Sunday, June 30, 2019

Summer Day

It was a glorious summer day.
I drove to the market after breakfast and picked up a huge cauliflower, three kinds of fresh mushrooms, and blueberries. They still don't have the rice cakes I like, but I talked to a clerk and she said they may be in today.
Thanks to Ellen, I got the tape recorder working. I recorded my cues, then my speeches; today, I want to record only the cues, then will verbalize into "blank air."
I'm happy to say Mike and girls are now back in Ojai at Ellen's. He saw what I posted yesterday on Facebook when I walked The Promenade in town:
20190629_152638.jpgAfter a few messages back and forth, we decided we'd go here today. I'll have to leave early, as I have rehearsal at 6:00 and I'll want to clean up first.
I finally got a good walk in: Bussed to The Promenade and it was glorious--see above. When I walked back to Main, I came across a wedding reception in the garden of the mission. How beautiful is this?
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, wedding, tree and outdoor
They had refreshments set up and I was sorely tempted to try for a glass of wine, but being dressed in casual clothes, even I didn't have the nerve. I walked down Main and caught the bus home.
After lunch, I had cut up the cauliflower--it was so big, only part of it fit in the slow cooker, so I put the rest in a big bowl and microwaved it for dinner. Also had half of the mushrooms and a yummy swordfish steak. I know it's supposed to be bad because it has mercury in it, but why is it still allowed to be sold? I'll have to look this up.

Saturday, June 29, 2019


A true mish-mash of a day--up, down, and sideways.
Drove to T.O.P.S. and was pleasantly surprised that I was down three pounds and weighed in at 128.5. The program (Sharon reading from a diet mag) was bearable, if not scintillating. I was asked again if I would consider being leader (it is to laugh) and as before, declined emphatically. Didn't get breakfast until after 10:00.
I forgot to mention yesterday that when I went to take my medication (Ramipril and Atorastatin(?)) Thursday night, I was surprised to see I didn't have any. Before I went to New Mexico, I realized I had to order more (from CVS Caremark, though the mail), but I forgot. I went on-line to order it, but knew it wouldn't come for several days, so walked over to CVS to get a week's worth.
This turned out to be a major hassle. The young woman at the pharmacy (clearly, not a pharmacist) had difficulty in understanding me. She said my doctor would have to send a prescription. Yes, yes, of course, but according to the Caremark web site, CVS is supposed to call the doctor's office for it. She told me to do it, also; I did, and thought that was the end of it. It wasn't. When I went over about 6:00 to get it, I learned my doctor's office had never made the call. I had to call the back-up and get him/her to do it, then walk back over to CVS to get it. Stopped at Von's for Romaine and coffee (on sale), home for lunch, then more reading lines. I tried to get the tape recorder to work, but don't really need it.
Much of the day, I concentrated on traffic school. Just to cut the suspense, I took the "final exam" and passed it easily (a two-year-old orangutan could have passed), so that, at least, is out of the way. Studied my script and have the first two parts down pretty well.
I was pleased when Ellen called to ask if I had plans; she had to be in Ventura for various errands, so came over and we hung out together for a few hours. We sat on the patio with iced tea and chatted over our usual wide range of topics, which is so enjoyable to me.
Diane called and we discussed Finney's, which she wasn't able to attend. She asked what I thought of meeting for Happy Hour on Thursday, instead of Wednesday, and yes, fine by me, especially after I quit Toastmasters, which I'm planning to do. Betty called with this and that problem, but seemed okay when we said goodbye.
Mike and the girls are due back today--yay!

Friday, June 28, 2019


I'm under the gun on two counts: I must complete the damn on-line traffic school exam by midnight on July 1 AND Jeff wants us off-book as soon as possible. I got the "line learner" app for my phone and recorded some of my dialogue and the cues, but I screwed up some. I want to delete and start over, but I'm not sure how to do that.
Many of my roles with LETCO and Our Gang in Jersey were very extensive, including those in Hedda Gabler, Arsenic and Old Lace, and Steel Magnolias. These, of course, were full-length plays; for that matter, the murder mysteries I was in demanded a lot of memorizing, too. Welcome Home, for Fractured Actors is a short one-act, as the other three plays in American Roadhouse are, so it shouldn't be too tough.
I decided that, rather than rely on "Line Learner" (the app), I'd revert back to my old method of achieving off-bookness: my tape recorder. I used to record my cues, then leave blank air on the tape, into which I'd recite my piece. It worked fine--unfortunately, the tape recorder doesn't and I don't think I want to fool with it. Instead, I typed out the various cues, then my part and glancing at it, then not, I've already memorized my first several speeches.
Finally plowed through the traffic school info and am now poised to take the exam. I think--just not sure--I can take it over if I don't pass, but I want to be sure about that first. Can't find the answer on the FAQ, so will call today.
After lunch, I bused to town and did the library to museum walk, stopping in a number of stores on the way. Rode the bus down Victoria and got off at the store for blueberries, then bussed back. Stella texted me from LAX that she's back from Mallorca (Spain), but "didn't do well." I'm not sure what she means by that, but I'm sure she'll give me an earful eventually.
Betty called with yet another story on how this and that is screwed up. However, she said she attended a pizza party lunch where she lives and enjoyed it.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

