grove in the small town in North Carolina where she grew up) and Loretta Young.* 

*Weight Note: I've been trying to figure a way to stop the insidious weight gain I've experienced lately--it's slight, but ominous, as I've been over my comfort zone of 125 to 130 for too long. What's the problem? I believe it's because of snacking at 8:15 or so when I sit down for my hour of T.V.  Analyzing the situation, I think my ever sneaky inner self tells me: "You've done a lot today, walked a good distance, and accomplished this, this, and that, so you deserve to indulge yourself. Come on, relax and reward yourself: follow that bowl of blueberries with the pretzels, the crackers, the chips...won't hurt." Pretty clearly, it does hurt, so last night, I didn't watch the aptly named boob tube at all. The bios were on the laptop and happy day, I went to bed about 10:00 (late for me) and didn't indulge at all. I feel good this morning and think I'll follow this new regimen indefinitely.  

Saturday, October 29, 2022


T.O.P.S.: Teeny gains, .03 at home and .02 at the meeting, for weights of 130.8 and 131.5, respectively. There were only four of us there and I took some pics, first of Sharon:

I don't know why she looks so grim in pictures; she's actually a very jolly person. Here she is with a it of a smile, with our leader, Lennie, who is virtually always smiling (note the witchy hat):
And here are the three of us, pic by Lora:

Finally, Lora, who picked me up and is just back from a month in Europe (she's a travel agent, by the way):
Anyway, we had the meeting; Lennie was the only one who lost. She and her 82-year-old husband, a retired minister, are going to Belize today, so he can scuba dive (!).

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, but after that, I got a fair amount of exercise. I walked to Smart 'n' Final for three miles and got Jim his three large bottles of apple juice. Boy, they were heavy, good thing I had the cart. I was just coming in when Suzanne came over to bring me some persimmons; somebody had given her a large bag full, as they have a tree. She stayed to chat, so I didn't get lunch until 2:00. I then took back the curtain rod I had bought at Lowe's (found another one at Wal-Mart), walking from the transit center and back, about a mile and three-quarters. From there, I bused to Wal-Mart to get yet another rod. Home for good about 4:30.

Called Jim at 7:00 to tell him 1.) I got the juice he wanted; 2.) about the Cricket phone I'll give him; and 3.) that Dianne would like us to meet on Tuesday outside the Urbane Café, bringing our own. He's glad I got the juice, is confused about the phone, and no, he doesn't want to go to lunch on Tuesday with Diane and me. Why? Because his evaluation was postponed since somebody on the evaluation team had a death in the family. He doesn't want to "deal with it" (having lunch with Diane and me--what?) until after the evaluation. I did, chump that I am, invite him for lunch today, which he accepted. 

I'm getting more and more concerned about his mental state; his forgetfulness and confusion seemed very pronounced last night. I think I'll call Senior Services on Monday and ask if there's any way to get him help. Also, I think he's clinically depressed. I know, I know, I'm not a doctor, so what do I know, but there are signs I believe are indicative. 

Friday, October 28, 2022


 Walked to Telephone Road and bused from there to the B & N shopping center. I was early by 20 minutes or so, but Diane was already there. We had our lunches (we bring our own) and a good, long talk on a variety of topics. She suggested that she, Jim, and I meet there next Tuesday, also bringing our own. I'm not sure if he might have class then, but I'll call him. She said Saturday or Sunday would be okay, too--I just think it might get more crowded.

We were there until about 2:00, then I left to walk to Cricket to ask about Jim getting my old phone. That's about a mile away and WinCo is on the route, so I stopped in. I had turned down Suzanne's offer of taking me the other day, but did need decaf, paper products, and veggies. Got what I wanted, then continued on to Cricket. 

The staff there was very helpful; they told me what I had to do to give Jim my phone, in particular, to take off my own pictures and data. I'm still a little unsure, but I'll see if Ellen can advise. Also, I want to make clear to Jim that there'll be a learning curve--you don't just pick it up and use it. We'll see how this works out, but I'm not entirely certain it will. I plugged it in to charge for a time and just got up to find it does, indeed, work. 

Didn't get home until after 3:00 and spent time preparing the spaghetti squash I had bought, then chopped two of the big onions. Had those and fresh salmon for dinner and yummy, yummy, yum. 😋  

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Wednesday And Dudley House

Walked to the library over the footbridge to pick up--yes, another book. This is Bright-Sided, How The Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America. I know I read it when it came out, thirteen years ago, but wanted to again.

From there, I walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart for this and that. I found a drapery rod for a quarter of what I paid at Lowe's for one, so will take that back. Couldn't find several of the items I wanted--and this is happening more and more frequently. It's starting to look like a third-class country and what now?

Jim called to ask if I have the app for Smart 'n' Final on my phone. Yes, sure, and he wants me to use it to get some "coupons" for some grocery items.  I explained that these are digital "coupons"; you don't present a piece of paper, just your phone. Since he doesn't have a cell phone, I told him I'd scan the codes and go with him to buy the stuff or get them myself (three bottles of apple juice) and he can reimburse me. Also told him I'd give him my old Cricket phone; this time, he seemed interested. (But first, I have to find it.)

Ellen called on her way home from work. I was pleased to hear the shower she arranged for Michelle, her partner teacher, went well and everyone enjoyed it. I called Diane to see if she wanted to meet for lunch today and yes--I'll see her at the Urbane Café at noon. 

The Dudley House docent covered dish: As ever, I had a good time. There were noticeably fewer attendees than in the pre-COVID years, but I saw a lot of old acquaintances, including Jan, who brought Halloween-themed appetizers:

Ha, I brought two of them home!
Lorraine, the "dog mom" (note hat) was there. Chatted with her and learned she had buried two
husbands, but happily, still has four-legged "Mollie." She is a descendent (great-great granddaughter?) of the original Dudleys:

Sheri, who is the chair (or president, or high muckety-muck) of the group, conducted a short meeting in her inimitable style.  Her dressing style is also inimitable; here she is with Jim last night:
I'm always bemused by the hair. It's surely a wig, but somehow, it suits her. BTW, that's a good picture of Jim; I'll email it to him. 

