I felt better yesterday--not up to par yet, but better. Stripped the bed and took the sheets and other laundry to wash. Put the new electric blanket on my bed and was pleased that, although it's a twin and the bed's a full, it covered fine--even has overlap.
Put a pound of raw black bans in the slow cooker, added the shredded onions I had in the freezer, plus seasonings. I simmered it all day and had that for dinner with broccoli and acorn squash. It was very good and, I understand, an excellent source of protein.
Finally, at long last, I got back to my play, Acquisitions. Added two characters and revised the first scene. This is going to take a while, but I'm determined to work on it daily.
I actually lay down on the couch and took a short nap, then got up and bused to the mall. Went back to Sears, but saw nothing I wanted. I actually just needed to walk a bit and did so, then went home. When I got in, Suzanne rang the bell to tell me she got a kick out of my Day-Quil post on FB. I was horrified when she told me she had a sore throat, but she insisted she got that from her brother's in San Diego (sure; the germs identify themselves).
We had a nice visit and as she left, Ellen called to see how I felt. Much better, I told her, and I hope to be all recovered in a day or two. I told her Jim Crowley had emailed me to say happy new year and that I wanted to have him, her, and Suzanne over for dinner. I'd like to have Greg, too, but he seems never to be available. We decided on Friday and I invited Jim via email.
Saw the rest of Downton Abbey, the movie (sob!), but can at least see the added bits of the actors and chatting, and so well. Slept well under my cozy new blanket.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 30, 2019
My Cold And Betty
I pampered myself yesterday, as my cold is still hanging on. Walked over to Von's for Day-Quil and this is what I posted on Facebook:
Along with this:
Dear Vicks:
I have a bad cold and dragged myself over to Von's for Day-Quil. It took me 20 minutes and several tools to destroy the damn lid and get it off. I know you're supposed to just squeeze and turn, but IT DOESN'T WORK unless you're 25-year-old bodybuilder!
Sincerely, A Never-Again Former Customer
Oh, I was just amusing myself--bored to death. I took the stuff, of course, and it may or may not have been any better than what I had before, but I expected to feel better today and I do.
Aside from that, I didn't do much at all productive. Got up late--7:30--and breakfasted late, reading the paper and doing my good ol' crossword. Spent a lot of time on this computer, just looking up various non-consequential things and playing a few games.
I did take the trash and recycle out, plus did some food prep, preparing broccoli and an acorn squash. Also, I had two huge onions and used my devices (not those kinds of devices!) to chop one and shred the other, then stow them in the freezer. (I like to have some things prepared, so I can make my mostly plant dinner in a hurry.)
Betty called, wanting to know if I was coming to SB for the Eagles game broadcast. No, and I never intended to, as, if she was in her right mind, she would have known. She was very disappointed because neither Carolyn nor Steve were able to make it. It seems the game wasn't on TV, only at a bar in SB, where they've gone before (Carolyn's husband is also a big Eagles fan, native Californian though he is). Betty got an Eagles shirt for our birthday and she was so anxious to wear that to the gathering. It broke my heart to hear that. She's now much like a child, so eager for attention and applause. She must have envisioned the crowd making a big fuss over her in that shirt.
I remember a writer named Jim Bishop (The Day Christ Died, The Day Lincoln Was Shot, etc.), who was well-known in Catholic circles. He was no Nabokov, but something he wrote stuck in my mind: It seems his wife had sunk into a kind of dementia. He described experiences with her, then noted something like, "she has become our little girl."
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Here And There With A Cold
Considering I'm officially sick--a cold!--I got quite a bit accomplished. Suzanne had mentioned that Sears*, which is going out of business, was having a fifty percent off sale. She bought an electric blanket there and I thought I'd like one, too. Bused to the mall and Sears and bought one. However, cheapie though I am, I bought a twin one, although my bed is a full. Now I kind of regret it, but I didn't like the full styles, anyway.
Home, lunch, and I called Ellen. She had had a difficult time getting home after she dropped me off on Thursday and had to take alternate routes. I told her about my experience getting back from SB and she said she had alerted Greg, who was at work, of the horrendous traffic problems. He had planned to drive to SB after work, but instead, went home, then left at 1:30 in the morning.
I had only another dose of Thera-Flu left, so walked to first, the 99-Cent store, then Wal-Mart to get more, plus I picked up some raw black beans, rice cakes, and grapes. Bused home, getting in at 4:00. Stopped at Suzanne to welcome her back from San Diego and we chatted for a bit. I made up my signature ground turkey/shredded onion/garlic/mushroom stir-fry for dinner and boy, was that good.
I'm still using tissues by the ton, but I feel okay. I should probably do a wash today, change the sheets, and try out the new blanket, but am not sure if I will; may put it off to tomorrow..
*I remember when it was called "Sears & Roebuck"
Home, lunch, and I called Ellen. She had had a difficult time getting home after she dropped me off on Thursday and had to take alternate routes. I told her about my experience getting back from SB and she said she had alerted Greg, who was at work, of the horrendous traffic problems. He had planned to drive to SB after work, but instead, went home, then left at 1:30 in the morning.
I had only another dose of Thera-Flu left, so walked to first, the 99-Cent store, then Wal-Mart to get more, plus I picked up some raw black beans, rice cakes, and grapes. Bused home, getting in at 4:00. Stopped at Suzanne to welcome her back from San Diego and we chatted for a bit. I made up my signature ground turkey/shredded onion/garlic/mushroom stir-fry for dinner and boy, was that good.
I'm still using tissues by the ton, but I feel okay. I should probably do a wash today, change the sheets, and try out the new blanket, but am not sure if I will; may put it off to tomorrow..
*I remember when it was called "Sears & Roebuck"
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Santa Barbara And The 101
Well, I get a lot of good things from Ellen, but what she gave me yesterday wasn't one of them: her cold. I wuz sneezin' and drippin' from da nose all night and the same when I got up. I considered calling Betty to tell her I couldn't come, but I didn't want to allow a minor illness change my plans, so I took some Thera-Flu, dressed, and set off for the bus. Got to the transit center and onto the 9:43 bus to Santa Barbara with no problem--until, we got onto the 101 and:
Yes, it was an epic traffic jam and it took me two and a half hours, just to get to Santa Barbara, then another half to Betty's. Anyway, Carolyn and her daughter, Claire, came over and took us to a large mall in Goleta. They had already eaten, but sat with us for awhile, then went to buy clothes at Target. Betty and I had Mexican at The Agave, she a burrito, me, a yummy pork taco.
After, we went to some other stores, then back to Betty's, to pick up something, then Carolyn took me to the library, where the bus to Ventura stops. I waited only 8 minutes and thought, "Hey, this is a piece of cake, compared to my trip here..."
WRONG. We sat on the entrance ramp for about twenty minutes just to get on the 101; after that, it was all inch-by-inching along and didn't get to Carpetaria for almost an hour. Anyway, it finally eased up a bit and I got to the transit center, took the 6 bus home, and got in at 7:30.
Before bed, I took more Thera-Flu and was amazed that I slept through until 5:30.
Yes, it was an epic traffic jam and it took me two and a half hours, just to get to Santa Barbara, then another half to Betty's. Anyway, Carolyn and her daughter, Claire, came over and took us to a large mall in Goleta. They had already eaten, but sat with us for awhile, then went to buy clothes at Target. Betty and I had Mexican at The Agave, she a burrito, me, a yummy pork taco.
After, we went to some other stores, then back to Betty's, to pick up something, then Carolyn took me to the library, where the bus to Ventura stops. I waited only 8 minutes and thought, "Hey, this is a piece of cake, compared to my trip here..."
WRONG. We sat on the entrance ramp for about twenty minutes just to get on the 101; after that, it was all inch-by-inching along and didn't get to Carpetaria for almost an hour. Anyway, it finally eased up a bit and I got to the transit center, took the 6 bus home, and got in at 7:30.
Before bed, I took more Thera-Flu and was amazed that I slept through until 5:30.
Friday, December 27, 2019
The 24th, 25th, And 26th
Back home again and here's a quick synopsis of last few days:
The Access Van got me to Ellen's at about noon on Christmas Eve. Good thing I had arranged for it, as I would never have been able to manage on the bus. I took with me my smaller suitcase, a cloth bag with various tings in it, and a very large shopping bag with--well, other things in it.
El was just finishing cleaning, then we had lunch: a turkey sandwich and roasted Brussels sprouts, which I love. El then set about making Christmas Eve dinner: a nice pl;ump chicken, various sides, and her own entirely made from scratch stuffing.
For that, she tore apart stale whole wheat bread (neither she nor I would dream of buying it already cut), sauteed onions and celery in butter, added poultry seasoning...BUT WAIT! She had no poultry seasoning! To my great admiration, she looked up what was in it (various herbs), and made it herself. Greg came in while she was prepping and we three sat down to a delicious dinner. After, we chatted and watched fifty-year-old episodes of Twilight Zone, which was fun.
On Christmas morning, Ellen made me good pan-fried eggs and toast--of course, with coffee. We then opened our presents. I got lots of nice things--which it seems silly to enumerate, so I won't--and so did El and Greg. Later, El and I enjoyed FaceTime on her phone with all three of my other children and their families. That means we saw them in Savannah, Tokyo, and Singapore. I tried to get grandson, Joel, and his boys, but wasn't successful--will try later.
In the late afternoon, we drove up to the Kristimundi Center (I've been there several times before), but it was 4:00 and they were about to close. Greg knows the director, Michael, who lives on-site, and, in fact, invited him for dinner, but he wasn't able to come.
We took a walk of about a mile along a road in the hills and it was lovely. I was glad to get the exercise, too, as it was uphill most of the way. While we walked, Betty called and I told her I'd come up today (Friday). We had been invited to her daughter, Carolyn's, in Santa Barbara on Christmas, but Ellen had a bad cold, plus rain was threatened.
And boy, did it rain! After tasty leftovers for dinner, we settled in to talk and watch more of Alfred Hitchcock. I went to bed at 9:00 (they stayed up until midnight, I think) and before I fell sleep, heard the very heavy rain that came down. I was awakened twice by a piercing sound, then a message that a tornado was possible. This is some kind of alert thing, which I don't want on my phone, so removed it.
When we got up yesterday morning, the sky was beautifully blue and the sun was shining. It wasn't warm though and--beautifully and dramatically, there was snow on the mountains over Ojai:
Greg went out early to his favorite coffee house, The Beacon, And El and I met him there for breakfast a bit later. We had a good discussion about religion and its various forms and pretenses, plus how one views one's life, and other philosophical topics; I always like talking to those two, whether we always agree or not.
After that, Greg went off to work and El took me to UPS to return something to Amazon, then to WinCo for this and that, then Wal-Mart, where we both got various. She helped me in with all my parcels, then I said goodbye to my girl.
I no soon unpacked my suitcase and the multitude of bags and boxes, then I took off four town on the bus. I stopped in here and there and bought three more DVDs, then waited for the bus home. That took an age, incidentally, and I didn't get in until 6:00, but no matter.
