Saturday, June 01, 2019


Cheryl picked me up for T.O.P.S.; weighed in and found I had lost point one--went from 130.8 to 130.7--wowee!  The program was "run" by Pat, about as tedious a speaker as can be imagined. She parroted  all the truism and conventional weight wisdom we've been told for years--some of which I dispute. She also gave each of us folders with a lot of diet crapola  on it, first having us trace the outline of our hand, so we knew how big a piece of meat to eat. AAGH! She got all of it from her doctors, many of whom, I'm convinced, had very little nutrition/diet/weight loss in med school. In any event, it was a big bore.
However, I'm getting to know Cheryl better and like her a lot. Her house was burned to the ground in the Thomas fire and they bought a large one near me. She and her husband also own a duplex on the beach, and a house in Colorado.
Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, after which Suzanne came over to bring me brochures and maps on  Santa Fe--so nice of her. I then drove my car to go on various errands: to WinCo, the 99-Cent store, and Office Max for magenta printer ink. I was comfortable driving, I was happy to note.
Called Ellen to hear that her cold is much improved (rather, she's much improved, the cold is dying). She was still at school and is counting the hours--one more week of them--until she says goodbye to class and hello to summer vacation. So am I, as I don't get to see her as much as I'd like.
I bused to town, but only walked a mile or so, as it was getting toward dinner time. I didn't eat until 7:00 because it took me a while to stir-fry myself a good dinner of ground turkey, onions, green peppers, and mushrooms--yum.

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Monday Matters of Business

Just ignore this entry, and go to the next:  Having absolutely VOWED to quit procrastinating, I got these things done on my list: 1. Called ...