Connie K. did her usual historic talk of Ventura personages of the past. This time, she impersonated Orpha Foster, wife of the Foster who founded the Foster Library here. Coincidentally, I was there on  Tuesday. Here's Connie--love the hat!
Docent director Lynne was there with her ever-present sign-up sheet and I committed to working at the Christmas boutique on December 11, from 3 to 5. Before we left, I told Ken, Sheri's husband, I'd take a poster to display somewhere--may ask the library to put it up or put it in my window, as I did the Area 22 poster:
Anyway, it was much fun. Didn't get home until almost 10:00 or to bed an hour after that, but I slept well.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Out And About...

 ...most of the day, in fact. Early on, I tried to get into my Office word-processing site and it wouldn't open. I decided to consult the techs at Office Depot, who have helped me before. Thought I'd get there early as they probably wouldn't be busy then, so I bundled up  my laptop, stowed it in my cart, made lunch and added that, then took off and got there at 10:30.

But the joke was on me, as I was told their tech person doesn't come in until 1:30. What to do? I pondered, then decided I'd bus into town and get the book I have on reserve.  That required two buses and more than an hour and again, the joke was on me. When I got there and looked on the shelf with reserved books, I consulted the librarian and he looked it up. It turned out I had specified the Hill Street library branch, not the main one in town. Well, no prob, I'll walk there today.

By that time, I hungry, so I walked to my favored spot across from the mission and enjoyed my lunch. Bused back (also a two-bus trek) and got to Office Depot about 2:00. A nice young man named Jon got Office working, but it took a fair amount of time (no charge). Aldi Supermarket is just next door, so I stopped there to look for something for the covered dish. I just decided not to go to a lot of trouble, so bought some fancy rolls and Irish butter and will bring that. Didn't get home until after 4:00. 

Ellen called on her way home just to chat and that's always a treat. The baby shower she's organizing for her partner teacher is today after school; I asked her to let me know how it goes.  Called Jim to remind him about the Dudley House thing tonight--he had it on his calendar, so okay.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022


Spent a fair amount of time after breakfast sharing pictures on-line with Diane. After that, I packed my lunch and bused to Lowe's to get a rod for the Thanksgiving "tapestry" for my front door. Found it, then found a place at Lowe's outside with picnic tables and benches. I prefer a leafy bower, but that was okay; it was interesting to watch people go in and out.  Stopped at Von's on my way home.

The above sounds like it took a mere hour or two, but actually, it was almost 4:00 by the time I got in. Did some financial stuff--notably, changing my mortgage payment to reflect an increase of a hundred and twenty a month or $1440 a year. Why? Oh, some kind of escrow thing--so annoying. Went through more of the closet and selected some things to either give away to friends--Diane might want some of the clothes--or donate.  

Other than that, very little went on yesterday. Now I must decide what to bring to the Dudley House covered dish tomorrow--maybe some kind of rice or pasta dish?  A dessert? Appetizer? Hey, I'm bringing Jim, maybe that's enough. 😁

Monday, October 24, 2022


Jim came at his usual 12:30. I had been on the fence about whether to serve sandwiches or spaghetti and meatballs; it stayed fairly cool (for here), so it was the latter. If I say it myself, my meatballs (with ground turkey, not beef) were superb. Jim thought so, too. Along with sourdough and Irish soda bread, wine, beer, and my strawberry ice cream for dessert, it was yummy.

After, we sat on the couch as usual, and talked books and other topics. I asked Jim if he'd take me and my donations to the Goodwill in east Ventura, just three or so miles away. He agreed and we piled this into his car:   

Besides what can been seen, in the box I had put six blouses, a sweater, a Halloween pillow, and some decorations. The vacuum cleaner works well, but is so heavy I don't like to push it around. Besides, I have a Dirt devil and a Shark, so they're enough. 

We got the stuff to Goodwill, then Jim dropped me off at home. My friend, Diane, and I are exchanging pictures of ourselves in our youth (she's five years younger) and I started digging up some oldies. I think this one is telling re the ciggie in my hand:
This was in about 1957 at the Boca Raton Club in Boca Raton, Florida, where Pat worked. We would be married the following year. 

Called Ellen. She's throwing a baby shower for her "teacher teammate" Michelle, on Wednesday at school. Which reminds me: the Dudley House covered dish is the day after tomorrow; must decide what to bring and also, remind Jim, who will be again be going with me. And what will he bring? Ha! Never in a million years would it occur to him to bring anything. But wait, he will be, as he always does: He's bringing Mimi.

Sunday, October 23, 2022


Suzanne and I attended the Green Thumb 10:00 talk on native California plants. I thought it was going to be about recommendations for planting and growing them, but it was actually on medicinal uses. I'm not completely sold on that stuff, but the talk was pretty good. It was delivered by the guy who wrote the book, Medicinal Herbs of California, which was, of course, for sale.  Suzanne had a sore throat, so said she might want to leave a bit early. No prob for me, as I regularly bus to the area. However, after an hour and a half--it was supposed to be two hours, but he was only on the seventh category of twelve--I suggested we might want to head out and she was glad to agree. 

Had a quick lunch at home, then decided to bus to The Bargain Box. Walking to the bus stop, I passed near Von's and saw a notice that the biannual book sale at Von's by Friends of the Ventura Library was going on. AAGH--fatal attraction! Of course, no power on earth could have kept me away from it. I went over, browsed, tried to resist, but couldn't and bought four books, ranging from Marilyn Monroe's last days to the last days of Tsar Nicholas II to the notorious Durst murder thing to the life stories of John Foster Dulles and his brother, Allan.* Continued on and bought a few small items at The Bargain Box, then walked to The Market for veggies.

