Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Yes, yes, I bought and planted the additional flowers, plus pounded the tree spikes around my poor sick tree. This morning, it's raining, which means I'll probably have to follow through on my promise to weed the sides and back soon--ugh!
While I was digging away yesterday, my neighbor, Anne Mary H., came down to give me several nice candles. People give them to her and she won't light them--thinks they'll suck up the oxygen she needs to breathe or something. She won't use her stove, either, and won't own a microwave. Is she nuts? Yeah, a little, but we in the neighborhood are used to her brand of nuttiness and just take it for granted.
Got a call-back from my old grammar school friend, Elva B. and greatly enjoyed our chat. I had hoped to go up to Lambertville with my old high school friend, Jeanne P., for dinner and to drop in on Elva's gallery, but circumstances interfered. We'll try again later.
The cast party for "Steel Magnolias" is set for next Thursday and should be great fun. I'll bring the guacamole that made such a hit at the last party I attended.
Tonight, I'll attend the Holy Spirit Awards Ceremony and will present the scholarship I endowed (sounds grandiose!) in Pat's name. Will meet his niece, Donna, first for dinner at Smithville Inn.
A problem has developed with The Breeze e-mail. All the copy had been sent to the publisher and the idea was that, after they re-type it, we get the proofs to check and correct. Now there's some snafu or other and we can't get into the e-mail. Trustee Mary S. is working on it and I hope it's resolved before deadline.

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I started off the morning with some annoying problems with Amazon Japan re Christmas gifts, but I don't want to go into detail.  Left at...