The Access Van got me to Ellen's at about noon on Christmas Eve. Good thing I had arranged for it, as I would never have been able to manage on the bus. I took with me my smaller suitcase, a cloth bag with various tings in it, and a very large shopping bag with--well, other things in it.
El was just finishing cleaning, then we had lunch: a turkey sandwich and roasted Brussels sprouts, which I love. El then set about making Christmas Eve dinner: a nice pl;ump chicken, various sides, and her own entirely made from scratch stuffing.
For that, she tore apart stale whole wheat bread (neither she nor I would dream of buying it already cut), sauteed onions and celery in butter, added poultry seasoning...BUT WAIT! She had no poultry seasoning! To my great admiration, she looked up what was in it (various herbs), and made it herself. Greg came in while she was prepping and we three sat down to a delicious dinner. After, we chatted and watched fifty-year-old episodes of Twilight Zone, which was fun.
On Christmas morning, Ellen made me good pan-fried eggs and toast--of course, with coffee. We then opened our presents. I got lots of nice things--which it seems silly to enumerate, so I won't--and so did El and Greg. Later, El and I enjoyed FaceTime on her phone with all three of my other children and their families. That means we saw them in Savannah, Tokyo, and Singapore. I tried to get grandson, Joel, and his boys, but wasn't successful--will try later.
In the late afternoon, we drove up to the Kristimundi Center (I've been there several times before), but it was 4:00 and they were about to close. Greg knows the director, Michael, who lives on-site, and, in fact, invited him for dinner, but he wasn't able to come.
We took a walk of about a mile along a road in the hills and it was lovely. I was glad to get the exercise, too, as it was uphill most of the way. While we walked, Betty called and I told her I'd come up today (Friday). We had been invited to her daughter, Carolyn's, in Santa Barbara on Christmas, but Ellen had a bad cold, plus rain was threatened.
And boy, did it rain! After tasty leftovers for dinner, we settled in to talk and watch more of Alfred Hitchcock. I went to bed at 9:00 (they stayed up until midnight, I think) and before I fell sleep, heard the very heavy rain that came down. I was awakened twice by a piercing sound, then a message that a tornado was possible. This is some kind of alert thing, which I don't want on my phone, so removed it.
When we got up yesterday morning, the sky was beautifully blue and the sun was shining. It wasn't warm though and--beautifully and dramatically, there was snow on the mountains over Ojai:
Greg went out early to his favorite coffee house, The Beacon, And El and I met him there for breakfast a bit later. We had a good discussion about religion and its various forms and pretenses, plus how one views one's life, and other philosophical topics; I always like talking to those two, whether we always agree or not.
After that, Greg went off to work and El took me to UPS to return something to Amazon, then to WinCo for this and that, then Wal-Mart, where we both got various. She helped me in with all my parcels, then I said goodbye to my girl.
I no soon unpacked my suitcase and the multitude of bags and boxes, then I took off four town on the bus. I stopped in here and there and bought three more DVDs, then waited for the bus home. That took an age, incidentally, and I didn't get in until 6:00, but no matter.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Note On Tuesday Morning
Blogger Alert: I'm not going to take my laptop with my, so will be "down" until I get back. Won't say where I'm going or how long I'm staying. Will come back...well, when I come back.
After being stuck inside virtually all day Sunday, I was determined to get out yesterday. It was raining steadily and pretty cold, but I put on my raincoat, rain boots, wool hat, and gloves, unfurled my umbrella, and started out. I walked the mile and a half to Wal-Mart and it was actually very pleasant. There was no wind--if there had been, I wouldn't have enjoyed it--and it seemed calm and peaceful.
Calm and peaceful didn't describe Wal-Mart, however. It was jammed, with shoppers frantically looking for last-minute junk, I guess. I bought what I came for--cocktail sauce, tissues, and a few other things--then took the bus home.
Ellen called and we discussed my visit; she suggested--and I took her up on it--that I call the Access Van to get to her place. They'll pick me up about 10:30, so I should be there between 11 and noon.
After lunch, I remembered that, last year, I had given Calvin, Carolyn's Australian shepherd, a soft plastic squeeze toy of a pig, which he immediately torn into little shreds with teeth and nails. It was horrifying and hysterical at the same time and we all got a kick out of it, so I decided to get him another. I hopped on the bus and went back to Wal-Mart and bought that, as well as a little toy for Dexter's cat.
Trader Joe's is next door, so I stopped in there and bought their fiber bread and some nice tuna steaks.
Bused home and stopped at Von's for romaine, which Ellen asked me to bring for our lunch today. Went next door to Suzanne's to give her a little present and we chatted. She'll be away over Christmas at her brother's in San Diego for three or four days.
Darn, I had a hard time sleeping last night. Woke up for the usual at 12:30, then couldn't get back for several hours.
Calm and peaceful didn't describe Wal-Mart, however. It was jammed, with shoppers frantically looking for last-minute junk, I guess. I bought what I came for--cocktail sauce, tissues, and a few other things--then took the bus home.
Ellen called and we discussed my visit; she suggested--and I took her up on it--that I call the Access Van to get to her place. They'll pick me up about 10:30, so I should be there between 11 and noon.
After lunch, I remembered that, last year, I had given Calvin, Carolyn's Australian shepherd, a soft plastic squeeze toy of a pig, which he immediately torn into little shreds with teeth and nails. It was horrifying and hysterical at the same time and we all got a kick out of it, so I decided to get him another. I hopped on the bus and went back to Wal-Mart and bought that, as well as a little toy for Dexter's cat.
Trader Joe's is next door, so I stopped in there and bought their fiber bread and some nice tuna steaks.
Bused home and stopped at Von's for romaine, which Ellen asked me to bring for our lunch today. Went next door to Suzanne's to give her a little present and we chatted. She'll be away over Christmas at her brother's in San Diego for three or four days.
Darn, I had a hard time sleeping last night. Woke up for the usual at 12:30, then couldn't get back for several hours.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Draggy And Drippy
As usual, it was a draggy Sunday and the day after my birthday to boot--I'm getting older by the minute. To top it off, it started to rain in a desultory, drippy way. That was just after I walked over to Von's for lettuce and Brussels sprouts.
Had lunch, then trimmed the sprouts, dressed them with Italian seasoning and a few wedges of fresh lemon (from Ellen's tree!), and put them in to slow cook. Used my mandolin to shred a large onion and stowed that in the freezer for later.
Aside form that, I mostly moped around on the laptop. Went into Amazon Japan and finally managed to get a gift card off to Tokyo, which should be delivered today. It started raining more seriously in the afternoon and, according to the forecast, it will continue all day AND will start up again on Christmas. All right, we need rain, but I, for one, consider it a serious annoyance.
Called Nancy and we chatted, sharing our mutual horror at the cost of sending anything anywhere. I very often must spend three times as much or more than contents are worth in mailing packages to Singapore. She has a friend in the U.K. with whom she exchanges gifts and a similar situation prevails.
I spent an age on-line trying to get an email gift card from Amazon Japan, to be sent directly to the recipients. I wanted it for 5000 yen, but it kept coming up 10,000. Frustrated, I just ordered one to be delivered through the mail. I specified today, but who knows if that will work out.
Had salmon for dinner, along with the sprouts and spinach. Fooled around on the laptop, then watched the rest of Rear Window. I'm afraid this is a movie that hasn't aged very well The acting is stilted, the story line predictable, and all the participants are dead.
However, I slept well, so that's something.
Had lunch, then trimmed the sprouts, dressed them with Italian seasoning and a few wedges of fresh lemon (from Ellen's tree!), and put them in to slow cook. Used my mandolin to shred a large onion and stowed that in the freezer for later.
Aside form that, I mostly moped around on the laptop. Went into Amazon Japan and finally managed to get a gift card off to Tokyo, which should be delivered today. It started raining more seriously in the afternoon and, according to the forecast, it will continue all day AND will start up again on Christmas. All right, we need rain, but I, for one, consider it a serious annoyance.
Called Nancy and we chatted, sharing our mutual horror at the cost of sending anything anywhere. I very often must spend three times as much or more than contents are worth in mailing packages to Singapore. She has a friend in the U.K. with whom she exchanges gifts and a similar situation prevails.
I spent an age on-line trying to get an email gift card from Amazon Japan, to be sent directly to the recipients. I wanted it for 5000 yen, but it kept coming up 10,000. Frustrated, I just ordered one to be delivered through the mail. I specified today, but who knows if that will work out.
Had salmon for dinner, along with the sprouts and spinach. Fooled around on the laptop, then watched the rest of Rear Window. I'm afraid this is a movie that hasn't aged very well The acting is stilted, the story line predictable, and all the participants are dead.
However, I slept well, so that's something.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Okay, birthday over.
Ellen came about 12:30 Carolyn and her family about 1:30, Steve and Dexter after that. They brought several kinds of rolls, lunch meat, salad, and so on, and we had a good lunch. El made a chocolate cake* and, with a good scoop of vanilla ice cream, it was so yummy. I asked El to invite Suzanne in and she came to have some ice cream and cake. Lots of nice present, lots of good talk. Older daughter called early from the Byrne gathering in Florida and Wes, Betty's oldest and his daughters made a video call from Chicago. Later, nephew Dave and the humongous group in Orlando in Orlando Skyped. That had been pre-arranged and Ellen and Caroline brought this laptop into the living room so we could all see and interact with them. After that, son Mike and family from Singapore made a video call and we all talked to them. Greg, who was working, called on the phone to wish us a happy birthday.
Nice presents, good cake, and they stayed until about 5:00, after which we all said goodbye--we'll see Betty and her family again around Christmas time. El stayed longer and did a lot of cleaning up, then I kissed her goodbye and was glad to see another birthday over with.
It's just a given that I'm not happy to be 83, but generally speaking, I guess I'm luckier than most my age when it comes to physical and mental health.
* From scratch, of course. I can't imagine making somebody's birthday cake from a box. Might as well just buy it.
Ellen came about 12:30 Carolyn and her family about 1:30, Steve and Dexter after that. They brought several kinds of rolls, lunch meat, salad, and so on, and we had a good lunch. El made a chocolate cake* and, with a good scoop of vanilla ice cream, it was so yummy. I asked El to invite Suzanne in and she came to have some ice cream and cake. Lots of nice present, lots of good talk. Older daughter called early from the Byrne gathering in Florida and Wes, Betty's oldest and his daughters made a video call from Chicago. Later, nephew Dave and the humongous group in Orlando in Orlando Skyped. That had been pre-arranged and Ellen and Caroline brought this laptop into the living room so we could all see and interact with them. After that, son Mike and family from Singapore made a video call and we all talked to them. Greg, who was working, called on the phone to wish us a happy birthday.
Nice presents, good cake, and they stayed until about 5:00, after which we all said goodbye--we'll see Betty and her family again around Christmas time. El stayed longer and did a lot of cleaning up, then I kissed her goodbye and was glad to see another birthday over with.