I had emailed my tenants, Susan and Cliff, to tell them Tony, the landscaper, would be cutting the tree limb shortly. Incredibly, I got an email back from Susan, telling me Cliff was happy to do it--he has the tools and the know-how. Incredible, but I called Tony to tell him to skip it (he was very gracious about it, I was glad to realize; I think he's busy now). Susan also send me a picture of their house in Florida after the hurricane:

This is where they intend--or intended--to move after they retire and leave my place. Originally, that was going to be in August, but they moved the time back. Now, of course, Ma Nature has moved it further back still. 

*Why these?  Here's why: I love true Hollywood stories and the more gasp-worthy, the better; I'm a devotee of true-life murder, also (there must be something wrong with me); Russia under the Tsars just fascinates me; and as for the Dulles brothers--well, don't our politics entail show biz (lots of pretense and posturing going on there)--as well as constant pointing to Russia as the Evil One? What about murder? According to the author, Stephen Kinzer, the Dulles brothers were instrumental in the carnage committed by the U.S. in Vietnam. This is what he said in an interview: 

It's quite possible, even likely, had the Dulles brothers not been [in Vietnam] or had acted differently, there never would've been an American involvement in Vietnam at the cost of a million lives and more than 50,000 Americans. 

Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading all of them, but woe is me:  I'm still into Who thought This Was A Good Idea?, a reminiscence by Alyssa Mastromonaco, Obama's deputy chief of staff, plus the boring and badly written one on Natalie Wood by her sister. I also must read the one Suzanne lent me, by her cousin who wrote about the women in her extended family. I wish I could say I was intrigued, but it's pretty saccharine--they were all so very virtuous and holy. Sorry, but I'm afraid I prefer Marilyn Monroe.

Saturday, October 22, 2022


Bobbi picked me up for T.O.P.S., but the weight news wasn't good. I gained 1.2 pounds, up to 131.2,  although that was in two weeks. At home, I was 130.5, about the same gain (1.3). Oh, well... Bobbie had a doctor's appointment, so we left early, at 9:15, happy day. Sharon, who has more clothes than anyone else in the universe, wore a Halloween outfit, which I had to record:

😁😁😁Note the skull earrings that match Dennis' toenails! 😁😁😁

Home, had my late breakfast, then earned my angel wings and halo, no doubt, because I--wait for it...wait for it...

...CLEANED THE BEDROOM CLOSET!  😇 Well, I cleaned half of it, but still. I removed a lot of things I'll donate, including six blouses, three books, a lamp, and a multitude of other stuff I don't use or of which I have too many.  I included some of the Halloween decorations that I had already had displayed in the living room. Do I really need a throw adorned with pictures of skeletons?  Or a black decorative pillow that has "Evermore" written on it? I might as well donate them now, so maybe somebody can enjoy them before Halloween. 

That took several hours. I then had lunch and bused to The Bargain Box across from the mall. They have some very nice things and I wanted to ask if they were accepting donations. Yes, but only on Monday. Darn, I'll see about getting the items to Goodwill on Petit Drive.

Spent a lot of the rest of the day on food prep. Decided to make ice cream, so washed and trimmed the nice strawberries I had bought at Von's added them to the basic recipe. I have to say--of course, I sampled it when it was solid--I never tasted more delicious strawberry ice cream; it's heaven in a bowl.

Also made a pasta/tuna/peas combination which my older sister, Gene, concocted years ago. I don't know if everybody would like it, but I do. Had some for dinner and froze the rest in individual portions. 

Asked Suzanne if she wanted to go to a talk this morning at Green Thumb Nursery entitled "All About California Native Plants." (She has a lovely garden in her patio and I'm trying.) She accepted, so that should be enjoyable. 

Called Jim to ask him to lunch tomorrow; just didn't feel like trying to fit it in today. We chatted and I asked him how his evaluation went. He had told me several times that it was on Tuesday of this week, but now he said no, it's on this coming Thursday.  I'm more and more concerned about his memory lapse, which are truly alarming.  Also invited him to the Dudley House covered dish on Wednesday, which he accepted. He's accompanied me to this for several years running and some of the people there even know him by name. (I think they think we're an item.) Of course, the idea that he should bring something to share, which is the way these things work, would never enter his head--sigh. 

Friday, October 21, 2022


Took the 11 bus to Diane's and we had a communal lunch and good talk.  We both went into detail about our past lives--childhood, marriage, and so on.  She's been feeling a little down lately and even cancelled her trip to Chicago. Her sons were going to have an eightieth birthday party for her, but she asked them to postpone it; her birthday was last week and she isn't thrilled about it.  

I stayed until almost 3:00, then bused to Office Max for printer ink. Home about 5:00. James, my neighbor, Bennie's brother, called to ask something about the newly-installed washer and dryer. He inquired about Vickie, so I stopped there on my way home. She has a bad cold--she hopes it's a cold and not COVID--took a test, which was negative, but will get a more extensive one today.  

Suzanne is back from her brother's in Phoenix, where she had been since Sunday. She stopped in to show me pictures of his house, large workroom, and so on. Interestingly, although he's 71, he still works on race cars, but just three hours a week for a wealthy collector with a ranch in the hills.

Bobbi texted to say she'll pick me up for T.O.P.S. this morning. Said she has to leave by 9:30, as she has a doctor's appointment. Hey, I'd be happy to leave at 9:15 and maybe we will.

Thursday, October 20, 2022


Busy day. Finally, at long last, I got my CitiAAvantage card, activated it, and got my airline tickets. Sounds simple, right? It wasn't. It was a royal pain in the ass, involving several phone calls, misdirection, screaming on my part, and yada, yada, yada. I don't want to elaborate, but the end assumption is I'll be in Jersey toward the end of November. I say "assumption" because I'm convinced that one of those two flying horrors will go down in flames with me in it.

