Thursday, March 28, 2024


It was quite an enjoyable day after all the must-do-this, can't-find-that of the last few.  Changed the bed, washed the sheets, and jumped in the shower before breakfast. Washed my hair, which looks good, but is too long; I may or may not look for a hairdresser other than Maria, as I haven't been entirely satisfied with the look lately.

Walked over to the shopping center and met Stella at the new Thai restaurant for lunch. I was anxious to see if I could finally hear her with the new aids and yes, I mostly could. There were still some fuzzy spots, but I think that's just the way she talks. 

I had my favorite pad Thai and it was good, but oddly, it seemed nothing like the same dish at Jasmine Thai. For one thing, instead of peanut sauce, it contained ground peanuts on the top. I like both versions--maybe J.T.'s a little better--so what the hey (as my Ewing neighbor used to say). 

We had a good, superficial conversation (you don't discuss weighty matters with Stella), plus a zesty IPA for me. Happily, when we said goodbye, I just had to stroll across the street to get home. Took a short nap when I did.

My income tax document package was already in my mailbox, thanks to efficient Michelle, but damn, I have no checks left to send her fee. I could have swore I had ordered some, but they're not here, that I can see. Think I'll walk to the bank today and get some, plus a cashiers check for Michelle.   

I was happy to receive pictures from the Tokyo Trio, including one showing my grandson (ten years old and growing by leaps and bounds) looking at a machine at the train station:

Here's the explanation from my son after an accident delayed the train: "This machine dispenses explanations that can be turned in to schools, offices, and the like to show that the tardiness was not the bearer's fault."

Trust the Japanese to come up with something this ingenious! 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...