It's just a given that I'm not happy to be 83, but generally speaking, I guess I'm luckier than most my age when it comes to physical and mental health.
* From scratch, of course. I can't imagine making somebody's birthday cake from a box. Might as well just buy it.

Saturday, December 21, 2019
T.O.P.S. and "Mystic River"
At about a half hour before I had to meet Cheryl outside and go to T.O.P.S., I frantically looked on-line for a program topic and came across this:

Each number had its own little blurb, as above. I quickly printed out copies, took them to the meeting and distributed them to members (there were only six besides me). I then guided a discussion after I had each person read "her" number. I asked each to comment on her own experience, then others chimed in. Last minute though it was, it went over big, the group like it and it went over big. I gained a tad--two-tenths of a pound--to 131.8, but I expected more, so was okay with it.
I gave Cheryl a little present for picking me up every week when she dropped me off. Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, then took a load to the laundry, dusted and mopped the hard floors, and otherwise cleaned up for my birthday company today.
As a little extra gift, my daughter-in-law, Paula, had sent my daughters and me each a charming little "scent thing"--I can't remember what it's called. Anyway, I hopped the bus, went to town, and bought a little enamel teapot to simmer it in. Took another bus to the mall and went to Trader Joe's to pick up two bottles of the famous "Two Buck Chuck"--Charles Schwab wine, which now, however, costs two bucks and ninety-nine cents. I'm not going to offer them to my guests, though: I put a white and a red of the better wines I already had, in case anyone wants them.
Showered, washed my hair, and watched the rest of Mystic River. Aside from a slight interest in seeing Sean Penn and David Bacon when they 17 years younger, I found it badly written, over-acted, and depressing as hell.
Eighty-three years ago today, on December 21, 1936, a momentous event took place in Atlantic City, New Jersey--.now, what WAS it ? Can't seem to put my finger on it...
Defining Moment I’ve made up my mind. It’s time to do this.
Each number had its own little blurb, as above. I quickly printed out copies, took them to the meeting and distributed them to members (there were only six besides me). I then guided a discussion after I had each person read "her" number. I asked each to comment on her own experience, then others chimed in. Last minute though it was, it went over big, the group like it and it went over big. I gained a tad--two-tenths of a pound--to 131.8, but I expected more, so was okay with it.I gave Cheryl a little present for picking me up every week when she dropped me off. Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, then took a load to the laundry, dusted and mopped the hard floors, and otherwise cleaned up for my birthday company today.
As a little extra gift, my daughter-in-law, Paula, had sent my daughters and me each a charming little "scent thing"--I can't remember what it's called. Anyway, I hopped the bus, went to town, and bought a little enamel teapot to simmer it in. Took another bus to the mall and went to Trader Joe's to pick up two bottles of the famous "Two Buck Chuck"--Charles Schwab wine, which now, however, costs two bucks and ninety-nine cents. I'm not going to offer them to my guests, though: I put a white and a red of the better wines I already had, in case anyone wants them.
Showered, washed my hair, and watched the rest of Mystic River. Aside from a slight interest in seeing Sean Penn and David Bacon when they 17 years younger, I found it badly written, over-acted, and depressing as hell.
Eighty-three years ago today, on December 21, 1936, a momentous event took place in Atlantic City, New Jersey--.now, what WAS it ? Can't seem to put my finger on it...
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Cave
I finally tackled the mounds of paperwork I needed to file and got them put away. After the new year, I want to weed out the separate files--I don't think I need Colony Park info or triple A or the car stuff. If I get really ambitious, I'll examine and discard the paper therein.
Left at noon and walked Victoria to Telephone, then another half-mile or so until the bus came. Met Nancy at The Cave and we happily entered for lunch.
The Cave is one of our favorite places. It's really a wine bar (you put money on your Cave card, then insert it in the wine machines and get your Chardonnay, Merlot, or whatever). However, I get beer as a rule and Nancy usually has a flute of champagne. We did yesterday and both ordered a big, juicy hamburger--I'm going downright crazy with the red meat.
I gave Nance her gift, a tin of "Nuts About Rosemary" and she got a kick out of it. She gave me a pair of socks in a pretty pale green/lavender shade, with some intricate stitching reminiscent of smocking. Of course, she had knitted them herself; I'll wear them tomorrow at our birthday gathering.
Ellen called while we were having lunch to ask if she could come over later and borrow my hand mixer. Well, of course. Nancy dropped me off nearby at WinCo and I got spinach, bread, and a few other items. Took the 11 bus to the mall, then the 10 home. El came and left a large package for Betty, plus a gallon of vanilla in the freezer. I was tempted, but forgot about it, I'm happy to say.
Bereft of Downton Abbey, I watched an hour of Mystic River, one of the CDs I picked up at The Coalition. It's okay, but only just.
Now I'd better try to figure out what program I'm going to run at T.O.P.S. When is it? Why, two hours from now, at 8:45.
Left at noon and walked Victoria to Telephone, then another half-mile or so until the bus came. Met Nancy at The Cave and we happily entered for lunch.
The Cave is one of our favorite places. It's really a wine bar (you put money on your Cave card, then insert it in the wine machines and get your Chardonnay, Merlot, or whatever). However, I get beer as a rule and Nancy usually has a flute of champagne. We did yesterday and both ordered a big, juicy hamburger--I'm going downright crazy with the red meat.
I gave Nance her gift, a tin of "Nuts About Rosemary" and she got a kick out of it. She gave me a pair of socks in a pretty pale green/lavender shade, with some intricate stitching reminiscent of smocking. Of course, she had knitted them herself; I'll wear them tomorrow at our birthday gathering.
Ellen called while we were having lunch to ask if she could come over later and borrow my hand mixer. Well, of course. Nancy dropped me off nearby at WinCo and I got spinach, bread, and a few other items. Took the 11 bus to the mall, then the 10 home. El came and left a large package for Betty, plus a gallon of vanilla in the freezer. I was tempted, but forgot about it, I'm happy to say.
Bereft of Downton Abbey, I watched an hour of Mystic River, one of the CDs I picked up at The Coalition. It's okay, but only just.
Now I'd better try to figure out what program I'm going to run at T.O.P.S. When is it? Why, two hours from now, at 8:45.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Christmas And Cataracts
Still concentrating on the season, I assembled, wrapped, and packed the gifts for older daughter and grandson and his family, adding a check for the latter. Walked to the P.O. and mailed the packages, went home to lunch, then prepared a deposit slip for daughter-in-law's check. Speaking of Paula, she sent three pretty jars, to which you add rosemary, a clementine (I'll use a tangerine), and water, then simmer and it makes a lovely scent. I had added one to A.'s package and will give one to Ellen.
Niece Carolyn called and said she was taking Betty to the ophthalmologist to see if she can be persuaded to have her cataracts removed. I called Nancy, who said it was mental telepathy, as she was just about to call me. She asked if we could meet for lunch (well, is the Pope...you know) and naturally, I agreed. We decided on The Cave today at 1:00, as Friday I'm going to be busy preparing for Saturday.
That settled, I walked down Victoria to BOA and deposited Paula's check. Got twenty bucks worth of fives and ones, as I like to have these handy, although I rarely use cash anymore. I gave two dollars to a homeless person--a youngish woman who asked me for bus fare.
Took the number 6 to the transit center/mall and went to Target for blueberries. As I often do, stopped at Trader Joe's for a sample of something or other and a sample coffee. Also picked up some rosemary for the scent thing.
Betty called to say she was having her cataracts removed, although she had resisted it before. However, she said it would cost fifteen hundred dollars for each eye, as Medicare didn't pay it. What?! I had a co-pay of a hundred bucks and that was all for both eyes. However, I looked it up on this blog and here's what I wrote about the eye drops on February 7, 2014:
Leslie went with me to Wal-Mart, so I could pick up the three eye drops I must use before the cataract procedure. I was floored when I learned that the cost totaled over three hundred dollars!
Following my habit--a conscious one--of always at least trying to remedy an unpleasant situation, I asked if there was anything I could do to reduce the cost. A very pleasant and courteous young pharmacist--"Jessica," I think--offered to call the ophthalmologist's office to see if a generic could be substituted. I drove home, left Leslie off, and later, received a call from that office, saying they would provide the drops; I just needed to pick up one of them today. I thought that was a wonderful thing for them to do. It also reinforces my belief that you should try always to alter what needs to be altered. In my experience, it works about eighty percent of the time.
Of course, that was more than five years ago in Jersey, so maybe it's different here and now.
Niece Carolyn called and said she was taking Betty to the ophthalmologist to see if she can be persuaded to have her cataracts removed. I called Nancy, who said it was mental telepathy, as she was just about to call me. She asked if we could meet for lunch (well, is the Pope...you know) and naturally, I agreed. We decided on The Cave today at 1:00, as Friday I'm going to be busy preparing for Saturday.
That settled, I walked down Victoria to BOA and deposited Paula's check. Got twenty bucks worth of fives and ones, as I like to have these handy, although I rarely use cash anymore. I gave two dollars to a homeless person--a youngish woman who asked me for bus fare.
Took the number 6 to the transit center/mall and went to Target for blueberries. As I often do, stopped at Trader Joe's for a sample of something or other and a sample coffee. Also picked up some rosemary for the scent thing.
Betty called to say she was having her cataracts removed, although she had resisted it before. However, she said it would cost fifteen hundred dollars for each eye, as Medicare didn't pay it. What?! I had a co-pay of a hundred bucks and that was all for both eyes. However, I looked it up on this blog and here's what I wrote about the eye drops on February 7, 2014:
Leslie went with me to Wal-Mart, so I could pick up the three eye drops I must use before the cataract procedure. I was floored when I learned that the cost totaled over three hundred dollars!
Following my habit--a conscious one--of always at least trying to remedy an unpleasant situation, I asked if there was anything I could do to reduce the cost. A very pleasant and courteous young pharmacist--"Jessica," I think--offered to call the ophthalmologist's office to see if a generic could be substituted. I drove home, left Leslie off, and later, received a call from that office, saying they would provide the drops; I just needed to pick up one of them today. I thought that was a wonderful thing for them to do. It also reinforces my belief that you should try always to alter what needs to be altered. In my experience, it works about eighty percent of the time.
Of course, that was more than five years ago in Jersey, so maybe it's different here and now.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Town And The Party
Opened the smaller Singapore package from Mike and found three pretty jars with instructions for making a Christmasy scent by adding water, citrus, and rosemary. I'll give my daughters the other two and will use it on Saturday.
Walked to the post office to mail Christmas cards--I still have more to send--then hopped a bus to town. I wanted to to revisit the handmade place and get more cards--I just happen to like the ones they have. Did than, then bused back.
Dean McC. called me back about the party and said there was no problem at all about arriving early. He said his sister would be there and I said I could help set up. Lunch, then showered and dressed. Went out to wait for the van and was on my way to the party.
