Friday, July 08, 2011

Spent most of the day in preparation. Betty, Helen, and Mookie are definitely coming, and Alice E. might. Another high school friend, Mary H., and Kay Somebody also might, so I could have from four to seven for dinner. No prob: I'm planning to serve sweet and sour meatballs in the slow cooker, homemade macaroni salad, a green salad, my own crystal pickles, and crusty bread. Bought the non-fresh ingredients and will get the rest today. We'll certainly get here early, as the show starts at 2:00 and last only about an hour and a half at most. Well, I'll play it by ear, probably invite them to sit on the porch with vodka and bitter lemon. Also have iced tea, soda, and beer.
In the late afternoon, I actually sat down watched a video. It was an American Masters bio of Earnest Hemingway, obviously made ten or more years ago. I was interested because I had recently been in "Papa's" home in Key West. To my annoyance, it didn't even mention his sojourn there! I didn't think it was very well done otherwise, either.
Called Marge, and was glad to hear she seems to be improving slowly. Consulted Betty about a strange, kind of charlie horse pain I woke up with yesterday morning. It was in my left thigh, though, and I don't think you get that kind of pain there. My high school friend, Jeanne P., just wrote me that she has deep vein thrombosis and I was sure it was that. However, I had no other of the symptoms I looked up, so I'm hoping not. It went away when I got up and walked to the bathroom and there's been no recurrence since.
WIDER: This may be the most important thing you've ever read, in terms of lives saved and honor restored:
Please, please add your name and support to this movement. It doesn't matter how conservative, how liberal or progressive, how religious or non-religious, how rich, how poor--how anything. You may be thoroughly apolitical, but if you're horrified at the carnage we're inflicting in pointless, immoral wars, and you're weary of the ruinous expense, please consider adding your name. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the show, Mom! (And I hope the skies stay dry.)

Mimi said...

Thanks, honey. We had a terrific thurderstorm last night--clocks went out--but it seems okay today.


I was down 1.2 at home and down 1.7 at T.O.P.S. to 126.6 and 127.3, respectively. The meeting was partly one of our therapy sessions and par...