Saturday, March 02, 2024

Friday With Friends And Family

 Rain again most of the day, but it turned out to be a good one, with plenty of contact with friends and family. As for weight, I had gains in both venues: up 1.6 at home to 123.8; up 1.7 at T.O.P.S. to 124.6. No prob, though, as both are still in my comfort zone. Lots of off-topic talk at the meeting; Bev was still out with vertigo, so just six of us, including Bobbi. Unfortunately, she later sent a text telling us she had fallen and broken her leg and ankle and won't be able to drive for six to eight weeks! I said I'd take the minutes. Lennie may not be there next time, either, so it may be iffy whether we even meet.

I gave Lora my gift for her new granddaughter, then she and I went to Danny's (not Denny's) for breakfast. There, we talked and talked and talked, mostly about family problems, and hers are formidable--both son and daughter are continuing concerns. After I had been served my scrambled eggs, sausage, and hash browns, I was amazed that so many people rave about Danny's. Geez, the eggs and sausage were both overdone--the latter definitely heated up from cooked--the so-called hash browns represented by a kind of splinter-cut or whatever it was, and tasteless--and even the toast was dry and cold. However, the coffee was superb, so I forgave all (especially since Lora insisted on paying 😄. She had given me a soft, kind of chenille jacket for my birthday, but it was a bit snug, so she returned it and got a larger one that fits well and gave it to me yesterday:

After, we went to Ralph's Supermarket, where we met Todd, Lora's husband. I got blueberries. Todd and Lora well over a hundred and fifty bucks of food, and L. then dropped me off.  I cleaned up the apartment a bit, then did some paper (read "computer") work. 

My tenant, Susan, sent me a copy of her letter in response to management's about the trailer in the driveway. It's a long one and she explained the circumstances, including the fact that both she and Cliff were sick, and also that their moving date is within the time limit. She then chastised them for the mean, rude, unnecessarily brusque tone of management's letter. Susan ended with "Lastly, I would like to thank GOD that Rosemary turned down our offer to purchase her home. As much as we enjoyed living in Sunrise Bay, this has soured us beyond repair. The pettiness and uncaring attitudes of some has put a stain on your entire community." To me, she added: "Rosemary, I am sorry you were dragged into this debacle. I wish you the best of luck in the future."  I wrote back that I'm in absolute agreement with her and regret this unpleasantness. 

Lorraine called--again--and we talked a bit about meeting for lunch one of these days--again. Gayle called and we talked for some time, about Anne's sudden death and other things. I'll see her on Monday at the Soaring Spirits lunch. 

Speaking of: I was overjoyed to get this text from its founder, my dear friend, Vera: "Ok, I am clear!" She was referring to the breast X-Ray she had last week. She's only 48, but her mother died of breast cancer at exactly that age. She was told there was an area of concern (or something like that), so had to make an appointment with an oncologist. That was yesterday morning and YAY! she's all clear. If she'll let me, I'll buy her lunch on Monday to celebrate. 

Ellen called at 7:00--just getting out of school--and we had a good, long talk.  It's always a pleasure to interact with her or any of my children. Later, Mike Facetimed me and we virtually visited. He and his friend had stopped for breakfast in the middle of a forty-mile bike ride, which exhausts me just to think about.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...