Well...I could have done without it. After some mix-up in two places with the vans, I got there close to five, which was better than earlier. A number of Dean's and Alex'es relatives and friends were bringing in food and drink (no alcohol)* and I was welcomed, but felt a bit in the way. There were about ten kids there, from tots to teens, come watching a Disney show on the gigantic T.V. screen in the very small living room.
Anyway, Alex got there, all yelled "surprise!," she was touched, the food was good, the cake mediocre (it was from a box), and I didn't know anyone there except when--finally--Greg and Susan from the show, who are closer to my age, came in late. Luckily, I was able to find a friend of Alex'es, who was from Ventura to take me home. I cancelled the return trip by Access Van and got home a bit before 8:00.
There, I watched the final episode of Downton Abbey and now I'll have to trash the television.
*I remember Dean telling me he had a problem with alcohol and no longer drank.
Walked to the post office to mail Christmas cards--I still have more to send--then hopped a bus to town. I wanted to to revisit the handmade place and get more cards--I just happen to like the ones they have. Did than, then bused back.
Dean McC. called me back about the party and said there was no problem at all about arriving early. He said his sister would be there and I said I could help set up. Lunch, then showered and dressed. Went out to wait for the van and was on my way to the party.
Well...I could have done without it. After some mix-up in two places with the vans, I got there close to five, which was better than earlier. A number of Dean's and Alex'es relatives and friends were bringing in food and drink (no alcohol)* and I was welcomed, but felt a bit in the way. There were about ten kids there, from tots to teens, come watching a Disney show on the gigantic T.V. screen in the very small living room.
Anyway, Alex got there, all yelled "surprise!," she was touched, the food was good, the cake mediocre (it was from a box), and I didn't know anyone there except when--finally--Greg and Susan from the show, who are closer to my age, came in late. Luckily, I was able to find a friend of Alex'es, who was from Ventura to take me home. I cancelled the return trip by Access Van and got home a bit before 8:00.
There, I watched the final episode of Downton Abbey and now I'll have to trash the television.
*I remember Dean telling me he had a problem with alcohol and no longer drank.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Christmasy Stuff
Well, it's getting closer and closer and I'm spending a lot of time on it. I mean Halloween, of course...
Anyway, I stuck to it today: Walked down Victoria to the 99-cent store for grapes, then Wal-Mart for a few other things. Took the bus back.
As I was leaving, I ran into my neighbor, Gordon Grant, and we chatted. I knew he was on dialysis, but was surprised to hear he's now doing it himself--that is, at home. I didn't know that was possible. He's also on the list for a transplant, but has been for years. Nice guy and only 57; I'm not sure what caused his kidney failure.
After lunch, I spent hours--literally--on Christmas assemblies and writing out cards. Wrapped and bagged Betty's gifts, but I still have to wrap and send Alison's and those for Joel, Jamie, and the boys.
When I got home, the guys came to change the lock. That took only a short time and Javier came after to give Suzanne and me our keys. We actually got two of them, so I'll give one to Ellen.
Changed my bed and did a white wash. Called the Access Van and found that, to get to the McC.'s house in Santa Paula for the surprise party at 5:00, they'll pick me up at THREE and I'll get there (after switching to another van on Wells Avenue) at 4:00. I called Dean and left a message to tell him that--I hope they don't object to me getting there that early, but I'll just sit around, so I don't think they'll be a problem.
Got two packages, one with the return address of Singapore, so from Mike and Paula. The other, very large is from them, too, from Amazon. I emailed Mike to ask how to handle.. He said the small one is my birthday gift, the other Christmas for his sisters; he asked me to repack and distribute.
Anyway, I stuck to it today: Walked down Victoria to the 99-cent store for grapes, then Wal-Mart for a few other things. Took the bus back.
As I was leaving, I ran into my neighbor, Gordon Grant, and we chatted. I knew he was on dialysis, but was surprised to hear he's now doing it himself--that is, at home. I didn't know that was possible. He's also on the list for a transplant, but has been for years. Nice guy and only 57; I'm not sure what caused his kidney failure.
After lunch, I spent hours--literally--on Christmas assemblies and writing out cards. Wrapped and bagged Betty's gifts, but I still have to wrap and send Alison's and those for Joel, Jamie, and the boys.
When I got home, the guys came to change the lock. That took only a short time and Javier came after to give Suzanne and me our keys. We actually got two of them, so I'll give one to Ellen.
Changed my bed and did a white wash. Called the Access Van and found that, to get to the McC.'s house in Santa Paula for the surprise party at 5:00, they'll pick me up at THREE and I'll get there (after switching to another van on Wells Avenue) at 4:00. I called Dean and left a message to tell him that--I hope they don't object to me getting there that early, but I'll just sit around, so I don't think they'll be a problem.
Got two packages, one with the return address of Singapore, so from Mike and Paula. The other, very large is from them, too, from Amazon. I emailed Mike to ask how to handle.. He said the small one is my birthday gift, the other Christmas for his sisters; he asked me to repack and distribute.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Dudley House Christmas Boutique
Took the 6 bus and got to Dudley House about a half-hour early. That was okay, because I had time to change my shoes (sneakers to walk and what we called ballerina slippers for later). I left my coat and sneaks downstairs, chatted with Dianna--who's one of the most valuable volunteers and a very nice person to boot--then took my post at the front door as greeter. Before I did, though, I saw a darling little "Santa pot," with succulents in it, and had to buy it. I'm proud of the fact I didn't buy anything else. I had fun greeting and chatting with the visitors to the boutique. It was a nice, sunny day, but pretty chilly--in the high fifties, which is cool for here--and most of the time, I was in the shady part of the porch.
I saw Shari downstairs and gave her a thirty-two-year old note. The background: I had picked up at a thrift store a box of Dudley House cards, one already used, but not mailed. It was dated 1987 and, judging by what was written, accompanied a musical score, commenting and explaining the various notations. Clearly, it was to a relative and friend. Since she and her husband, Ken, have been the movers and shakers at Dudley for forty-some years, I thought they might get a kick out of it.
Lorraine relieved me at noon and shortly after, Ellen came. She and I covered the whole house--downstairs, upstairs, and basement--and she bought some ornaments and a tree-topper. We then went to my house, I changed, we had lunch and some fun talk, then packed up her car with my items to donate. Drove to the Goodwill to drop them off, then swung around to Wal-Mart.
El bought a number of things, but I just got a large desk calendar. After we said goodbye, I walked over to Von's for this and that. While I was there, Betty called and we had a long, convoluted, wearisome talk. She said she had called to buy something on-line and blah, blah, blah, "I gave her my pin number." WHAT? You never give out your pin number! I guess Carolyn is taking care of this, the poor girl. Well, I'll see them both, with their families, when they come on Saturday for our birthday.
Must get some wash done today and pick up some more Christmas gifts.
P.S. Good grief--when I got up just now at 5:30, it was 47 degrees! This is unacceptable!
I saw Shari downstairs and gave her a thirty-two-year old note. The background: I had picked up at a thrift store a box of Dudley House cards, one already used, but not mailed. It was dated 1987 and, judging by what was written, accompanied a musical score, commenting and explaining the various notations. Clearly, it was to a relative and friend. Since she and her husband, Ken, have been the movers and shakers at Dudley for forty-some years, I thought they might get a kick out of it.
Lorraine relieved me at noon and shortly after, Ellen came. She and I covered the whole house--downstairs, upstairs, and basement--and she bought some ornaments and a tree-topper. We then went to my house, I changed, we had lunch and some fun talk, then packed up her car with my items to donate. Drove to the Goodwill to drop them off, then swung around to Wal-Mart.
El bought a number of things, but I just got a large desk calendar. After we said goodbye, I walked over to Von's for this and that. While I was there, Betty called and we had a long, convoluted, wearisome talk. She said she had called to buy something on-line and blah, blah, blah, "I gave her my pin number." WHAT? You never give out your pin number! I guess Carolyn is taking care of this, the poor girl. Well, I'll see them both, with their families, when they come on Saturday for our birthday.
Must get some wash done today and pick up some more Christmas gifts.
P.S. Good grief--when I got up just now at 5:30, it was 47 degrees! This is unacceptable!
Sunday, December 15, 2019
I got plenty done yesterday. Wrapped the Singapore presents and walked to the P.O. to send them. Whether they'll get there by Christmas is problematic--and the footloose family leaves for Japan on the 25th--but if not, they'll just have to be for later.
Went to the office to get my new key for the pool enclosure, side gate, and laundry. On the way, I met up with Lauren, little Brindley's mother, and another neighbor, Debbie. We commiserated on the inconveniences associated with the new owners, especially the dog thing, but we'll have to live with it.
Debbie works in property management herself, but she works in Encino, which is a distance from here. I'm not clear on whether she has a place there, too, and comes here only on weekends, or not, but she's had her place here for twenty years.
Got my key and the office person said new locks for our apartments are being installed. Mine should be done tomorrow, but late in the day. The resident has to go over and get the new key after they're installed. Manager Bianca--oh, I forgot, she's now "community director"--will stay late, I was told, but I'm concerned about how late. I'm going to the surprise party for Alex in Santa Paula at 5:00 and I'm wondering if she'll be here when I get home. Darn, I'll have to find that out.
After lunch, I took the bus to town. Walked Main Street, stopping in here and there at the shops I frequent. I bought Christmas cards and some gift bags. Ellen called and we firmed up our plans for today. She'll pick me up at Dudley House, go here for lunch, then take my stuff to Goodwill. We'll also go to a few other stores for this and that.
My brother, Jim, called once again to get Betty's phone number. I'm not sure what the problem is, but he says he can never get it to work. I'll give it to him again and/or send it in writing.
Stopped at the mall on my way home, just to get blueberries. Put my goods away and knocked on Suzanne's door to chat a bit. Cooked up some fresh shrimp and string beans for dinner. Have been too busy later to make myself a proper dinner, but will one of these days.
Went to the office to get my new key for the pool enclosure, side gate, and laundry. On the way, I met up with Lauren, little Brindley's mother, and another neighbor, Debbie. We commiserated on the inconveniences associated with the new owners, especially the dog thing, but we'll have to live with it.
Debbie works in property management herself, but she works in Encino, which is a distance from here. I'm not clear on whether she has a place there, too, and comes here only on weekends, or not, but she's had her place here for twenty years.
Got my key and the office person said new locks for our apartments are being installed. Mine should be done tomorrow, but late in the day. The resident has to go over and get the new key after they're installed. Manager Bianca--oh, I forgot, she's now "community director"--will stay late, I was told, but I'm concerned about how late. I'm going to the surprise party for Alex in Santa Paula at 5:00 and I'm wondering if she'll be here when I get home. Darn, I'll have to find that out.
After lunch, I took the bus to town. Walked Main Street, stopping in here and there at the shops I frequent. I bought Christmas cards and some gift bags. Ellen called and we firmed up our plans for today. She'll pick me up at Dudley House, go here for lunch, then take my stuff to Goodwill. We'll also go to a few other stores for this and that.