On that cheery note, I'll say that I got quite a bit done. After cleaning the filter of the new vacuum, I tried to reassemble two pieces, but just couldn't do it. I put them in my cart and caught a bus to All-Vac and the guy was nice enough to do it for me. Unfortunately, when I used it, there were two problems: 1. the wire leading to the plug is supposed to retract, but doesn't; 2. pushing it is like pushing a Mack truck. I may have the floor type indication set wrong; dunno, but I'm not going to spend much more time on it, especially since I found my Shark charger and that's ready to go.

It was really hot--high of 84 and not much breeze. That prompted me to pack my usual lunch, don my bathing suit, and go to the pool. There was one other person there--a young man about 30, who probably works from home--and he was sun-bathing. I stayed for an hour or so, eating my lunch, and reading my book. Tried the pool, but it was very cool, which should have felt good, but to me, it didn't. Instead, I turned the jets of the hot tub on and sat there for a bit. Home, showered, put in a wash, and turned to food prep.

Before I went out, I had prepared two pounds of carrots for the slow cooker; added quartered tangerines and cinnamon and let it go. I had ground turkey in the freezer, along with onions which I had small-diced.  Made meatballs and browned them, then added them and the onions, plus garlic to pasta sauce and simmered. I had a meatball, plus veggies for dinner and boy, was it good.  

Diane emailed me, asking if instead of meeting for lunch today at the Urbane Café, could I go to her place? Sure, no prob, since I need ink at Office Max and can just take the 11 there.  

I watered the patio flowers and trimmed a lot of the big geranium. Took a large load of trash and re-cycle newspapers to the receptacles and got my mail. By the time I finished, it almost 6:00 and time for dinner. 

Finally started an email to Shannon and attached two plays; didn't send it yet because I want to decide which others to include. Now my dilemma is--should I send some now to Angela, of Elite Theatre, or wait until I hear back from Shannon? I think the latter. I added to Shannon an emphasis: Whether she might want to stage my plays or not, that won't change our relationship on my end. For me, it's an honor and a privilege to be a member of Fractured Actors, one of the best things to happen to me since I moved here.

Now I just need to call the Airporter to take me to--and from--LAX next month. I have a credit with them because of the airline-caused fiasco the last time I went east. Let's hope things have improved.  

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


Nat King Cole and I are writing this--I do most of it the day before, which I think somebody else I know does, too. In other words, it's now 4:50 pm on Tuesday and Nat is giving me Mona Lisa in his unrivaled style. As for earlier, I puttered around with chores, did some computer stuff, and so on, and left for town about noon. I had, of course, packed my lunch. Main Street was very quiet, although the weather had gotten ideal: high of 72, lots of sun, and a light breeze. Stopped in a few shops, then at a grocery and bought spaghetti and a few cans of sauce. Think I'll make meatballs and give Jim Italian when he next comes for lunch.  

My friend, Julie, still in Austria (or Germany) texted me these pics; the first her cousin and the second--well, swans in a lake:

And great news: I found the charger for my Shark!  Why I put it someplace separate from the rest of my multitude of wires and chargers, I have no idea. But I did and just on the verge of buying another, I found it. 
                             💫💫💫Now it actually is the day of--Wednesday, 5:06 am💫💫💫

Speaking of floor-cleaning, one of my neighbor is moving and offered me a Hoover Wholehouse Rewind vacuum (not sure why he didn't want to take it with him). Since I also have a little Dirt Devil Power Stick, I debated whether to take it, but I did. The filter needed cleaning, so I took it apart, cleaned it, and now can't get the top of the inside back on. I decided to trundle it down to "All-Vac" this morning to ask them for help.

Last night, I started watching "Unsolved Mysteries" on Netflix. The first episode concerned an 18-year-old girl, a champion volleyball player who was struck and killed by a train in 2015. Where was this? In Mays Landing, New Jersey (the train was headed to Atlantic City from Philly; I've taken that one several times myself). Authorities ruled it a suicide, but the parents won't accept this and think she was murdered. The program goes into detail about why they believe this. My heart bleeds for the shattered parents, but I'm afraid I found their "evidence" less than convincing. So does the writer on this site:

Anyway, it was a tragic incident, but interesting and I liked being able to recognize the various places mentioned--Tilton Road, Cologne, Galway, and so on.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2022


Walked to The Market, then Ralph's for this and that. I was pleased to run into Irene at the latter; she's my old (actually relatively young; late fifties) Kimball Park walking pal from years ago. We had a nice chat.  

In preparation for Soaring Spirits at 6:00, I got Modelo in cans, in order take one to the Stonefire Grille. They charge five bucks for a can of beer there; I bought twelve cans, same size, 12 ounces, of Modelo for $24.00, including tax, so two dollars each. I'm no math whiz, but even I know Stonefire's are two and a half times more. However, I'll still tip as if I had bought it there.

I had my lunch at the small park near Ralph's, then bused home. Got in at 2:00 and put a wash in, jumped in the shower, then dressed and left for dinner. It was a good group, which included dear Vera, our leader, plus regulars Susan, Gayle, Dennis and newcomers, Danielle, Debbie, and Dayella. I was delighted also to see Amy come in. She hasn't attended for several years, is an artist, and a young widow. Last year, Julie took me to see her at her apartment. 

Dennis is really a sketch. That old joke that disparages somebody's intelligence--"well, it's not rocket science"--always comes to mind because he actually is a rocket scientist. He's involved in the rockets attached to the moon missile which is supposed to go up soon.  He's also somewhat of a character: He's not gay,  but has his toenails painted regularly.  He pays the person seventy-five bucks a month to come to his house and do his nails, fingers and toes. Fingers are not painted, but toes are and his big toes have a different theme every month. Here's the October one--skeleton faces for Halloween:

Anyway, it was great fun talking to him and the others. We're all in various stages of widowhood and are coping with it--or not--in varying degrees. 

