Friday, March 08, 2024


I electronically signed the lease for the Sweetwater house (well, it's the only one I have) and sent it back to agent Kim. I'll let my friends on the street know that a mother and daughter will be living there, and from all I can see from their backgrounds and know from Kim, will be good neighbors.  

I put the hearing aids in right after breakfast, which I think will be my routine, and they're working well. I'm still having a problem with inserting the left one all the way in the ear canal, but it's not a total blank. I'm experimenting (read "playing around") with the phone controls and enjoying it. I made an appointment with Amanda for Monday afternoon, so she can guide me further with the left one.

Cleaned up a bit, then walked first to the P.O. to mail St. Patrick's Day cards, then Von's for Cabernet Sauvignon for Jim. I had bought a frozen Pad Thai at Costco when we were there a few weeks ago, so decided to serve that and just put out soft rolls, too. Actually, it turned out to be pretty good. Didn't make a dessert, but had some strawberry yogurt and gave him that.

I was thrilled that I was able to hear his infuriatingly soft-spoken voice and hardly had to ask him to repeat at all. After lunch, we sat on the couch and again, did a crossword puzzle together. I'm so glad I thought of this last year or so,because it's so difficult to have a conversation with Jim. He almost never initiates a conversation simply doesn't talk. Once I run out of questions to ask him, it's just me babbling and I get sick of listening to myself (he probably does, too). I was glad to hear, though, that, besides being visited by a nurse, "somebody" is coming to clean his apartment. He doesn't know where they're from--I assume the Agency on Aging--and seems to have no curiosity about that.    

Jim didn't leave until almost 4:00 and after I cleaned up, I talked on the phone, then called HEARUSA and made an appointment with Amanda for Monday afternoon. I'll cancel if I can get the left aid in and I'll keep trying. 

Another big test for the aid will be today at T.O.P.S. Our leader, Lennie, has a very soft and unprojected voice (oddly, as she sings in a choir) and I'm hoping I won't have to keep asking her to speak up. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...