H.H. And Rehearsal

Out of sorts, in a mood, highly frustrated after dealing with Amazon Japan, as well as Amazon U.S. I wanted to send a gift card--finally did so, but after a great deal of travail.
Left for Happy Hour at 2:00 and just made it by 3:00 to meet Nancy and Carolyn. I know I'm too impatient with minutia, but Nancy annoyed me by second-guessing whether I told the waitress we were there for Happy Hour, and so on.  Nancy has a variety of physical problems, prominently, her chronic anemia, for which she has to get infusions. She also has a bad knee, a back problem, and now, retina trouble. Anyway, I apologized for snapping at her, all was smoothed over and we had a good time. (Diane had begged off, as she wanted to be available for her son and his family, who are soon moving to North Carolina.)  Carolyn was her usual silent self, but it's funny: Rather than being annoyed at her, I feel great sympathy.
Niece Carolyn called while we were there. She and her family are vacationing in New Orleans and I had suggested they go to Elizabeth's Restaurant, which is owned by a great niece of Pat's (my husband). There was some kind of mix-up, but I messaged Pat's nephew, who I think cleared up the problem.
Bussed home, freshened up, and left for 6:30 rehearsal. This went well, but as with all first rehearsals, was stop-and-start, back to page one, blocking changes, and so on. Director Jeff wants us off-book as soon as possible and I'm going to see if I can find the "line learner" app on my phone. We finished at 9:00 (my usual bedtime!) and, since I'm unable to go directly to bed, stayed up until 10. I awoke for the usual at 5:30 this morning, so may take a nap today.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Santa Barbara Tuesday

Got the bus to the transit center, the second to Santa Barbara, and the third to Betty's. We sat and chatted for a time, then Betty's son, Steve, and his boy, Dexter, came over and we walked to Lure for lunch.
Yum-yum: I had New England clam chowder and a salad, plus a Stella (Artois, on tap, a Belgium beer) and the others various. It was fun talking to Steve and also to Dex, who's 12; not so much Betty, who is getting more and more confused.
After, we went back to Betty's and had Alexa play us some tunes from Perry Como to the Ramones to a contemporary group I never knew existed.  I said goodbye about 2:30 and walked up to State Street for the city bus while Steve took Betty to the supermarket.
Got the 3:37 back to Ventura. Betty called while I was on to tell me that her other granddaughters, Wes'es three girls, were having a good time with Violet, who is visiting them in Chicago. That was nice to hear. Called El and her tooth is fine; we talked a bit about her plans for V. and V. when they come back on July 1.
I had duplicated my script and took it with me to study on the buses. I had had some reservations about the play, but am getting to like it more and more. It's subtle and I'm particularly concerned about the mix of comedy and pathos, but I think it will fly.  Rehearsal is tonight after Happy Hour and we'll get into the nitty-gritty--I'm looking forward to that. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Teeth And Thai

Ellen got here at 9:45, as she said she would, and took her zonk-out pills. An hour later, I drove her down the street to her dentist appointment. I then went to Five Points and finally, at long last, got the car washed. Stopped at BOA to deposit Mike's check and by then, it was time to pick El up.
She had had a cap removed and replaced temporarily, and all went well. I gave her lunch, then she sacked out in my bed while I did this and that on-line and off. Called Betty to tell her I'd resume my weekly lunch run with her today. I then actually lay down on the sofa myself and dozed off for a bit (it's ironic that I had such a sleepless night a few days ago).
Suzanne rang my bell about 4:30 and we enjoyed catching up with each other. I told her all about my New Mexico trip and showed her pictures of it. El got up about 5:00, well refreshed, and joined the conversation--she and Greg are going to NM on July 15.
By the time Suzanne left, it was 5:30 and El and I decided to go to Jasmine Thai for dinner. It's one of El's favorite places and is now mine, too. I had Pad Thai, which was yummy accompanied by a good Thai Singha beer. After interesting discussions on aliens, Trump supporters, politicians, and other weird entities. El dropped  me off about 7:00 after a good day.
Here's what one of my new theatre company friends put on Facebook and which I shared. I "voted" for Fractured Actors and hope my southern California friends will, too.
No photo description available.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Back To The Routine

I just realized I forgot to mention the T.O.P.S. meeting on Friday. I stayed about the same--131.7, actually down two tenths of a pound. That's not bad, considering I was on vacation and didn't weigh in for two weeks. 
It was only the evening before that I remembered I was scheduled to present the program of twenty minutes or so--yoicks!  So I just pulled together a few things, including some of my own regimen and made it a discussion. (Few activities are more boring than to have information read OR to listen to somebody talk at you--and when it comes to weight control, there's simply nothing valid that's new.) It actually went well, as it turned out.
As for yesterday, I went out and got fresh spinach, tomatoes, and onions, then reverted back to my routine of food prep.  Chopped a week or so worth of  tomatoes, onions, and garlic, and roasted it; microwaved a spaghetti squash and stored the edible insides in the fridge; and took the shells off some jumbo raw shrimp I had defrosted. (Incredibly, until I had shrimp at my older daughter's in New Mexico last year, I didn't realize you could do this before stir-frying. I always waited until the cooked shrimp was on my plate before removing the shells--not sure why I didn't realize....)
El called and asked if I wanted to go to San Luis Obispo with her and V. and V. when they come back in July; they'll stay over two nights. I reluctantly decided against it, as I might miss rehearsal, which I won't do. Also, it's expensive as hell and I don't want to spend the money. El will be here this morning before she goes to the dentist down the street from me. She has to take Zanex(?)  or something before her procedure and will rest here after.
Left for town a bit after 3:00 on the bus. Got off at the mission and walked to the library, where I took out The Woman At The Window, recommended by my daughter. Started reading it on the bus and was enthralled. I seldom read fiction, but this is terrific; it just grabs you on the first page and doesn't let you go.
I stopped into the new restaurant, Finney's, and found they have Happy Hour from 3 to 6, M-F. I have rehearsal on Wednesday from 6:30 to 9:00 (my bedtime, but I'll stretch it), so I e-mailed my three cohorts to ask if they could meet an hour early. If not, I'll skip it this week.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Back With My Tribe