Got an announcement about the covered dish at Dudley House coming up next week. As I have for the last several years, I'll ask Jim to go. Not sure what I'll make this year--maybe a dessert this time. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Day With Darling Daughter*

Or darling daughter day--whichever.  I left my place at 10:00 am in order to get to Ellen's at noon. Two hours? Yes, driving it takes only 35 minutes or so, but when you go by public transport, you go by their schedule. Actually, I'm used to it and it doesn't bother me at all.

We chatted at her place, played with kitties, and otherwise enjoyed each other's company. We then went to Bart's Books, saw Greg, but he said he wasn't hungry and didn't join us for lunch. At Bart's, I foolishly bought a book (by one of Obama's staff members; it's mildly interesting), although I have six or more I haven't even opened yet. Can't seem to resist. 

El asked if I had ever gone to Yume, the Japanese burger place. What? No, never. I don't eat red meat at home, so don't buy it, but often enjoy it out. So we went there and it was, bar none, the best hamburger I ever had. The burgers are made from some kind of special beef called Wagyu, from Japanese cows, and you can choose from lots of variations and additions. Mine included teriyaki sauce, shredded cabbage, and a fried egg and other things. It may sound gross, but along with Sapporo, a good Japanese beer, it was wonderful. 

I chatted with the owner and told him my son has lived in Japan for thirty years. He asked where, I told him Setagaya-ku prefecture and it turned out that's where he was born and brought up himself. Later, Ellen said she had taken Mike and Violet there when they visited in the summer and they were able to chat with the proprietor in Japanese.  (Violet studies it in school and, of course, is a quarter Japanese herself.) 

Back to El's and we sat and talked, then she drove me to the bus stop; She took a selfie while we waited for the 16


While I was riding home, Tony C., my landscaper guy, called and said he's look at the tree next week and give me an estimate for trimming it. Got in after 5:00 and walking to my place, ran into Vickie. Mary's daughter has come from Ireland, which is where she lives, and has talked to the doctor director at the facility; Vickie's optimistic that things will improve. 

Wasn't very hungry for dinner, so did the roasted cauliflower thing and ate most of it. The very simple recipe calls for blanching it, then putting it in a 375 degree oven for twenty minutes after spreading the top with a cup each of mayo and shredded parmesan. Boy, that shoots  up the calorie count by a lot, so the second time I tried it, I halved the topping--still yummy. Last night, I used only a quarter cup of each and it was just as good! Goes to show you sometimes have to question your recipes--and everything else in life, for that matter. 😉    

* A highlight: our hilarious discussion about the abomination, "anyways," one of those linguistic horrors the hoi polloi seem to have embraced--it drives me crazys! 

Sunday, October 16, 2022


Stripped the bed, and washed and remade before breakfast. I wasn't quite sure what to serve for lunch, then remembered the cauliflower crust pizza I had in the freezer. Okay, I'd give it a try. Did so and both Jim and I liked it a lot. It wasn't very large, so I also made hard-boiled egg sandwiches and Jim had one after we finished the pizza.

I was pleased to notice he seemed more hopeful about his evaluation. The first part consists, of course, of the chair and others on the evaluation committee sitting in on his classes.  Then, Jim said, there's a meeting of an hour and a half, I suppose to go over any good or not-so-observations. This takes place only every three years, so must be an important part of his work. I'm hoping he'll be retained. 

Jim stayed a shorter time than usual; he had gotten here at noon and left about 2:30. That was all right with me, as I got sleepy and lay down for a nap. Felt good when I got up about two hours later. Went over to Von's for a few things, but then just lolled around the rest of the day before a vegan dinner: spinach, potatoes, and tomatoes--pretty good.

Saturday, October 15, 2022


I did indeed skip T.O.PS. Weighed at home and came in at 129.2, a loss of .06--big whoops, as Mike used to say. 😜

Spent some time writing a letter to my sister-in-law, Therese, who is 90. She and Jim had been at my retirement party, so I added some of the pics they were in. I hope she's getting along okay--not sure how her physical and mental health are now. She was okay when we did the Facetime thing last year. PMed niece Chrissy to alert her and found that she and Paul are still in the states--they go back to Bangkok next week. 

Went to Von's for spinach, cauliflower, broth, and other items, then did some food prep at home. Seasoned the spinach with olive oil, vinegar, and garlic. Also chopped two onions, using the small dice for a change, and stowed them in the freezer.

Other than that, I was kind of at loose ends. It was--again--cool and overcast, so a little dreary. Got an email from Jim in response to a philosophy cartoon I sent him; he also mentioned he's getting a flu shot today. I wrote back inviting him for lunch--I just didn't feel like calling him--but haven't heard back. It's now 5:33; I'll wait another hour or so, then call him. Took a short nap--about an hour--and felt better when I got up.

I was puzzled to see a credit of $350 processing in my checking account. Oh, yes, that's the "middle class refund." I don't need it as much as a single mother with three kids or an old couple afraid they'll be  homeless because rents are so high or, for that matter, my friend, Jim, but I transferred it to savings and will eventually probably stow it in Vanguard.  

Ellen called on her way home from work and we had a nice chat. She invited me over tomorrow and I was delighted to accept. We'll go out to lunch and catch up. Greg is back from Colorado and I hope will join us. 

Note: vWordle 483 6/6: I still do it every morning and it's SO FRUSTRATING when I have four letters, then keep guessing wrong! Finally got it in six by the skin of my teeth:







Friday, October 14, 2022


Walked down Victoria to Telephone Road and boarded the 11 bus--and who was on it but Diane herself, so we traveled together to the B & N shopping center.  We chose a good table--it had gotten rather cool, but this was sheltered, so comfortable--and proceeded to have a companionable lunch. We talked and talked, of course, including about various shenanigans of our youth (she was brought up in Chicago), men, and other interesting topics. We were there almost two hours, then Diane headed to Sprouts and I into town.