My brother, Jim, called once again to get Betty's phone number. I'm not sure what the problem is, but he says he can never get it to work. I'll give it to him again and/or send it in writing.
Stopped at the mall on my way home, just to get blueberries. Put my goods away and knocked on Suzanne's door to chat a bit. Cooked up some fresh shrimp and string beans for dinner. Have been too busy later to make myself a proper dinner, but will one of these days.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
What. A. Day.
Having skipped T.O.P.S., I had breakfast and was out of the house (okay, apartment) by 9:00. Walked down Victoria, then farther to a store for rice cakes, grapes, and Parmesan cheese. Annoyingly, I forgot the latter, as I discovered after I took the bus home. Dropped my things off, then went over to Von's for cottage cheese and a few other items. I usually go out the side entrance for Von's; my clicker doesn't open that drive-in gate, but there's one for walking, too, which uses the same key as for my front door.
Only it didn't. I had gone to the office the other day to get the new key we were told was coming, but Bianca was busy and said she'd "send it over." Well, she didn't and I didn't realize the locks had been changed already. (Luckily, a different key opens the mailboxes.) When I went to the office for the key, I saw a notice on the window to the effect that the office was closed on Thursday and Friday. And Friday was for "a holiday party." Now, we had holiday parties every year at Rider, but NOT DURING WORK HOURS. (I feel like Mrs. Scrooge for writing that/)
I wasn't so annoyed at the key thing or even the two-day closing, except why in the hell didn't they send out an email and let residents know about it? Bush league, if you ask me.
Anyway, after lunch, I walked again down Victoria and got a bus at Telephone. Went to Michael's and Pier One for some gifts. I then hopped a bus to the Transit Center, switched to another and traveled to town, went to the library, and picked up Stephen King's new book, The Institute, which I had put on hold about two months ago.
I immediately bused back to the mall and went to Trader Joe's to pick up some things I'm giving as smaller gifts--I won't say what they are yet. Betty called as I waited for the number 6 bus and we chatted. Got off and stopped at Von's for Romaine and parm cheese--I'll just have to write off as a loss the one I left at the other store. Now today, I have a hell of a lot of more things to do, but after I send off the gifts to Asia--which will almost surely not get there in time for Christmas--I'll have a little down time.
Just got up (6:15) and got my paper at the door. I found with it a lovely handmade card from Suzanne with a note saying how much she likes having me as a friend. Yes, I think I landed in the right place.
Having skipped T.O.P.S., I had breakfast and was out of the house (okay, apartment) by 9:00. Walked down Victoria, then farther to a store for rice cakes, grapes, and Parmesan cheese. Annoyingly, I forgot the latter, as I discovered after I took the bus home. Dropped my things off, then went over to Von's for cottage cheese and a few other items. I usually go out the side entrance for Von's; my clicker doesn't open that drive-in gate, but there's one for walking, too, which uses the same key as for my front door.
Only it didn't. I had gone to the office the other day to get the new key we were told was coming, but Bianca was busy and said she'd "send it over." Well, she didn't and I didn't realize the locks had been changed already. (Luckily, a different key opens the mailboxes.) When I went to the office for the key, I saw a notice on the window to the effect that the office was closed on Thursday and Friday. And Friday was for "a holiday party." Now, we had holiday parties every year at Rider, but NOT DURING WORK HOURS. (I feel like Mrs. Scrooge for writing that/)
I wasn't so annoyed at the key thing or even the two-day closing, except why in the hell didn't they send out an email and let residents know about it? Bush league, if you ask me.
Anyway, after lunch, I walked again down Victoria and got a bus at Telephone. Went to Michael's and Pier One for some gifts. I then hopped a bus to the Transit Center, switched to another and traveled to town, went to the library, and picked up Stephen King's new book, The Institute, which I had put on hold about two months ago.
I immediately bused back to the mall and went to Trader Joe's to pick up some things I'm giving as smaller gifts--I won't say what they are yet. Betty called as I waited for the number 6 bus and we chatted. Got off and stopped at Von's for Romaine and parm cheese--I'll just have to write off as a loss the one I left at the other store. Now today, I have a hell of a lot of more things to do, but after I send off the gifts to Asia--which will almost surely not get there in time for Christmas--I'll have a little down time.
Just got up (6:15) and got my paper at the door. I found with it a lovely handmade card from Suzanne with a note saying how much she likes having me as a friend. Yes, I think I landed in the right place.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Camarillo And Birthday
I was out front waiting for the Access Van at 10:45. It didn't come immediately, but no prob, as it was a beautiful day--sunny and fairly warm.
To get to Camarillo where the program was, the van dropped me at a stop there, then another picked me up and took me to a complex called "the Health District." This is a very attractive, quite new facility and someone in the office walked me to the classroom.
The program was actually for caregivers of those with Alzheimer's and, in fact, there were only two other people there: Ed, who's caregiver for his very far-advanced wife and Joan, who's caregiver for her husband, who isn't.
It didn't really tell me a whole bunch new, but was useful, I think. However, it started at 12:30 and lasted until 4:30. There was a short break in the middle, but I guess it was assumed participants would have had lunch. Of course, I hadn't since I left so early, but it didn't really bother me.
Noreen called me and left a message about an "ethical problem," for which she wanted my advice, a first for me. I'm hardly the person to go to for a question of morals, but I called her back. It seems she had ordered a fruitcake on-line for a friend of hers and somehow, accidentally, was going to be sent two, but they were going to charge her for only one and should she cancel, although she probably had ordered it for herself in August and had forgotten about it...
Good grief! I said I couldn't advise her, but whatever she did, she shouldn't agonize over it. I think the dilemma was that she'd get two cakes, but only pay for one. So do it. Or don't do it. I knew she was insecure, but this seemed extreme.
Niece Carolyn called and said that Betty, Carolyn, Dana, Finn, Claire, Steve, Robyn, and Dexter could come to Ventura (along with Ellen, of course, and Greg if he doesn't have to work) for our birthday on the 21st. Great news and I suggested they come to my place. If it's okay with the L.A.contingent, they will. Said I'd have to check with Ellen, too. but I thought she'd be happy with that arrangement. She called later to say it was fine with her ("now I won't have to clean the house"--a girl after my own heart!). I texted Carolyn not to bring anything to drink, as I have plenty of beer, wine, soda, and iced tea. Yay--that will be such fun!
Betty called and we talked. Unfortunately, she hasn't found her necklace. Now, it seems, the companion she wanted me to meet won't be there on Tuesday, when I was planning to visit. Since I'll see her on Saturday and I'd still like to go to the surprise party in Santa Paula that evening, I begged off.
I also begged off attending T.O.P.S. this morning. I'm just so frazzled with Christmas coming and things having to be bought and sent overseas and so on, that I know it would drive me crazy to sit there and listen to nothingness for an hour and a half. I have a long list of what I want to buy and do today and I want to clear the decks and do it.
To get to Camarillo where the program was, the van dropped me at a stop there, then another picked me up and took me to a complex called "the Health District." This is a very attractive, quite new facility and someone in the office walked me to the classroom.
The program was actually for caregivers of those with Alzheimer's and, in fact, there were only two other people there: Ed, who's caregiver for his very far-advanced wife and Joan, who's caregiver for her husband, who isn't.
It didn't really tell me a whole bunch new, but was useful, I think. However, it started at 12:30 and lasted until 4:30. There was a short break in the middle, but I guess it was assumed participants would have had lunch. Of course, I hadn't since I left so early, but it didn't really bother me.
Noreen called me and left a message about an "ethical problem," for which she wanted my advice, a first for me. I'm hardly the person to go to for a question of morals, but I called her back. It seems she had ordered a fruitcake on-line for a friend of hers and somehow, accidentally, was going to be sent two, but they were going to charge her for only one and should she cancel, although she probably had ordered it for herself in August and had forgotten about it...
Good grief! I said I couldn't advise her, but whatever she did, she shouldn't agonize over it. I think the dilemma was that she'd get two cakes, but only pay for one. So do it. Or don't do it. I knew she was insecure, but this seemed extreme.
Niece Carolyn called and said that Betty, Carolyn, Dana, Finn, Claire, Steve, Robyn, and Dexter could come to Ventura (along with Ellen, of course, and Greg if he doesn't have to work) for our birthday on the 21st. Great news and I suggested they come to my place. If it's okay with the L.A.contingent, they will. Said I'd have to check with Ellen, too. but I thought she'd be happy with that arrangement. She called later to say it was fine with her ("now I won't have to clean the house"--a girl after my own heart!). I texted Carolyn not to bring anything to drink, as I have plenty of beer, wine, soda, and iced tea. Yay--that will be such fun!
Betty called and we talked. Unfortunately, she hasn't found her necklace. Now, it seems, the companion she wanted me to meet won't be there on Tuesday, when I was planning to visit. Since I'll see her on Saturday and I'd still like to go to the surprise party in Santa Paula that evening, I begged off.
I also begged off attending T.O.P.S. this morning. I'm just so frazzled with Christmas coming and things having to be bought and sent overseas and so on, that I know it would drive me crazy to sit there and listen to nothingness for an hour and a half. I have a long list of what I want to buy and do today and I want to clear the decks and do it.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Lunch With C.B.
Met Carolyn B. for lunch at the Busy Bee Luncheonette (her suggestion) on Main Street. This is a neat place, very much nineteen fifties in decor and mood, with Elvis and others of the era singing in the background. In keeping with the venue, I had a huge, greasy cheeseburger with jumbo fries and a big Blue Moon, which, happy day, they have on tap. It was wonderful, and filled me up enough for dinner. I got a kick out of this poster:
Carolyn and I had a good talk. Her daughter, Billie (yes, that's her name) wants to go to art school in San Francisco or elsewhere. I mentioned the Savannah College of Art & Design, where my daughter-in-law, Paula, got her graduate degree and, of course, Parsons in NYC.
We stayed for two hours, discussing mostly family--Carolyn doesn't see many of her siblings--and had an enjoyable time. We then parted and I walked to the library to pick up a bio of Edward Bernays, the originator, it seems, of modern advertising and propaganda, may he rot in hell.
Bused home and got in about 5:00. I lit my decorations (some candle, some battery) and rang Suzanne's bell to invite her to view them. I first did the same for hers--heavy on the angels and very pretty. She came over and admired mine after and we talked for a bit.
I received two packages, one from Land's End and the other from Tokyo. Mike said he's sending something he wants me to distribute to his stateside sibs, but it hasn't come yet. This is for before Christmas, h said.
Also got a card from the Tokyo trio, which I'll open on my birthday. I'm getting frazzled about what to get them and their families and how I can get it to them before Christmas, especially as so much travel is going on.
Carolyn and I had a good talk. Her daughter, Billie (yes, that's her name) wants to go to art school in San Francisco or elsewhere. I mentioned the Savannah College of Art & Design, where my daughter-in-law, Paula, got her graduate degree and, of course, Parsons in NYC.
