Saturday, March 09, 2024


Home--weight stable at 123.8; T.O.P.S. up 0.9 to 125.5, well within my zone, so okay. I had completely forgotten that Lennie had asked me to conduct the meeting, as she wasn't going to be there, so I just fabricated something on the spot. Worked fine, especially as there were only four of us: Cheryl, Sharon, Lora, and me. You can be sure it was brief. That meant I have to wait to see if the hearing aid can handle soft-spoken Lennie, but not for another two weeks, as I'll miss next time. That should make for a cheery weekend: Anne's funeral on Friday and the scattering of Bennie's ashes on Saturday--sigh.

After breakfast, I called Bobbi and learned about her accident. She said she was told it was a bad break: her ankle and some of her leg are involved, for which she'll have surgery next Friday. Unfortunately, she'll be out of commision for a minimum of six weeks--won't be able to drive, so can't get to T.O.P.S. 

Made and packed my lunch and set off at to keep our (Lunch at the Library) date with Diane. It was later than usual--1:00--as Diane had her meditation group at The Townhomes first. We talked and talked, as ever, solving the problems of the world (at length!) and I didn't get home until almost 4:00.

Got a Messenger message and picture from Mike, on his early-morning, marathon bike rides (46 miles). He asked about the hearing ads and I told him right was all right, but left was not, and I'll see the audiologist on Monday. 

Today is free of appointments, commitments, obligations, and all that jazz, so I think I'll see what I can scare up.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...