Got up groggily, but was revived to some semblance of normalcy by my best friend, good ol' strong and hot coffee. Showered and washed my hair, said goodbye to my dear boy about 9:00, then got ready for our first rehearsal with Fractured Actors.
It was held with the players seated in the round and we went through every play; there are four of them and about thirty people in the overall cast, some with more than one part. I have only one, but it's longer--and, I think, requires more subtlety--than the others for which I read.
It was so, so good to be back with theatre folk! That may seem silly and grandiose, but this is my tribe and I've missed it.  All of  us except one young woman have appeared on stage in various productions, the majority in California. I met and enjoyed chatting to several others, including Anthony, who acts mostly in L.A., has an agent, and is pursuing a full-time acting career. He's a gem and what fun to talk to him.
I was greeted with such friendliness and welcome cheer, I was delighted.  The majority of the players are young (say, under 40), some up to 60 or so, and only two that I could see might be close to my age and I like that. As much as I enjoy my Acting for Amateurs older people, it's more interesting and stimulating to be with a range of ages.
We sat in a circle and each person read his or her part until we had performed all four pieces. Most were very, very good, including Hunter, the son of Jeff and Shannon, the directors and playwrights. The kid can't be more than ten or eleven, but hoo-boy, he's a damn good actor already.
We met from ten until twelve and Jeff (his last name is "Ham," incredibly enough) announced rehearsals for the individual plays; we'll meet for mine, Welcome Home, on Monday, I think he said, but he'll send out an e-mail and a directory of all players shortly.
Went from there to WinCo to stock up on veggies and fruit, then to BOA to get quarters for the washer and dryer. Home for lunch, then took two loads to the laundry place. Retrieved them, folded, put away, and by that time, it was almost 6:00. I had a good stir-fry for dinner, which I enjoyed after so many day sort of just grabbing a bite--not always healthy--here and there.
Here's a sign I saw in Ojai yesterday and oh, yes, it spoke to me:
I took note and it feels fabulous.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Mike And Me

Mike has blown in from Montreal and we had yet another good day.
I took the bus to Ojai and got there about noon, hung out with El and the girls until Mike got there at two. We went to lunch at a little restaurant on the Main drag in Meiners Oaks (the section of Ojai where El lives). This place is anything but impressive, but it has great salads--I had "Beetnick," El chicken something and they were very good.
We then drove up to the hills--'way up--and to the Kristimundi Center, where we walked, admired the shrubs and herbs, and stole oranges. Back at El's, we chatted, snacked, and then said goodbye, Mike coming home with me.
Stopped at a Chinese place in the Von's shopping center for Mike to get dinner takeout (I had had enough with snacks). When he ate it, he said it was the worst he ever tasted; I sampled it and concurred. Beneficent and self-sacrificing mother that I am, I offered Mike the bed and changed the sheets. Mike did some computer work, I watched Frazier with grapes, then we turned in.
Damn, I wish I had gotten a sleep sofa! This is long enough, but horribly uncomfortable, and I barely slept at all. I know that sounds like an exaggeration, but it's true. Coffee is slowly reviving me--good thing, as I have the first rehearsal at 10 today.
Miserable as my night was, I'm happy to have my boy here. Soon, he'll pick up the girls in Ojai, drive back to LAX, and they'll take off for Idaho (Viv), Chicago (Vi and her Dad), then--happy day--come back here in a week.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Still Swinging!

And the beat (and the good time) goes on...
Right after breakfast, I left to take the city bus to the transit center, then caught the Ojai bus. In fact, I was early this time, which was okay. Ellen picked me up on Whatever Street and she, the girls, and I took off for Bart's Books. However, nature called before we got there and El  dropped me at the Rainbow Bridge* to answer. I told her I'd walk the three blocks back and did---
--or thought I did. Actually, I got lost, but no prob. I asked a few people for directions and got there. Greg had come in his car and all five of us meandered around the stacks for an hour or so. I bought three true crime (murder is my specialty) books, which I could probably have borrowed from the library, but I'm a sucker for getting them right away.
We went from there to the bike rental shop (Greg had his own bike in his trunk), where El, Viv, and Violet rented bikes. We then parted, agreeing to meet at 2:30, and I enjoyed strolling the main drag, looking into shops, and enjoying the town.
Stopped in "Bonnie's Country Cafe" for a good turkey sandwich and a Blue Moon, after which El called to see if I'd meet them at the Hip Vegan. Did so, and sat with them while they had trendy, New Age, artsy-crafty, over-priced concoctions. We went back to the bike shop and returned Viv's and Ellen's bikes, but not Violet's, because she and Greg will ride today.
Went back to El's and chatted while she tried to fix an X-Box piece; didn't work, so we drove to Ventura to Wal-Mart and got a new one. We then went to Jasmine Thai for dinner, after which they dropped me off at home.
It's now 7:13 am, I just got up, and I'd better start thinking about the program I'm scheduled to present at T.O.P.S. in just an hour and change--AAGH!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Pool and Happy Hour

I've been plenty active these past few days, but hadn't gotten any sustained walking in since New Mexico. Yesterday, I went about a mile in the neighborhood and it felt good.
Looked over and did some revising of my plays, including one or two I may see if Jeff, of Fractured Actors, might want to look over. Not sure--I'll just wait and see the lay of the land re August or a later production. Mike sent an itinerary for himself and the girls and oh, brother, what a complicated schedule. Besides back and forth to here, it involves Montreal, Idaho, Chicago, and, of course, Singapore.
Had lunch, then Ellen dropped the girls off on her way to the eye doctor. They changed and we went to the pool. It was lots of fun with them and--wonders will never cease---the pool had been heated enough to be comfortable for me. I also spent time in the hot tub, which was downright--well, hot. El called, then changed at my place and joined us. Suzanne came in and did her daily laps, pleased to see El and the girls again. We didn't stay much longer, as El was taking the girls to see A Dog's Journey, or some such movie at the Regency. We all changed, then El dropped me off at the transit center and I took a bus the rest of the way to town.
Met my three cohorts at Pacific for Happy Hour and had a rollicking good time, as usual. They congratulated me on getting the part in the show and we talked about that. We were there until about 6:00, then broke up. I waited with Diane for a time (she had taken the Access van), then hopped on the bus. I happened to meet a guy who lives in this apartment complex ("Rick"), who said he had designed the city buses. Hmm...I'm not sure how true that is.
Home after 7:00, settled in with blueberries and Frazier after another good day.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Fun And Fractured Actors

