Friday, January 18, 2013

Aline And Vietnam

It was one of those satisfying days which included fun, friendship, and the completion of necessary chores.  Returned Aline's phone call and asked if she might be able to come with me to B.J.'s.  I needed to return a pair of "yoga pants" that didn't fit.  Sure thing, sez she, and we spent the day together.  Picked her up at 12:30 and our initial stop was  The Olive Garden--first things first, after all.  She had the wonderful pasta fug-something, I spaghetti and meatballs.
We then made the rounds of B.J.'s, Target, and a few other places.  I was delighted to see I can get folders, manila envelopes, and so on much more cheaply at Target than at Staples--I'll patronize the latter for such basics from here on.
Stopped on the way home at Mastercraft.  I wanted to have the guy check my car, which I thought sounded funny.  He did, pronounced it okay, and changed my directional light.  Aline came in to see my beautiful lamp again, and to borrow Needful Things, which I always reference when I talk about the lamp.  Took her to Wa-Wa on the way to her house; by the time I dropped her off for good, it was 5:00 and we had spent the whole day together.
Betty called later and we made a date to  meet today for breakfast.  I'll be down there for the FELS readers' theatre gathering at 1:00.  In the evening, I'll be at the dominoes party at Frank and Barbara's next door.
WIDER:  The Nick Turse book, Kill Anything That Moves, came in the mail and I started it.  What a horrible and harrowing story and how sordid and ugly. When I was in Vietnam, I saw at the museum at least the ghost of the death and destruction we inflicted on that country.  And oh, no, these actions weren't aberrations, they were systemic.  Shame, shame, shame.

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