Thursday, March 07, 2024


More rain, just the drippy-drip kind that didn't start until 10:00,but continued all day. Before it started, I rearranged a few things on the patio and did some other minor tasks. Right after breakfast, I started on the hearing aid procedure. The right ear was fine--slipped in easily, but left continues to be problematic. It's hard to believe that the ear canal isn't just a straight shot, but seems to twist and turns very slightly, so is hard to get the functional part of the aid in--I'll persist, though. What I like is the fact that I can turn volume up or down so easily on my phone. There are controls on the aids themselves, but they're tiny, of course, and it's a lot easier on the phone. 

The important thing will be, though, whether I hear people in conversation face-to-face. The ultimate test? Of course--Jim!  I called him and he accepted my invitation to lunch today. Chatting, he told me that the person from Ventura Behavioral Health "complained" that he was too thin (that's how he put it,  anyway), but he doesn't know how to gain weight. I told him to go on-line, but I know he won't, so I found and printed out a number of advisories on that topic. He also said "somebody" came into to clean his apartment yesterday. I'm assuming he's now getting this assistance from the Agency on Aging, but he really doesn't know himself. Just angels from heaven, I guess.

I continue to be frustrated with the T.V. thing. Called a guy to cme fix and, since I can get cable, he said it wasn't the T.V., it was the Firestick. It seems impossible to get to Firestick, though--I've tried. 

Didn't do a lot else except julianne three big onions and store them in the freezer so they're available for stir-fry.   

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