And the fun and good times continue: I caught the 16 bus to Ojai, El and the girls met me in the Von's parking lot, and we drove to her place. Poor Ellen's eye still hurts, although she's been putting the antibiotic and "tear stuff" in regularly. She has an appointment back to the eye doctor today--see later.
I told El to rest while I took the girls on the local "trolley" (a kind of small bus made up to look like a trolley) into town. I was surprised and pleased to hear that over 75-ers ride free, so I did, of course.
We went to the Harmonics Vegan Restaurant, which was 1.) expensive as hell and 2.) not very good, to my taste. Violet and I shared a "pizza," the crust of which, it was explained, was bread, but dehydrated or something, so it came out as a kind of thin cookie-type base. On it was sliced tomato, pesto, and cashew cheese--what the hell!?  
Violet didn't like it and I wasn't nuts about it, either, but I ate it and let her get an avocado toast, as Vivian did. Incredibly, the lunch came to thirty-seven freakin' bucks! However, since Mike left a generous check for Ellen, besides giving each of his girls a hundred smackers, it didn't bother me.
We went from there to the ice cream store for cones (I didn't indulge), then to several stores so V. and V. could get presents for their host(esses). Viv will be spending a week in Idaho with her friend and Violet will visit my nephew, Wes, and his three girls in Chicago.
Next was the park, where the little darlings swung on various things--Viv is getting a bit old for this--and finally, back to El's on the trolley. I sipped a Margarita while we chatted and was told her eye was about the same. I was glad she had been able to rest a bit and hope the doc will do something else for her. I stayed for a bit and we decided El would drop the girls off here today before she goes to the doctor's and we'd go to the pool. She'll take me to town for Happy Hour on her way home. Left about 5:00 and didn't actually get in until almost 7:00, but that was okay.
BIG NEWS:  Incredibly, I put it on Facebook, but forgot to record it here: I got a call from director Jeff, of Fractured Actors, offering me a part in the upcoming show--first reading on Saturday--YAY!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Fun And Food

Fun, fun day with Vivian, Violet, and Auntie Ellen!
I rushed out after breakfast to do a load of wash; while it was drying, I walked over to Von's and got the fixings for a lunch of  a big salad and turkey breast sandwiches. El called to say that the scratch on her cornea, which somehow happened as she removed her contacts, was hurting, so she had an appointment with her ophthalmologist. She went, got antibiotic drops, then they came over. We ate and had a good time talking, then went to Skyline Jump or whatever it's called, where the girls had a ball bouncing around. I tried my darndest to get Vivian as she did a back flip  and other maneuvers (she's a champion gymnast), but my pokey phone camera didn't seem to be up to it. Here's Violet on the left and Viv on the right:
While there, I called my friend, Nancy, and was sorry to hear her cat, Chloe, had had to be put down--cancer. Although I'm not an animal lover, I know how hard it is to lose a pet, so I tried to console her as much as I could. Stopped at Wal-Mart for a few items after, then to Ellen's in Ojai. The girls played badminton (El had gotten it for them) while she and I talked, then she went out to pick up Thai food for dinner. 
While she was gone, Vivian, almost 15, and I talked seriously. She asked me about my father's death, so long ago, and I told her as honestly as I could. Both girls have been asking that old question "what was it like when you were my age?" which can never be adequately answered, but you have to try and I love to do it. Vivian and Violet, almost 11, are so beautiful and so full of life and spirit I can hardly believe they're mine. 

We ate, then Ellen contacted Lyfe and a guy named Patrick came to take me back to Ventura. He was a nice enough guy and it was a smooth ride, but I almost had the vapors when the charge came to 35 dollars and change with tip. Considering I can get to El's free of charge on the bus, this almost floored me, but hey, I got home and had a wonderful day, so it was worth it. I told El I'd be back at 11 tomorrow and will definitely take the bus. 

Monday, June 17, 2019


Home again, home again, jiggity-jig. After breakfast, we left for Albuquerque, only a bit more than an hour away (in NM, that's practically next-door). Said goodbye with just a few tears, and boarded the plane.
Waited for take-off, one of my two least favorite situations--the other is landing--then heard the pilot announce there was a toilet malfunction and we'd be there for another hour. AAGH! Texted Mike and, to cut a long story short, we finally took off, it was horribly bumpy, I was sure I was at death's door, and I vowed never to get in a plane again. Of course, I always vow that.
My dear boy and his two bright and beautiful girls greeted me at baggage with a lovely bunch of sunflowers, one of my favorites, and off we went to Ojai. Vivian is now taller than I am, Violet more compact, both full of talk and bubbling personality. The traffic was horrendous, of course, but I enjoyed so much being with them, it didn't seem so bad.
Got to Ellen's, whose house and yard look lovely (she had worked her little fingers to the bone), talked, laughed, and exchanged gifts and cards. They gave me a lovely little jeweled pineapple Mike said was to contain snuff, they opened the Fathers Day and graduation card I had sent to Ellen's. We then sat on the patio until dinner which was yummy: Caesar salad and a pasta dish from the Insta-Pot, followed by ice cream.
We decided Ellen would call me today when she and the girls get up and they'd come over for lunch. They want to go to the beach, although it may be cool. Mike took me home, came in and cut my sunflowers down to fit in a vase, then took off. Poor boy had to drive all the way back to L.A., then get up to be at the airport at 5:00 am for his 7:00 flight to Montreal. He'll be back in a week, though. Showered, washed my hair, watched t.v. for about twenty minutes, then fell into bed, and slept like a stone until 6:30.
Got up feeling great--yay for vacations and double-yay for family!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Last Full Day