It was very quiet, I guess because it was overcast and cool, plus a weekday, but that was all right with me. Went to the library first and poked around. Took out Little Sister, by Natalie Woods' sister, about the questions and suspicions surrounding Natalie's death.  Should be interesting. Also took a book on local women who made a difference in cooking in Ventura. I was told not to return it, but to give it to a friend. Interesting and I'll see what it's all about.

Didn't get home until after 5:00 and just this once, I decided to skip T.O.P.S. Both Julie and Lora are still in Europe and Bobbi texted me that she won't be going and I just didn't feel like busing there. Called leader Lennie and told her. I'll still weigh myself at home, for what it's worth (and I feel as if I lost). Hey,  it won't kill to me skip once in a while, so there!  

Thursday, October 13, 2022


Left at 10:00 for my 11:00 appointment with Dr. Babbitt. I was scheduled for a teeth cleaning, but was in fear and trembling when I was told Doc wanted x-rays, too. I was sure there'd be all kinds of gruesome problems--"too bad, this'll have to come out, " "oh, that looks a little iffy, too," "is this sensitive? That's not a good sign" and so on. But, glory be, they're all okay, plus Doc looked carefully in my mouth and said he saw no sign of cancer. (That's always a worry for me, considering I smoked--heavily--for 41 years.) There was a new therapist, Selena, who was just a pleasure--full of good cheer, warm and welcoming, she was great. 

I was amazed to see this image in the reception room at Dr. Babbitt's:

I asked receptionist Stephanie about it and she said Dr. Babbitt is an amateur photographer and he had won the blue ribbon at the county fair. (I told her I had won the blue in the "Cowboy Poetry Contest.") I had always admired this one, too, hanging in the front office--underwater turtle:
Anyway, going to Dr. Babbitt's was almost fun at times--at least, when the ordeal is over.  I was outta there in about an hour and bused to WinCo, then walked to the Barnes & Noble mall and had my lunch in the leafy alcove there. Actually, I'm meeting Diane today in the same mall, but we'll eat outside at Urbane Café, bringing our own.

Got home about 4:00 and put in a wash, then went over to Von's for a few things. Made tofu for dinner, along with baby potatoes and broccoli. I just fried the tofu, which was okay, but I want to look up some different recipes. Years ago, I was vegetarian and ate tofu often. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Walked to the P.O. to mail Vivian's Halloween card and spider earrings--postage only $5.50, so I sprung for it. From there, I bused to The Market and Wal-Mart for cheese cubes, napkins with fall leaves on them, and green disposable plates. Now, that last was really dumb; good grief, there would only be three of us and this wasn't some fancy party and I have a multitude of plates, plain and not, so why in the hell did I feel the need to get... ? Just felt like it, so what? 😛

Home and I got a call from Dr. Babbitt's office.  Today, I have a teeth-cleaning scheduled--UGH! How I envy my friend, Pat, who has such good teeth. I hate going to the dentist--it always seems to result in bad news one way or another. 😕

However, a better message popped up: Diane e-mailed me, asking if I could meet for lunch tomorrow at Urbane. We can bring our own lunch, but sit outside and have our little wine and beer, unlike at the free lunch last week at her place. Did I accept? Is the pope...? 😎

Suzanne and Vickie came at 5:00 and we had a good social session/happy hour/talk fest or whatever you want to call it. We were thrilled to hear that Vickie had won first place at the corporate games, representing Ventura County in pool--not swimming, of course, but the game of pool with a cue. I took a picture of her medal and her:

Also, she sent me some pictures of her and some of her opponents--all friendly ones, of course. Almost all were men--just a few women played. I tried to add some of her pics here, but they don't seem to want to go--maybe there's a copywrite? Anyway, we had an enjoyable time, yakking away. Suzanne stayed for about an hour, Vickie a little longer. 😃

I had offered both Vickie and Suzanne the drinks--the vile "hard Kombucha" Diane had given me and the calorie-laden soft drinks I had gotten free at Von's--but neither accepted. After they left, I put them in a sturdy bag and went to the grassy area next to my apartment. I had seen little Miles' Dad, Gabriel, and his friend, Michael, with their children (Michael has two, including an adorable little six-month-old). I was surprised that Gabe remembered my name. I offered his the drinks and he accepted--good, they're out of my fridge. 😁

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


After breakfast, I put rice in the slow cooker on low, then spent some time on my plays. I want to finish "Christmas At Delaney's," which I think is pretty good and maybe I'll sharpen up "Fatal Family Reunion," which is even better. Then there are the two monologues and a number of other scripts. I'm trying to decide which to send to Angela, which to Shannon, and when. 

I got my Halloween cards written and addressed, then walked to the post office to mail. Ha--I forgot it was Columbus Day, so they weren't open. I had stamped the ones for Tokyo and Singapore, so mailed them. I'll have to go back today to see if it's worth sending Vivian the cute little spider earrings I bought. If postage for that to Hawaii is more than four or five bucks, I'll just send the card.

Had lunch at the park in town. It was very quiet, and I just strolled around for an hour or so, then bused home. Went back to looking at my scripts and poems; it's fun to go back to them after a year or more away, as they seem to have been written by somebody else. Also, it's easier to see where they may need to be revised or cut.  

Went to get the mail and Suzanne was going to get her wash. (The plumbing apparatus for the washer and dryer in her apartment is in place, but the appliances aren't installed yet.) We talked; she told me Mary is back in Holiday Place, as a closer facility couldn't be found that would take her. I brought her up to date on my recent conversations with David, Kay, and Chuck; also invited her for one of our social sessions. I texted Vickie, too, and they'll be here at 5:00 today.