We stayed for two hours, discussing mostly family--Carolyn doesn't see many of her siblings--and had an enjoyable time. We then parted and I walked to the library to pick up a bio of Edward Bernays, the originator, it seems, of modern advertising and propaganda, may he rot in hell.
Bused home and got in about 5:00. I lit my decorations (some candle, some battery) and rang Suzanne's bell to invite her to view them. I first did the same for hers--heavy on the angels and very pretty. She came over and admired mine after and we talked for a bit.
I received two packages, one from Land's End and the other from Tokyo. Mike said he's sending something he wants me to distribute to his stateside sibs, but it hasn't come yet. This is for before Christmas, h said.
Also got a card from the Tokyo trio, which I'll open on my birthday. I'm getting frazzled about what to get them and their families and how I can get it to them before Christmas, especially as so much travel is going on.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
"Knives Out"
I met Nancy at 10:00 at the Midtown and we saw Knives Out.
We both loved it! The story line was reminiscent of Agatha Christie and had more ins and outs than a sewing machine. It was fun to see Daniel Craig as a southerner--from the U.S., not the U.K.--with an corn pone accent you could cut with a knife. Christopher Plummer was great as the victim and Jamie Lee Curtis as one of his grasping children.
After, we went to Masa Sushi for Japanese, which was very good. We parted after making a tentative date for next week; Nance has something for me and I have something for her. I walked down to the museum, stopping in a few stores on the way. Decided to take the number 6 to Target at the mall and get my supply of blueberries, but narrowly missed a bus. A nice woman offered to drive me down Main to Telegraph and I accepted, first asking if she was a serial killer. She said no and I told her I was, but only on Sundays. I enjoyed talking to her so much, I forgot about Target. She dropped me at Victoria and I walked home. I freshened up a little (that's a euphemism for visiting the bathroom), then went right back out and got the bus for the mall.
Walking from the stop to Target, I passed Johnson Dental, went in, and made an appointment for January 8. I had been trying to force myself to do this for months--I'm terrified of the dentist, having been traumatized as a child--and was glad I finally did.
Got the blueberries, went back and bused home. Called El and we talked for 45 minutes. She was driving, on her way to Fullerton (a three-hour drive), for a lecture by the author of Love and Logic in the Classroom. She'll stay overnight, having arranged to have a sub today for her class. I asked if she'd take me to the thrift store to donate some of my Christmas stuff and she will, over the weekend.
We both loved it! The story line was reminiscent of Agatha Christie and had more ins and outs than a sewing machine. It was fun to see Daniel Craig as a southerner--from the U.S., not the U.K.--with an corn pone accent you could cut with a knife. Christopher Plummer was great as the victim and Jamie Lee Curtis as one of his grasping children.
After, we went to Masa Sushi for Japanese, which was very good. We parted after making a tentative date for next week; Nance has something for me and I have something for her. I walked down to the museum, stopping in a few stores on the way. Decided to take the number 6 to Target at the mall and get my supply of blueberries, but narrowly missed a bus. A nice woman offered to drive me down Main to Telegraph and I accepted, first asking if she was a serial killer. She said no and I told her I was, but only on Sundays. I enjoyed talking to her so much, I forgot about Target. She dropped me at Victoria and I walked home. I freshened up a little (that's a euphemism for visiting the bathroom), then went right back out and got the bus for the mall.
Walking from the stop to Target, I passed Johnson Dental, went in, and made an appointment for January 8. I had been trying to force myself to do this for months--I'm terrified of the dentist, having been traumatized as a child--and was glad I finally did.
Got the blueberries, went back and bused home. Called El and we talked for 45 minutes. She was driving, on her way to Fullerton (a three-hour drive), for a lecture by the author of Love and Logic in the Classroom. She'll stay overnight, having arranged to have a sub today for her class. I asked if she'd take me to the thrift store to donate some of my Christmas stuff and she will, over the weekend.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Christmas Stuff
Did a wash in the morning, then started in on getting my Christmas stuff out. I had it stored in two high cupboards and almost killed myself getting it, but I did.
Good grief, how could I have accumulated so much? I decorated here and there--it took me several hours and actually, looks pretty nice--but I have a lot more stuff for which I have no place. I want to donate the overage to Goodwill, but have to figure out a way to get it there. I want to do it now so somebody can enjoy it at Christmas.
After lunch, I rode to town. Dropped off a book at the library, then walked down to The Promenade, looped up to Main, and completed the circle to the library. I haven't done that for awhile and it was enjoyable. Idiot that I am, I stopped into The Coalition and bought some window cels that stick on the window: Santa and Ho, Ho, Ho. Okay, I just wrote I have too much Christmas stuff, but this I needed! Anyway, it'll look very cute once I put it up.
Also bought two packages of Christmas napkins. Since I did that, I HAD to invite Nancy and Carolyn for lunch next Wednesday. After all, I have to use the napkins, don't I?
Enjoyed part one of the sixth and final season of Downton Abbey last night. I'm not sure how I'll survive last of it.
Good grief, how could I have accumulated so much? I decorated here and there--it took me several hours and actually, looks pretty nice--but I have a lot more stuff for which I have no place. I want to donate the overage to Goodwill, but have to figure out a way to get it there. I want to do it now so somebody can enjoy it at Christmas.
After lunch, I rode to town. Dropped off a book at the library, then walked down to The Promenade, looped up to Main, and completed the circle to the library. I haven't done that for awhile and it was enjoyable. Idiot that I am, I stopped into The Coalition and bought some window cels that stick on the window: Santa and Ho, Ho, Ho. Okay, I just wrote I have too much Christmas stuff, but this I needed! Anyway, it'll look very cute once I put it up.
Also bought two packages of Christmas napkins. Since I did that, I HAD to invite Nancy and Carolyn for lunch next Wednesday. After all, I have to use the napkins, don't I?
Enjoyed part one of the sixth and final season of Downton Abbey last night. I'm not sure how I'll survive last of it.
Monday, December 09, 2019
Museum And Mickey
A dark, rainy day in the morning that matched my mood. Happily, both cleared up later and it turned into an interesting and stimulating day.
I left for the museum at 11:00. On my way, Betty called to say that this time, she's lost a necklace. She's sure she had it at Carolyn's or Stephen's or at Al Capone's or who the hell knows where. Anyway, I haven't seen it and don't even remember it. Later, Betty's daughter-in-law texted me on the topic and we commiserated with each other. It helps to have allies.
I left for the museum at 11:00. On my way, Betty called to say that this time, she's lost a necklace. She's sure she had it at Carolyn's or Stephen's or at Al Capone's or who the hell knows where. Anyway, I haven't seen it and don't even remember it. Later, Betty's daughter-in-law texted me on the topic and we commiserated with each other. It helps to have allies.
The museum event was for members; I had just rejoined (at a fee of forty bucks) and got there just as director Elena started her address. I hadn't had lunch, so was glad to see a nice spread of finger sandwiches and so on. I was even happier to see the fixings for mimosas--a carafe of orange juice and a tub of champagne bottles. I skipped the orange juice--who needs it?--and had a few glasses of the bubbly. I sat with and chatted with a woman name Jill and enjoyed our conversation. I gave her my card and asked her to get in touch; hope she will.
I took a tour of the archives conducted by the archivist and enjoyed it immensely. This is the kind of thing I like most: history found in letters, diaries, newspaper articles, and other homely documents. Incredibly, this portrait of Lincoln was done by writing out the Proclamation of Emancipation:
There was also an address by the author of a book about a ex-nun who was instrumental in improving the lives of Latina women, then the subject herself spoke. I left after that and walked down Main for a bit, then took the bus to the mall, stopping at Trader Joe's for a few things. Home, I rang Suzanne's bell and we chatted for a bit. She offered to pick me up after an Alzheimer's seminar in Camerillo and I accepted. Will register and go there on Thursday.
On a whim, I called my old friend from Ewing, Michael Ann "Micky" Eldridge and we talked for a full hour. I met her roughly sixty years ago--my oldest was an infant--when we were both young mothers in back-to-back apartments. She had three boys, a philandering husband, and a cigarette habit as vicious as mine. Later, in the first houses we owned--hers in Fleetwood Village, mine a short stroll away on Lower Ferry--we continued our friendship. After many years, she moved to...
Arizona! Why, that's where I'm going in February and she's in Phoenix, only about 25 miles away. Of course, we excitedly made plans to meet and I'll follow up with my hostess.
Sunday, December 08, 2019
Parkinson's, Not Alzheimer's
Got up at 6:00 after a restless night. I don't know why every once in a while, I don't sleep well. Maybe I was thinking of the fact I had to be out front and ready for the Access Van at 8:07--this for a 9:00 start in Oxnard, maybe twenty minutes away. When I got there, I realized it was actually a Parkinson's Disease program, not Alzheimer's. However, I figured it would touch on cognitive problems and it did.
This didn't tell me (or the rest of the audience, I'm sure) anything new and exciting. It included a lot of feelgood stuff for caregivers that everybody over ten has heard a million times: Take care of yourself or you won't be able to care for your loved one; be sure the PD person eats lots of veggies and gets plenty of exercise; be patient with his/her failings; and so on. However, I sat with two women, Helga and Melanie, who both happened to be German, and we had some good talk, so on the whole, I enjoyed it. Lunch was chicken with sauce, sliced potatoes, a teeny sprig of broccoli, and sliced carrots, all of which surely spent their previous lives in the freezer.
Was picked up at 2:00, home twenty minutes later, dropped my info packet off, and took off for the bus. I was going to go into town, but it was drizzling--in fact, it rained intermittently all day--and I decided against it. Went to Target for a few things, then home.
I was pleased to get an email from my nephew, Dave, to the effect that he and Polly will be in L.A. in early February and would like to see me and other relatives. I was planning to go to Mesa, AZ then, but I consulted the person I'll be visiting and it's okay to put it off until later in the month. Got an invitation to a surprise birthday party for Alex M., one of the state managers for American Roadhouse, the August show I was in. I like her a lot and hope I can go.
Speaking of that "be patient with the patient" mantra, Betty called in the evening. I don't want to go into detail, but it's enough to say her old spirit of competition was there in full force and I was hard put to keep on lid on my annoyance.
Emailed Nancy to see if she was available Tuesday for Knives Out at the Midtown--with lunch after, of course.
This didn't tell me (or the rest of the audience, I'm sure) anything new and exciting. It included a lot of feelgood stuff for caregivers that everybody over ten has heard a million times: Take care of yourself or you won't be able to care for your loved one; be sure the PD person eats lots of veggies and gets plenty of exercise; be patient with his/her failings; and so on. However, I sat with two women, Helga and Melanie, who both happened to be German, and we had some good talk, so on the whole, I enjoyed it. Lunch was chicken with sauce, sliced potatoes, a teeny sprig of broccoli, and sliced carrots, all of which surely spent their previous lives in the freezer.
Was picked up at 2:00, home twenty minutes later, dropped my info packet off, and took off for the bus. I was going to go into town, but it was drizzling--in fact, it rained intermittently all day--and I decided against it. Went to Target for a few things, then home.