Lots of fun activity again: We walked into the middle of town, sort of, and went to the lookout point, formerly Marcy Fort. Way, way up and around a high hill--good exercise--and a panoramic view of Santa Fe. We then thought we go inside the St. Francis of Assisi basilica, but when we climbed the steps, we saw filing into the church a large number of priests in vestments and two bishops. Holy moley, it was an ordination! We didn't go in because we were told the ceremony would be two hours long.
Went to the other church with--it's billed--"the miraculous spiral staircase." Very commercial enterprise. Later, we came across the oldest house in Santa Fe, which was a lot more interesting. We then checked out the wares of the native tribes people who are permitted to lay blankets with their jewelry, rugs, and so on along a walk in front of some shops. It was fun seeing all the lovely, handmade items and talking to the makers.
Home for lunch, then it was off to Canyon Street, where we went into a lot of art galleries and shops, as well as plazas and so on. Terrific sculpture in particular:
Home to freshen up, then we took the car to go out to eat. However, we couldn't find a parking spot, so drove back to our nice little house, and walked to "Jimmy D's." (One of the great things about Santa Fe is how easy it is to get around on foot.) Had a delicious portabella burger, then we walked back. Showered, assembled a few things, then we sat and read until I turned in.
We'll leave in a few hours for the airport. I'm anxious to see more of my best-loved, but am sorry to leave New Mexico.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Santa Fe

Left at 9:30 for the long, long (3 hours) trip to Santa Fe. Gorgeous scenery and incredibly sparse traffic.
We were early for checking into our Air BnB, so drove up and around--and up and around--the soaring mountains that constitute a national park here. As you see everywhere in NM, the views were indescribably beautiful. We then went to the botanic garden.
This one is just lovely, with area plantings, interesting sculptures, and complementary structures in wood and stone. Here's an example:

Got to our Air BnB about 4:00 and wow, this place is terrific! It's a whole house, in the wonderful adobe style (it seems everything here is), with white-washed walls, wooden rafters, and stone floors. We settled in, then sat on the patio for a bit (there's a hot tub, too). I glanced through a New Mexico, saw an article on the Sweetwater Harvest restaurant, and we decided to go there. It was very good; I had vegan Indian daal (lentils and lots of veggies) and a local beer.
Back to our place, then we walked to town. Lots of activities, tourists, and music going on, since this was Friday night. It was very festive; we stopped into several shops and watched some street entertainers for a time.
Back to our cozy abode, we actually watched television for about fifteen minutes (so tame compared to this adventure), then I turned in. Slept well and am ready to go exploring today.

Friday, June 14, 2019

A Great Last Day

Another terrifically active and enjoyable day. After breakfast, we drove up, up, up to the Inn of the Mountain Gods (casino and conference center) to walk the three mile path. It was quite a workout, as it went up to an 18% grade, but I did it and loved it. The scenery is incredibly beautiful, especially the mountains featuring Sierra Blanca.
In the afternoon, the three of us went to Fort Stanton, which has successively been a Civil War barracks, a WWI encampment, a concentration camp for POWs and Japanese internees, a hospital, a reform school, and several other entities.
The most interesting part was trudging up a long (about 2 miles) dirt and rock path (believe me, if the other two hadn't been with me, I would have turned back) to find an old cemetery, barely occupied, so to speak, on the top of a windswept hill. Here's the story about it:

After returning to level ground, we toured the hospital and other buildings--so fascinating. Home after to a good dinner, shower, and packing for Santa Fe. We leave this morning to stay two days--YAY!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Another Fun One

Continuing to have a ball. We did three and a half miles in the morning, then after breakfast, took off for Carrizzono and other parts. Went to a fascinating little church, way, way, out in the mountains. It's dedicated to Santa Nino, a depiction of the Christ Child, similar to the Infant of Prague.
Image may contain: 1 person, indoor
Image may contain: 1 person, tree and outdoor
We stopped at a art gallery and jewelry shop in the middle of nowhere and chatted with the owner before continuing on to Carizzono. There we found that the gallery we were intended to visit was closed--no explanation.
Instead of that, we went to the Smokey the Bear museum. Sound a little dull, but actually, it was interesting and fun. I hadn't known the original bear cub to be named "Smokey" was found after a fire in New Mexico.
Home and had a good dinner on the deck. Was taken up a high mountain, heading for a lookout point, but I lost my nerve and we didn't get up all the way. It was still an incredible view; this area just abounds with them.
Back to enjoy the fire pit on the deck. Called Ellen and got the lowdown on the Singapore Four, who will pick me up at LAX on Sunday.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

More in NM

What a fine, fun day! Before breakfast, the two of us took a good, three-mile walk. After, we went to the supermarket to get provisions for company tonight.
Later, the three of us drove about a half-hour away to the Iris Farm I had visited last year. Enjoyed the flowers and Fairy Garden, then the store, in an old part-adobe house. I was fascinated to learn it had once been the home of Sheriff Pat Garrett, the one who shot Billy the Kid. I bought some little trinkets for my granddaughters from Singapore, whom I'll see when I get home. We had a picnic lunch there, then drove back.
I was called by my nemesis, the Ventura County Star, this time by somebody who can actually speak English, and I fervently hope my troubles are over with them, but am not betting on it. I helped with some of the dinner prep and we had a great one on the deck.
Today, we're off the Soccouro to an art show and other activities.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Beautiful New Mexico