Had a yummy  dinner: fresh salmon, rice, and roasted cauliflower. I found the recipe for the latter online and tried it for the first time. It's very simple, but oh, so good. 

Monday, October 10, 2022


Considering my inadequate sleep--I calculated only five and a  half--after the show, I resolved to take it easy yesterday.  I didn't walk or go into town; my only excursion was to go over to Von's for veggies and a few other items. On my way back, I ran into David and Kay* and we chatted about our grievances re management. I then saw Chuck, who lives across from me, and we did the same. I was surprised when he told me that Bianca, the manager here, also manages an apartment complex in Camarillo, which is sixteen miles away.  Odd and one wonders how she handles both--badly, I'm afraid.

Home, I scrubbed, trimmed, and seasoned two pounds of carrots, sliced a large onion, and put them together in the slow cooker. I added the "juice" from cooking other vegetables, which I always save and freeze, as a lot of the vitamins and minerals go into that. Had lunch on the patio, while reading Chris Hedges' new book, The Greatest Evil Is War, which I just got from Amazon. I've been reading Hedges for years; he used to live in Princeton, maybe still does, and he is my hero. Along with the Berrigan brothers (I always say I'll go back to the Church the day they're canonized), and several others I follow, he's one of the most important voices crying in the wilderness of military worship.

After that, I lay down and fell sound, sound asleep for--I think--two hours. Got up feeling good, but a little apprehensive about staying asleep for the night. Happily, I did, and just got up at 5:00.

Erica, one of the best in Fractured Actors, sent out an email about going as a group to see and support theatres in the area. Great idea and I wrote back what the theaters in Santa Paula and Ojai are now running or have in the works. 

* The thought crossed my mind that there might possibly be little budding romance there: They seem of similar age--late fifties, early sixties, I think--and both are unattached. They're also of similar build--tall and slender, if that has any significance--so, who knows. 

Sunday, October 09, 2022

"Journey of the Skeletons," The Latinx Experience

Early On: Walking to Smart 'n' Final for blueberries, I thought I should have taken my lunch to eat at Kimball Park. No prob, though, I just bought those little tuna salad/crackers container and a drink and headed for the park. I had forgotten how far it was--I thought it was about a half mile, but it was a lot more than that. It took me over several streets and the freeway, then I had to transverse the park itself. However, I made it and enjoyed eating my lunch on a bench while watching the school soccer games going on.

Later and the Show: Bused home and showered and washed my hair in preparation for the play Anthony's in Journey of the Skeletons. The Access Van picked me up fearfully early, so when I got there, the theatre wasn't even open yet. However, I strolled around until it did. Saw Anthony on his way in.

I chatted with the director/producer, Juliana Acosta, and mentioned I'd like to send her some of my scripts. She said she's like to see some and now I have to decide if I want to send to her first, then Shannon; possibly, I'll do both, although Elite already has its 2023 winter schedule set.

House opened at 7:30 and I greeted and sat with Becky. I'm a little sorry I did, as her loud cackle was enough to send me up the wall. Soon, Amy and her family, Erica with hers, and Jeff, Shannon, Hudson, and Harper, came in, along with Ben, who's been staying with them.   

The show opened with a woman made up for The Day of the Dead. She did a kind of song/dialog medley and sang a number of Spanish songs with explanatory notes. She was really good.   

At intermission, I chatted with her and asked to take another picture:

The play part of the show started off a little slow, I thought, but developed later into an engaging romp concerning the desire of the mother-in-law to be remembered after she's dead.  I won't go into the full plot, but here's Anthony with his "family":

Anyway, it was good, although I was surprised that the set was almost as rudimentary as ours are in Fractured Actors. After, I spoke to Ben; told him I'd see him at The Coalition, where he works in town. He'll be there only until November 7; after that, he'll resume his walk across America. Yes, he actually is doing that, having walked from California to Texas a few years ago. 

Access Van got me home, but not until--gasp!--after 11:15. I hadn't had dinner, so ate some tuna fish and crackers with garlic spread, then turned in. Unfortunately, I woke up at 5:30 and got up, but I hope will be able to nap sometime today.

Saturday, October 08, 2022


Weight: Up at both venues: 129.8 at home for a gain of 2.4 (that can't be accurate) and up to 139.1 at T.O.P.S. for a gain of a pound.

Jim came for lunch and since it was somewhat cool out (for here), I served a kind of rolled, baked pasta with cottage cheese baked in the oven.  I don't remember what they're called, but covered with red sauce and Italian cheese, we both liked them a lot.* Added a basket of corn bread (I had frozen what was left from the last time I made it), some crystal pickles, lemon cake for dessert, and that was lunch. 

Of course, it also included red wine. I had a bottle of cabernet someone had given me as a gift--I just can't remember who and it was a while ago--which I opened for Jim. I tried a small amount and boy, was that good--it's amazing to me that I can actually tell the difference between the good stuff and the ordinary, which is what I usually buy. For myself, I thought I'd try the "hard kombucha" Diane had given me:

The basic stuff is not alcoholic and is supposed to have health benefits (yeah, sure), but this is fermented--or something--and has an alcohol content of 4.5, which is very low. And the taste? Hey, if I could drink only this for a buzz, I'd become a  Seventh Day Adventist--UGH!  Like Vickie's non-alcoholic wine, it's vile. Think I'll ask if she'd like to have the three remaining.

We had our usual meandering conversation--yours truly doing 99 percent of the talking--and Jim expressed apprehension about his upcoming evaluation. He has reason, I'm afraid. Anyway, he stayed until 3:30, I walked him to my mailbox and we said goodbye. Went back home, cleaned up, then lay down. Napped about an hour and was awakened by an update by the Access Van, which will pick me up for the play tonight.  