I was pleased to get an email from my nephew, Dave, to the effect that he and Polly will be in L.A. in early February and would like to see me and other relatives. I was planning to go to Mesa, AZ then, but I consulted the person I'll be visiting and it's okay to put it off until later in the month. Got an invitation to a surprise birthday party for Alex M., one of the state managers for American Roadhouse, the August show I was in. I like her a lot and hope I can go.
Speaking of that "be patient with the patient" mantra, Betty called in the evening. I don't want to go into detail, but it's enough to say her old spirit of competition was there in full force and I was hard put to keep on lid on my annoyance.
Emailed Nancy to see if she was available Tuesday for Knives Out at the Midtown--with lunch after, of course.
Saturday, December 07, 2019
Went to T.O.P.S. and was up a little, to 131.6, but I'm not concerned. The meeting itself was semi-dull, but I got through it. Home after 10, so as usual on Friday, didn't have breakfast until late. Called the Access Van to ask that they pick me up for the Alzheimer's program at the Marriott in Oxnard today. I'd be happier to take the bus except I don't know where the place is.
After that, I walked down Victoria to Telephone, then caught a bus to WinCo. At that point, it started to rain lightly and I hadn't brought my umbrella, but I didn't mind getting a little wet. Picked up the fajitas, Dave's Killer Bread, and Mr. Clean I wanted and I was proud of myself for getting only those three and not adding more.
Instead of the direct route--bus no. 11 to Victoria, then no. 6--I took the 11 to the transit center and was lucky enough to get the no. 10, which stops right outside my apartment complex.... Oh, good grief! Am I nuts? Who in the hell cares what number bus I take, anyway? I must have a compulsion or something to record this crapola. The fact is, though, that I'm pleased I'm now able to navigate pretty well around town.
Okay, bused back to the transit center, which is at the mall. Niece Carolyn called while I was riding to ask about my supplemental health insurance, as Betty may benefit from a different one. Went to Trader Joe's and got something that's a secret, plus another large and incredibly beautiful red poinsettia. It was kind of a drag to carry it, plus my trusty nylon bag full of the other four things, which are in cans, but I made it okay.
I'd no sooner dropped them off then I trekked over to Von's for ground turkey and salmon. Good thing I took my umbrella this time because then it began to rain in earnest. Made turkey onion stir-fry for dinner and it was yummy
After that, I walked down Victoria to Telephone, then caught a bus to WinCo. At that point, it started to rain lightly and I hadn't brought my umbrella, but I didn't mind getting a little wet. Picked up the fajitas, Dave's Killer Bread, and Mr. Clean I wanted and I was proud of myself for getting only those three and not adding more.
Instead of the direct route--bus no. 11 to Victoria, then no. 6--I took the 11 to the transit center and was lucky enough to get the no. 10, which stops right outside my apartment complex.... Oh, good grief! Am I nuts? Who in the hell cares what number bus I take, anyway? I must have a compulsion or something to record this crapola. The fact is, though, that I'm pleased I'm now able to navigate pretty well around town.
Okay, bused back to the transit center, which is at the mall. Niece Carolyn called while I was riding to ask about my supplemental health insurance, as Betty may benefit from a different one. Went to Trader Joe's and got something that's a secret, plus another large and incredibly beautiful red poinsettia. It was kind of a drag to carry it, plus my trusty nylon bag full of the other four things, which are in cans, but I made it okay.
I'd no sooner dropped them off then I trekked over to Von's for ground turkey and salmon. Good thing I took my umbrella this time because then it began to rain in earnest. Made turkey onion stir-fry for dinner and it was yummy
Friday, December 06, 2019
Yolanda's And Nuts
I left at noon to meet Nancy for lunch at 1:00, but when I got to the mall/transit center, I realized I'd be early if I took a bus the rest of the way, so walked. I got a table and Nance got there shortly after. I reminded her that this--at Yolanda's--is where we actually met, at a Soaring Spirits dinner. I looked it up on this blog and saw it was on November 2, 2015, so just a few months after I moved to California.
Anyway, we had a good time talking, as ever. We both had carnitas something-or-other, which consists of pulled pork, refried beans, and rice. It was accompanied with tacos and the idea is to roll the stuff up in them. Anyway, it was good, along with a "White Institution" amber beer. Nance had a Margarita with hers.
We went from there to Target where we parted and I took a bus home. I had a card for Greg, who's birthday is tomorrow, so I got off at the P.O. to mail it. Walked home from there, put my things away, then walked over to CVS to take my blood pressure. It was 106/67, which seems okay.
I saw some lovely poinsettia plants there and bought one. As I cut across the grass toward my apartment, I came across a youngish woman near some kids on the playground. She admired my plant and we fell into conversation, discussing the sale of the complex, and so on. Her name is Michelle and I hope to see more of her. When I got home, I made a little Christmas arrangement in the living room, although I haven't even taken out the rest of my holiday stuff.
Renewed my $40 membership in the Ventura museum--what the hell, now that I no longer have car expenses, I'm rolling in dough. There's a open house there tomorrow for members and I think I'll go.
Saw this in Trader Joe's flyer:
Anyway, we had a good time talking, as ever. We both had carnitas something-or-other, which consists of pulled pork, refried beans, and rice. It was accompanied with tacos and the idea is to roll the stuff up in them. Anyway, it was good, along with a "White Institution" amber beer. Nance had a Margarita with hers.
We went from there to Target where we parted and I took a bus home. I had a card for Greg, who's birthday is tomorrow, so I got off at the P.O. to mail it. Walked home from there, put my things away, then walked over to CVS to take my blood pressure. It was 106/67, which seems okay.
I saw some lovely poinsettia plants there and bought one. As I cut across the grass toward my apartment, I came across a youngish woman near some kids on the playground. She admired my plant and we fell into conversation, discussing the sale of the complex, and so on. Her name is Michelle and I hope to see more of her. When I got home, I made a little Christmas arrangement in the living room, although I haven't even taken out the rest of my holiday stuff.
Renewed my $40 membership in the Ventura museum--what the hell, now that I no longer have car expenses, I'm rolling in dough. There's a open house there tomorrow for members and I think I'll go.
Saw this in Trader Joe's flyer:
Thursday, December 05, 2019
Motor Vehicle And My Boy
Got up at 6:30 and was dismayed to see it was raining. However, I was determined to finally get my Real ID, so resolved to go to the DMV for the third time (I didn't have the right documents before). As it turned out, the rain stopped, although it seemed a bit chilly when I started out. Halfway down Victoria, it got warm and wouldn't you know, I had my knitted hood/scarf and wool mittens on. I took them off and was able to fit them in my nylon bag and just carry them.
Got to the DMV about 11:00 and left at 12:45. When I got there, I was asked if I had completed the application on-line. Damnit, no I hadn't known about it, so had to sit down there and do it. That took about 20 minutes, after which I waited to be called--at least they provide chairs.
Once I got to the right window, it went smoothly. Actually, the young woman who waited on my was remarkably pleasant and friendly. In fact, most of those I've had dealings with there have been, although I'm sometimes anything but.
Anyway, stopped at Von's for lettuce, had lunch late, then bused to town. By that time, it was after 4:00 and I just browsed at a few stores, then came home. Didn't get in until dark, but I'm okay with that now; I just use the flashlight on my phone when necessary.
Betty called with another talk of woe about her lost IPad. She'll just have to get another one, I guess.
I had a nice piece of tilapia and spinach for dinner, then put a "happy birthday" post on Facebook for my dear boy, my youngest, one of the four I love most in the world. He's fifty-three today--how is that possible? I can't even believe I'M fifty-three.
Got to the DMV about 11:00 and left at 12:45. When I got there, I was asked if I had completed the application on-line. Damnit, no I hadn't known about it, so had to sit down there and do it. That took about 20 minutes, after which I waited to be called--at least they provide chairs.
Once I got to the right window, it went smoothly. Actually, the young woman who waited on my was remarkably pleasant and friendly. In fact, most of those I've had dealings with there have been, although I'm sometimes anything but.
Anyway, stopped at Von's for lettuce, had lunch late, then bused to town. By that time, it was after 4:00 and I just browsed at a few stores, then came home. Didn't get in until dark, but I'm okay with that now; I just use the flashlight on my phone when necessary.
Betty called with another talk of woe about her lost IPad. She'll just have to get another one, I guess.
I had a nice piece of tilapia and spinach for dinner, then put a "happy birthday" post on Facebook for my dear boy, my youngest, one of the four I love most in the world. He's fifty-three today--how is that possible? I can't even believe I'M fifty-three.
Wednesday, December 04, 2019
My Trek And Monique
Made my usual two-and-a-half hour trek to Santa Barbara, during which Nancy called to see if I wanted to meet for lunch tomorrow at Yolanda's. Is the pope catholic? Does a bear...? Sure, I will.
Got to Betty's door at the usual 11:30. We chatted a bit, then walked down the street to the Natural Cafe. This is one of those places--as I'm constantly ranting about--where you have to stand at a counter to order, then get your own utensils yet, unlike fast food places, is plenty high-priced. They also expect you to tip as if you'd really gotten full service.
Anyway, I looked at the menu and decided on a half turkey sandwich and lentil soup (which were very good, by the way), plus a semi-dark craft beer. Betty was right behind me, but stood there in line perusing the menu, with there were ten people behind her. I moved her over so they could get through, then she sat down at our table. She must have read every word on the menu and provided a running commentary: "Should I get that? What about this? Did you ever have it?," and so on. My meal came and I had it half eaten before she finally decided on a cheese sandwich and a salad. Of course she had to engage the young waiter in conversion and string her favorite jokes on him. (Just as a horrible example: "Where does a general keep him armies?" Answer: "Up his sleevies.")
Anyway, we finally finished and left. I told Betty I wanted to get home before dark, so had to take the 2:20 back to Ventura, which meant I had to leave about 1:45. However, I went to her clubhouse for coffee before I left, and when I arrived in town, it was 2:26, so I missed that bus. Had to wait for the 3:37, but that actually led to an interesting encounter. Since I had an hour to wait, I walked to the library and took some pictures of the beautiful 101-year-old building, as well as the courthouse across the street. 

Sat down at the bus stop, where a woman in the forties or so was sitting. After a few minutes, she politely asked if I could spare enough money for bus fare to Ventura ($1.85). She was well-dressed and well-spoken, obviously not homeless,and introduced herself as Monique.
In truth, I usually carry very little cash and, aside from my own bus fare, I had only a dollar. I gave her that and she told me the sad story that her daughter had been shot and killed by a police officer in Oxnard and she was involved in a court case. She showed me what I would call a mass card, with a picture of the girl and a death date of March something, 2015.