After the usual horrors and terrors of airplane flight (it's not natural!), I got into Albuquerque right on time. If LAX is a nightmare, this small, nicely designed airport is a dream. We had lunch, then were off to the three-hour trip to the high places, through the beautiful, unspoiled scenery--think soaring mountains, vast tracts of green and brown, and big sky.
Settled into my comfortable room and bath, talked and laughed, then we took a good walk on a nearby path. This time, when I started huffing and puffing, I was aware it was because of the elevation--7000 feet. After, we were off for dinner at Farley's. I had a sausage pizza and a hearty IPA and, of course, more good talk and laughs.* After that, we settled onto the deck to roast marshmallows--oh, joy!--via the newly acquired fire pit, which is just a wonderful addition to this wonderful house.
I went to bed at 7:30 and didn't even turn over before I fell into a deep sleep until about 5:00. Got up, had coffee--I was given my own little pot--and feeling great to be here.
*I thought it was a joke when I saw this sign there; "We card everyone." It isn't. The servers are actually supposed to see every customer's I.D.--yes, even those of my advanced decrepitude--because of some cockamamie ordinance passed, I guess, by the local powers-that-be. Weird.

Monday, June 10, 2019


Don't have time to write much. It's 3:15 am and I woke up two hours ago and couldn't get back to sleep.
Spent yesterday packing, cleaning, showing, and auditioning for Fractured Actors. That last was a great ego-booster. After I had read for the first character, the director asked me to read for three more. Asked if I'd accept more than one role. I found that this is a kind of round-house show, with short plays or skits interspersed with songs (not by me). They have a live band, too. Anyway, they kept me there for about an hour, talking and having me audition. I gave them my experience booklet, which they appreciated. When the stage manager escorted me out, she said, "You wowed them!" and, judging by the enthusiasm of the directors (there were two there) and other production people, she was right. They'll make their decisions next week.
I just took some thing out of my big suitcase--it was so damn heavy, I could barely lift it off the couch. Soon, I'll get dressed, pack up the laptop, then meet Suzanne outside at ten of four.
New Mexico, here I come!

Sunday, June 09, 2019


Got up at 5:30, although I had meant to sleep later. After the usual morning routine, I completed my little theatre resume booklet; I could have made it a lot longer, but I didn't want to overdo it.
Drove to the store for a birthday card for DIL in Tokyo, then to the bank for cash. I just thought it would be handy, although now  I hardly ever use it, funnily enough.
Home and straightened up a little, then surveyed my wardrobe. I finally decided on black and white for the party, with the necklace Susan G. had given me for my birthday years ago.
Girl Dana and Tom ("Murph") picked me up about 4:00 and we drove the 50 minutes or so to Santa Barbara, chatting away. They live up in the Ventura hills, both retired although only in their late fifties, he was a meteorologist, she in human resources.
The party was great fun. Besides many of Finn's (the grads) and Claire's (almost-teens) friends, there were lots of interesting people (mostly 40s to 60s, a few older), many of whom I had met before.  As far as I could see, the majority are conventional democrats, horrified by Trump, but somehow convinced that the dems are different. We avoided politics for the most part, though.
I especially enjoyed talking with Linda and Alan. Alan is Australian and they're about to go on a 25-day trip to Christchurch, along with two sons, their wives, and five grandchildren. Alan acts in little theatre and we had a great time discussing our experiences. He's been in several of the productions I have, including Arsenic And Old Lace and Steel Magnolias, mostly in small roles.
Linda's story is tragic: One of her two sons, now 52, is incarcerated for life for murder. He has a condition diagnosed as a combination of schizophrenia and bi-polar syndrome, killed his cousin, and should probably be in a mental hospital instead of prison. However, thanks to our cruel, twisted, heartless society and the black-hearted bastards who run it, he'll be where he is for  good, I guess. Linda and I disagreed to some extent on Julian Assange, but at least, she was knowledgeable enough to discuss his case.
I talked with a number of other guests, including the honoree's tennis coach, who is active in The Liver Society. Why? Because he had a very serious liver infection, got a transplant four years ago, and is cured. He mentioned that the liver--yours or someone else'es after a transplant-- regenerates itself, something I hadn't known.
There was lots of great food, of course, plus coolers full of beer, wine, soda, water, and for all I know, exotic drinks from Fuji. We were there about three hours, said goodbye, and Girl Dana and Murph drove me home. After parking at the entrance, they insisted on walking me to my door--not necessary, but nice of them.
Now to prepare for the audition and tomorrow--New Mexico!

Saturday, June 08, 2019

T.O.P.S. And Hair

Cheryl picked me up for T.O.P.S., as ever and, as ever, it was a bore for the most part. I gained a pound--to 131.9, but that's okay.  Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, for Pete's sake.
I was delighted to find audition material for Fractured Actors on their site. The only character close to what I can do is "Aunt Mae, aged 50 to 70. Well, sure, I'll take it if I can get it. I know there are lots of parts, some non-speaking, but I'm going to try to best at the audition to get this. Aunt Mae doesn't have much dialog, but it's pretty pithy and I think I do a lot with it.
Walked to the post office to mail son's Fathers Day card. Impulsively, I took a number 10 bus from there, just to see where it goes. Right down Telegraph, as it turns out, so that should be useful.
Home and continued to pull together my theatrical resume. Unpacked some of the much-too-many items I had packed.
After lunch, I took a shower, then set off for my hair appointment. Stopped at Target for press-on nails, then got to the salon early, but Mary took me early--luckily, because I didn't get out until 5:00. My hair looks okay; color good, cut good, but about the same as ever. Some day, I might branch out.
Betty called twice with the latest crises and we chatted. Got home and made salmon and mixed veggies. I want to eat down the fridge so I don't have a lot in it over my absence.