Happy day: I just got up at 5:15, after sleeping through the night. For me, that's the best news of the week!

*Ha, ha, this shows the importance of placement in a sentence! It would have  been pretty messy if Jim and I were both covered in...never mind. 😁

Friday, October 07, 2022


I left my place at 10:00; walked to Telephone Road, took the 11 bus to Petit Street, then walked the half-mile or so to Silvercrest. I was a little early, but found Diane waiting for me outside. Here's my glamorous friend, a mere kid who turned eighty last week:

She and I chatted for a bit, then walked to the building next to the residence for a (free) buffet lunch. It included chicken salad sandwiches, apple fritters, flavored water, and a variety of desserts. I took watermelon, cantaloupe, and melon chunks and, naughtily, some caramel rollups. After, we went up to Diane's apartment and indulged in a nice Chardonnay. 

Unfortunately, Diane said her neuropathy has worsened  and she's pretty down about it. I understand there isn't much--or anything, I guess--to stop its progression. We did have a good talk and, at her urging, I recited the prize-winning Heart's Desire cowgirl verse, plus some dialog from a few of my plays. I had brought her a lime and a large lemon from Ellen's tree, both frozen, and she was pleased with them. I left about 3:00 and took the 11 bus to the transit center, then the 21 home.

Dave Perry emailed me back and filled in some of the names of colleagues I couldn't remember--Bill Roell was the young assistant VP.  He also mentioned Debbie Farris, payroll head, who was a special friend of his--I liked her a lot, too--and Charlie Kahil. He said Mona Marder, benefits manager, was at the party; I just didn't get a picture of her. My nephew, Tim, saw the pics on Facebook and thought he reconized himself in a picture. But he wasn't there--the back of Joel's head just looked like him.

Here are my (left) and Suzanne's (right) doors, decked out for the season:

I also spruced up the space on my side with skeletons: 

When I went out to take this picture, Suzanne opened her door. She had told me that Sister Carmen would be staying over with her, as she was to attend a great-nephew's wedding on Saturday. I was introduced to Carmen and chatted with her for a bit. Now I have a dilemma: Shall I address the visiting Sister as "Sister" Carmen or, as with Suzanne, simply use her given name? The first creates a definite distance between humans, but the second could be seen as a lack of respect.  

I called Ellen as she was driving home from work just to say hello. Greg left for Colorado on Wednesday, where he'll visit with his son and little granddaughter. I think he'll be back Monday.

Called Jim and invited him for lunch today, rather than on tomorrow, Saturday, when I'm going to Anthony's play at the Elite in Oxnard. It's at 8:00, fer cryin' out loud, practically the middle of the night! I email Anthony asking when it would be over and he said about 10:15. Must call the Access Van to arrange for going and coming home. 

Thursday, October 06, 2022


Didn't sleep very well, but I figured I got in seven hours, so that's okay.  I did this and that in the morning, then took off for The Market and Wal-Mart. I had packed my lunch, as I've enjoyed doing lately and ate at the little park on Victoria Avenue. Bused from there to the mall and got some IPA at BevMo. While I was walking out, I was delighted to get a call from Diane, who is just back from a month in Mexico. Her sister lives there and so did Diane with her ex, although they're not Mexican, but of Bulgarian descent; for business reasons, I think. Anyway, Diane invited me to lunch at her place today and I was happy to accept. 

When I got home, I continued scanning the pictures from my retirement party, which took place TWENTY YEARS AGO!  Here are just a few:

In my office before the party. Standing, brother Jim, SIL Therese, Pat; seated, Betty and me.

My guests, this group is all family, walking from my office in the Library building to the all-purpose room in the Student Center, where the party was held.  From left front: brother Jim, cousin Dorothy, SIL Therese; behind: me, top of daughter, Alison's head, grandson Joel, SIL Mike, husband Pat.  

What? You will? 
Starting at left and circling around the table: Alison, her husband, Mike, Pat, SIL Therese, my dear friend, Elaine Millen, granddaughter-in-law Jen, grandson. Also present, but not seen: Joel, Jr, who would be born three months later. Besides Elaine, there were other friends there, including Stan and Doris Friedman and--I think, not sure--Doris Goodenough and Marilyn Machmer, both of whom had worked at Rider, but moved on.
Me with Shirley Turner, my former boss in Career Development; Mike and Pat at table.

Top: Dave Perry, HR systems person and me; bottom, Terry Marriott, my secretary. I emailed Dave and called Terry yesterday; she's now an assistant director in Admissions, having gotten her bachelor's and master's degrees at Rider while employed. When I'm in Jersey next month, we'll go to lunch. Dave emailed me right back and I sent him some pics. He actually has a masters in organ from Westminster Choir College, in Princeton, which Rider owned for a time (I had an office there, besides the one in Lawrenceville). A really terrific guy.

My boss, Ellen LaCorte, me, assistant vice-president for finance, Bill--oops, can't remember his last name, but he was a very nice young man. He had some parties at his house and I remember his wife collecting Disney memoribilia--why anybody would want to, I can't imagine.

Vice President for Finance Julie Karns extolling my virtues. 
My direct boss, Ellen LaCorte outdoing Julie (HA!).

Me speaking my thanks and appreciation for a wonderful career.

At home after the party, r.: cousin Dorothy, Betty, Therese, Jim.
At home after party: Pat and balloons.

Me a few days later, in the seat in the Rider Theatre which was dedicated to me, a wonderful gift. Below is the engraved plaque that was put on the seat; unfortunately, the inscription is blurred. (I know my name's on the first line.) When I'm back in Jersey next month, I want to go and see if it's still there--and also, take a better picture.


Well, I'm lucky to have worked there for 27 years. Do I regret that? No, no, not at all.  Do I wish to go back? For a visit, sure, as I hope to soon. To stay? Never in a million years. 


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...