Monday, March 11, 2024


Crossword was challenging, but I was pleased to get most of it. I pleased about something else I got: a bill from Community Memorial for $90 and that's for only my first visit of three to the emergency room. This was on January 14, two months ago when I hurt my foot, which means I'll have two more coming. Damn, if I had known SCAN didn't cover all of it, I would have waited to get the stitches out until I could get to Primary Medical. Oh, SCAN did cover most of it, as the full charge was $2,287! I'm going to fight this. 

Aside from all that, Noreen called to say she couldn't go to the show last night, but that was okay. I had two others coming. One of them came over at 2:30 for the 5:00 performance and after visiting for a bit, we went to Blaze Pizza for an early dinner (or late lunch). Then it was off to see:

Lynn joined us in the front row and it was an absorbing show. The title, it seems to me, is somewhat misleading at first glance, as it was more a satiric look at AI and what is human. It was a good-sized cast--twelve, some of them playing two roles--and I knew and had performed with ten of them. After the bows, they came into the audience and I was pleased to be greeted and hugged by those I know.

But horrors: wine and beer is no longer served, as we found when we went to get some at intermission, What? How come?  Not sure, but I'm willing to bet they never did have a liquor license and somebody decided it wasn't a good idea. Tentatively, Noreen and I had discussed going to another performance and if we do, maybe we'll bring our own.   

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...