Friday, June 07, 2019

Lots Of Prep and Other Stuff

Darn, I hardly got any walking in all day. Did a big wash and started packing for New Mexico. I know I have to weed out a lot; I have an unfortunate tendency to pack as if I'll be gone for six months--but it's a start.
I spent a lot of time choosing and printed what I want to put in my theatre booklet to take to the audition. I printed some pics, added a revised theatrical resume, and all in a light loose-leaf book. That sounds quick and easy, but it wasn't.
Got an email from friend Jim, telling me that his phone setup won't allow him to call me because it's long distance. I can't even fathom this; I have a cell, area code 908, which I got first in Jersey, but why it would be considered "long distance" anywhere is beyond me. Jim said he called his carrier and that's what he understood.
I discovered that the magenta printer ink I had bought the other day was the wrong number; it was a 221, not a 226. I took it back to Office Max to turn it in as used and was amazed when they refunded what I paid--even though it was my fault! I've always like Office Max and their courteous and knowledgeable staff, but I thought this was classy of them. Yes, they have a satisfied customer here.
Carolyn got back to me with a phone number for Girl Dana (to distinguish her from Boy Dana, Carolyn's husband), I called her and yes! she'll pick me up and take me home from the party on Saturday. Happy day, that means I'll be much more rested for the audition. Got my pedicure at 3:00 and my tootsies look good. Bought five Fathers Day cards for sons and other family members; must remember to get a birthday card for my DIL in Japan.
I spent an incredible almost two hours on the phone with The Ventura Star. They had sent me an e-mail to the effect that my debit card had been declined. This is the second time they sent me this information, which is entirely and completely false. I talked to the bank and was told no, they had never declined it, call the Star back and talked and talked to three different people, all of whom were not native English-speakers and were difficult to understand, as well being unable to perfectly understand what I was telling them. I honestly don't even know the upshot of the whole mess, but I hate the the Star, the Washington Post and USA Today, its parent companies, who are all staffed with politically biased illiterates posing as news people. 

Thursday, June 06, 2019

Happy Hour And So On

Took a good uphill, neighborhood walk again.  After breakfast, I started to prepare to audition on Sunday for Fractured Actors. I spent most of the morning looking up all my old (and newer) acting stuff, both me as actor and me as acting teacher.
Wow, there's a lot. I hadn't quite realized how much I've done, starting with the Drama Club at Sunrise Bay, then Little Egg Theatre, then Our Gang P.layers, then teaching at Stockton State, then at SCAN here, and so on and on. I don't want to overwhelm them on Sunday, but I pulled together some stuff, notably my stint as an aging bar floosie in "Tony And The Heiress." That's because what's going to be staged is "American Speakeasy" and there are several parts, speaking and not. I'm going to try my damnedest for a speaking part.
Hauled out my big suitcase, plus the smaller one, which I'll take to Betty's when I stay over on Saturday after the party. I must call Carolyn to make sure somebody can take me to the 8:30 am Coastal Express bus on Sunday, because auditions are 1:00 to 4:00 in town and I want to get home first, then drive there.
I did drive to Smart 'n' Final for blueberries (on sale--$2.49 for 18 ounces; I bought four packages), then home to find that Diane wouldn't be joining us for Happy Hour, as she had another commitment.
Met Nancy and Carolyn a bit before 5:00 at Lemon y sal and we had a good ol' time. Stayed until after 6:00, then I strolled down Main. I stopped to talk to two young people from Greenpeace and committed to donating fifteen a month.
While we were talking, a couple in their fifties stopped and the woman asked if I was Carolyn's aunt.  Darned if it wasn't a friend of hers named Dana; she asked about taking me to the party and, distracted, I declined. Later, it occurred to  me that would be the perfect solution to getting back to Ventura to prepare for the audition. I called and left a message for Carolyn; when she calls me back, I'll ask for Dana's number. 

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Santa Barbara And Jim

Another full day. Left for Santa Barbara at 9:00, as usual. Hitchcock Way was again being worked on, so the driver left me off a block and a half away, and I walked to Betty's.
I suggested we just go to the Natural Cafe down the street and we did, because I wanted to get the early bus (2:20) home, so I could prepare for the audition with Fractured Actors on Sunday. We did that, then went back to Betty's just to talk; she walked me halfway to State and I hopped on the city bus. Got to the Coastal Express bus in plenty of time and boarded; it took off promptly at 2:20, so I figured I'd be home by 4:00, at least.
Nope. We stopped, as usual, in Carpetaria, but it occurred to me that we were sitting there for an unusually long time. It turned out the driver had hit a traffic cone, which had wrapped itself around the wheel axle or whatever, and the bus couldn't go. It took a good hour before the cone was able to be gotten off (via rope and other tools) and we finally were on our way.
I called Jim while just outside Santa Barbara and we made a date for dinner at Jasmine Thai at 5:00. I got off the SB bus at the transit center and hopped on a number 6, which took me close to the restaurant.  I had some time, so stopped into Jessica Nails and made a pedicure appointment for Thursday at 3:00. Called Ellen while I waited for Jim.
I enjoyed being with him; we had a good Thai meal plus Sappho beer for me and white wine for him. We also had a good, satisfying discussion about various schools of philosophy--he's an expert, of course, that's what he teaches--including our own beliefs and non-beliefs.
I mentioned I used to go to The Townehouse for wine and music on Fridays and he asked me to let  him know when and he'd go with me. Sure, sounds great, and I'll do that when I get back from New Mexico.
We talked and talked, but finally left and Jim dropped me off. It was a long day, but a good one and now I want to 1.) do a wash; 2.) start pulling my trip clothes together; and 3.) dig out my pictures and info from LETGO with me in costumes and write-ups; 4.) meet the gals for Happy Hour at Lemon y sal.