Anyway, we chatted for a half-hour or so until the bus came. She told the driver she had only the dollar and, happily, he let her on although the fare was $1,85, She didn't ride all the way to Oxnard, but got off at the Santa Barbara harbor, I don't know why. I didn't care if she was a con-artist or not, I liked talking to her and what's a dollar to me, anyway? When I got home, I looked up the incident and sure enough, what she said was true. I read and saw a lot about it--newspaper articles, youtube (another daughter testified and was very articulate), and obituaries--and clearly, it caused quite a stir at the time.
I'm mulling over the possibility of contacting Monique, but I'm not sure if I will. One way or the other, though, it was an interesting encounter and wouldn't have happened if 1.) I had gotten the 2:20 and 2.) I hadn't walked the several blocks to the library. So does that mean that we're somehow influenced by a mysterious force outside ourselves? God? Zeus? Angels? Aliens? The Powers That Be? I don't know and neither does anyone else.
And speaking of mysterious forces: It's raining!
Got to Betty's door at the usual 11:30. We chatted a bit, then walked down the street to the Natural Cafe. This is one of those places--as I'm constantly ranting about--where you have to stand at a counter to order, then get your own utensils yet, unlike fast food places, is plenty high-priced. They also expect you to tip as if you'd really gotten full service.
Anyway, I looked at the menu and decided on a half turkey sandwich and lentil soup (which were very good, by the way), plus a semi-dark craft beer. Betty was right behind me, but stood there in line perusing the menu, with there were ten people behind her. I moved her over so they could get through, then she sat down at our table. She must have read every word on the menu and provided a running commentary: "Should I get that? What about this? Did you ever have it?," and so on. My meal came and I had it half eaten before she finally decided on a cheese sandwich and a salad. Of course she had to engage the young waiter in conversion and string her favorite jokes on him. (Just as a horrible example: "Where does a general keep him armies?" Answer: "Up his sleevies.")

Sat down at the bus stop, where a woman in the forties or so was sitting. After a few minutes, she politely asked if I could spare enough money for bus fare to Ventura ($1.85). She was well-dressed and well-spoken, obviously not homeless,and introduced herself as Monique.
In truth, I usually carry very little cash and, aside from my own bus fare, I had only a dollar. I gave her that and she told me the sad story that her daughter had been shot and killed by a police officer in Oxnard and she was involved in a court case. She showed me what I would call a mass card, with a picture of the girl and a death date of March something, 2015.
Anyway, we chatted for a half-hour or so until the bus came. She told the driver she had only the dollar and, happily, he let her on although the fare was $1,85, She didn't ride all the way to Oxnard, but got off at the Santa Barbara harbor, I don't know why. I didn't care if she was a con-artist or not, I liked talking to her and what's a dollar to me, anyway? When I got home, I looked up the incident and sure enough, what she said was true. I read and saw a lot about it--newspaper articles, youtube (another daughter testified and was very articulate), and obituaries--and clearly, it caused quite a stir at the time.
I'm mulling over the possibility of contacting Monique, but I'm not sure if I will. One way or the other, though, it was an interesting encounter and wouldn't have happened if 1.) I had gotten the 2:20 and 2.) I hadn't walked the several blocks to the library. So does that mean that we're somehow influenced by a mysterious force outside ourselves? God? Zeus? Angels? Aliens? The Powers That Be? I don't know and neither does anyone else.
And speaking of mysterious forces: It's raining!
Tuesday, December 03, 2019
'Round The Mulberry Bush
Stripped the bed, remade, and did the white wash in the morning.* Wash finished and had everything put away by 10:30.
I was determined to find blueberries, so walked down Victoria to Telephone and took the 11 to the Target at that shopping center. Yes, they had them and the 18 ounce package was on sale. There weren't many left, so I bought three. Walked a distance to get the bus back and had to wait about a half hour. Got it, rode to the transit center and took the 21 home.
By that time, it was almost 2:00. I had lunch, took the trash out, then jumped in the shower. I wore my new Christmas shirt/dress with red tights and looked pretty Christmasy, I think. I had told GoAccess I had to be at Stonefire Grille (a 15-minute drive at worst) at 6:30, but was picked up at 5:00, so moseyed around in Barnes & Noble until it was time to go in.
We had a good group, although smaller than usual--about 12. The regulars were there, including Jim and Greg, who's still waiting for a kidney transplant. Jim told me he had just moved into Clearwater, a new independent living place in Oxnard. He pays five thou a month, but was able to negotiate skipping the hefty entrance fee, presumably because it's only half occupied, mostly, of course, by women. He says he gets "hit on" a lot. In fact, the manager asked him to be her escort at a charity ball in Santa Barbara and he accepted. That seems a little unethical to me.
We had an ornament exchange and I said I'd sit out because I hadn't brought one, but Vera insisted there were extras and I got a lovely kind of leafy ball. Both Donna (who's the wife of Jim's deceased daughter's former husband) and Barbara Q., who's the CEO of the fairgrounds, offered to take me home, but it would be out of Donna's way, so Barb did. Before that, after the others had gone, we sat and talked for a half hour or so. Barb and I then went across the mall to Pier One and she insisted on buying me another pretty ornament. When we got to my place, we sat in the car and talked and talked. I was amused to hear her call herself "an Italian from Pittsburgh," which she considers her hometown although she's lived in Santa Barbara, then Ventura, since she was seven.
Didn't get in until 9:30 and went almost immediately to bed. Off to SB today.
*I was sure there's a child's nursery rhyme or song we used to say or sing about washing clothes on Monday and later, I found it:
I was determined to find blueberries, so walked down Victoria to Telephone and took the 11 to the Target at that shopping center. Yes, they had them and the 18 ounce package was on sale. There weren't many left, so I bought three. Walked a distance to get the bus back and had to wait about a half hour. Got it, rode to the transit center and took the 21 home.
By that time, it was almost 2:00. I had lunch, took the trash out, then jumped in the shower. I wore my new Christmas shirt/dress with red tights and looked pretty Christmasy, I think. I had told GoAccess I had to be at Stonefire Grille (a 15-minute drive at worst) at 6:30, but was picked up at 5:00, so moseyed around in Barnes & Noble until it was time to go in.
We had a good group, although smaller than usual--about 12. The regulars were there, including Jim and Greg, who's still waiting for a kidney transplant. Jim told me he had just moved into Clearwater, a new independent living place in Oxnard. He pays five thou a month, but was able to negotiate skipping the hefty entrance fee, presumably because it's only half occupied, mostly, of course, by women. He says he gets "hit on" a lot. In fact, the manager asked him to be her escort at a charity ball in Santa Barbara and he accepted. That seems a little unethical to me.
We had an ornament exchange and I said I'd sit out because I hadn't brought one, but Vera insisted there were extras and I got a lovely kind of leafy ball. Both Donna (who's the wife of Jim's deceased daughter's former husband) and Barbara Q., who's the CEO of the fairgrounds, offered to take me home, but it would be out of Donna's way, so Barb did. Before that, after the others had gone, we sat and talked for a half hour or so. Barb and I then went across the mall to Pier One and she insisted on buying me another pretty ornament. When we got to my place, we sat in the car and talked and talked. I was amused to hear her call herself "an Italian from Pittsburgh," which she considers her hometown although she's lived in Santa Barbara, then Ventura, since she was seven.
Didn't get in until 9:30 and went almost immediately to bed. Off to SB today.
*I was sure there's a child's nursery rhyme or song we used to say or sing about washing clothes on Monday and later, I found it:
Here we go round the Mulberry Bush
The mulberry bush
The mulberry bush
Here we go round the Mulberry Bush
So early in the morning
The mulberry bush
The mulberry bush
Here we go round the Mulberry Bush
So early in the morning
This is the way we wash our clothes
Wash our clothes
Wash our clothes
This is the way we wash our clothes
So early Monday morning
Wash our clothes
Wash our clothes
This is the way we wash our clothes
So early Monday morning
This is the way we iron our clothes
Iron our clothes
Iron our clothes
This is the way we iron our clothes
So early Tuesday morning...
...and so on.
Iron our clothes
Iron our clothes
This is the way we iron our clothes
So early Tuesday morning...
...and so on.
Monday, December 02, 2019
Pat: Please let me know if you can see the picture.
I didn't get up until 7:30 yesterday, probably because I didn't sleep well. That may have been because I didn't get my regular amount of walking in. Anyway, got up, did the Sunday routine, and felt okay. I had quite a bit of citrus--oranges, tangerines, and "cuties"--so I scrubbed some, cut them up, and put them in the small slow cooker with cinnamon. That made a kind of non-sweet marmalade, which I'll have with dinner (should go well with fish) or mixed with fresh fruit.
Had lunch and left for town. It's still chilly, but I wore my heavy sweater under my lined raincoat and was comfortable. Got off at the library and walked the usual to the museum, then back again. I deviated to Santa Clarita Street to walk up to Main. Caught the bus and got off at the mall to stop in at Target for more blueberries.
But AAGH--they didn't have any! I knew that sooner or later the season would be over, but it still came as a shock. I stopped in at Trader Joe's (they often have samples of cooked foods, plus little cardboard cups of coffee and I take advantage of both) and saw some poinsettias. Incredibly, these were only $3.99, so I bought one. Took it home on the bus, dropped it off, then walked over to Von's for lettuce, grapes, and raspberries.
Called to Access Van to arrange to be picked up and taken to the the Soaring Spirits dinner tonight. I'm trusting somebody will take me home. Betty called to report on her injury. She got the stitches out and the black and blue marks are fading. I'll see her tomorrow in BB.
I got my Christmas angel out and arranged a little tableau in the living room:
Today, I set the alarm and got up at 6:30, which I prefer. Slept well.
I didn't get up until 7:30 yesterday, probably because I didn't sleep well. That may have been because I didn't get my regular amount of walking in. Anyway, got up, did the Sunday routine, and felt okay. I had quite a bit of citrus--oranges, tangerines, and "cuties"--so I scrubbed some, cut them up, and put them in the small slow cooker with cinnamon. That made a kind of non-sweet marmalade, which I'll have with dinner (should go well with fish) or mixed with fresh fruit.
Had lunch and left for town. It's still chilly, but I wore my heavy sweater under my lined raincoat and was comfortable. Got off at the library and walked the usual to the museum, then back again. I deviated to Santa Clarita Street to walk up to Main. Caught the bus and got off at the mall to stop in at Target for more blueberries.
But AAGH--they didn't have any! I knew that sooner or later the season would be over, but it still came as a shock. I stopped in at Trader Joe's (they often have samples of cooked foods, plus little cardboard cups of coffee and I take advantage of both) and saw some poinsettias. Incredibly, these were only $3.99, so I bought one. Took it home on the bus, dropped it off, then walked over to Von's for lettuce, grapes, and raspberries.
Called to Access Van to arrange to be picked up and taken to the the Soaring Spirits dinner tonight. I'm trusting somebody will take me home. Betty called to report on her injury. She got the stitches out and the black and blue marks are fading. I'll see her tomorrow in BB.
I got my Christmas angel out and arranged a little tableau in the living room:
Today, I set the alarm and got up at 6:30, which I prefer. Slept well.
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