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Widder Lunch And Graduation

I had a full day and things are looking up. Showered and dressed for the widder lunch--I wore my new white jeans and did they look sharp--and took the two buses to Stone Fire Grille. We had a good group there, more than usual for lunch. I think there were about twelve, including a newbie, Deidre, who lost her husband on Christmas Day, 2017.
I was surprised Nancy wasn't there, but Carolyn said she had been having stomach problems. We had good talk, as ever, and something interesting came up:  Our leader, Vera, knows I act and mentioned that friends of hers, who run the Fractured Actors Theatre. When she said they were planning a production and having auditions, I perked up my ears. Later, Vera sent me the link. The only audition I'll be here to attend is on Sunday, the 10th. I'd have to get back from Santa Barbara earlier than I had thought or--something I'm mulling over--I could contact the director and see if I can be fit in in the next few days. 
Boy, everything happens at once: I also got an email from Jim Crowley, suggesting we get together--or with my Happy Hour friends. I want to discourage the latter, but not discourage Jim. Sent him back a careful message. Called Nancy to see how she felt about Jim joining us, but then decided not contact the others.
Son Mike had sent me the live stream link to Stamford American International School, so I could see Violet's graduation from fifth grade to middle school. It's mind-boggling that it's 8,610 miles away in Singapore, but I saw it as it happened. I watched the entire thing and boy--was it long. And tedious. But I did get to hear Violet's name announced and see her receive her diploma.    

Monday, June 03, 2019

This And That And Nuthin' Much

Took a neighborhood walk at 7:00--not too long, maybe a mile, but partly uphill, which was good. Settled down to breakfast and the Sunday paper with the crossword, as ever.
Drove to Smart 'n' Final for Romaine and Grocery Outlook for blueberries, then the 99 Cent store for big envelopes and plastic wrap.  Lunched, then sat down at this laptop and recorded the fact on Facebook that my father was killed 69 years ago--June 2, 1950. I added a picture of  him when he got his masters degree; lots of comments from his descendants, my relatives.
Then something happened: The electronic gods are determined to do me in and they flashed on the screen a box that said the battery was low. What? I didn't have it on battery--it was plugged in. Anyway, I immediately packed it up and took it to Office Max. I don't even want to go into it, but they got it to recharge and we think there's a problem with the outlet where it's plugged in--maybe.
While they were doing this, I went out and got strawberries at Sprouts, then drove around a bit. When I got back, the device was 69 percent charged and seemed good to go. I was talked into getting the tech support for $125, which includes virus protection. Home, set it up again and so far, so good.
I really just lazed around after that. I'm often at loose ends on weekends; I get lonely because it seems everybody else has things to do.
Drove to the Hill Street branch of the library, but it was after 2:00 and it was closed. Home and this computer seems okay. Played solitaire--yes, with actual cards, which I got years ago from Singapore Air. I took a walk around the block after dinner and that was it.

Sunday, June 02, 2019

Draggy Day

Took the bus to go to the 10 am transit program at City Hall. It was actually arranged by something called "Connect Southern Cal," and I had assumed it was some kind of sit-down program with audience participation, but it wasn't. It was a rather tame display of posters on easels that asked for input--on sticky notes--and included some statistics.
The most significant, it seems to me, was this information: those who drive alone, 77 %;  those who car pool: 16%; those who walk or bike: 4%; those who take public transit: 3%. Wow, those stats turn almost upside down in some cities in the world, notably Tokyo and Singapore, where my boys live. I gave  information on this to one of the transit people there. As it turned out, they were all from L.A. because this was a southern Cal topic.
It was drizzling a bit, but I walked to The Promenade afterward, as I hadn't for quite a while. It was good to be back. Got home about noon. Betty called and we talked. Diane sent an e-mail to us three other Happy Hour Honeys, suggesting that Carolyn play the piano for us and I give an acting lesson, then Diane would lead us in mindfulness meditation.
WHAT? I have no intention of doing that, for all kinds of reasons, but Diane then wrote me privately that she just wanted to boost Carolyn's ego. WHAT WHAT?!  I was glad to see Carolyn wrote her back declining the notion (what was she supposed to do, take her piano to Diane's or one of our bar/restaurants?) and I added my objections.
Lunch, then really nothing much. The weather was just miserable: overcast and gloomy, with intermittent drizzle--my least favorite. I putzed around with this and that, then took a nap, which I seldom do. I slept for about an hour, then got up, had dinner, and walked  over to Von's. Felt a little revived when I got back, as that took me to 7:00 pm. Draggy day, all right.

Saturday, June 01, 2019


Cheryl picked me up for T.O.P.S.; weighed in and found I had lost point one--went from 130.8 to 130.7--wowee!  The program was "run" by Pat, about as tedious a speaker as can be imagined. She parroted  all the truism and conventional weight wisdom we've been told for years--some of which I dispute. She also gave each of us folders with a lot of diet crapola  on it, first having us trace the outline of our hand, so we knew how big a piece of meat to eat. AAGH! She got all of it from her doctors, many of whom, I'm convinced, had very little nutrition/diet/weight loss in med school. In any event, it was a big bore.
However, I'm getting to know Cheryl better and like her a lot. Her house was burned to the ground in the Thomas fire and they bought a large one near me. She and her husband also own a duplex on the beach, and a house in Colorado.
Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, after which Suzanne came over to bring me brochures and maps on  Santa Fe--so nice of her. I then drove my car to go on various errands: to WinCo, the 99-Cent store, and Office Max for magenta printer ink. I was comfortable driving, I was happy to note.
Called Ellen to hear that her cold is much improved (rather, she's much improved, the cold is dying). She was still at school and is counting the hours--one more week of them--until she says goodbye to class and hello to summer vacation. So am I, as I don't get to see her as much as I'd like.
I bused to town, but only walked a mile or so, as it was getting toward dinner time. I didn't eat until 7:00 because it took me a while to stir-fry myself a good dinner of ground turkey, onions, green peppers, and mushrooms--yum.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...