Friday, March 22, 2024


Whew, what a day. I made a list of all the large and small things I wanted to get done and did most of them, but it took all day. They included making an appointment with Primary Medical because I have some rough spots on my nose; contacting my niece about possible plans for a memorial for my brother; asking Vickie to find a particular piece of legislature we've discussed; paying Wayfair and Target bills; and at least starting to get my income tax info organized for Michelle. The  only thing hanging is that I want to ask R.E. agent Kim for the email addresses of my new tenants so I can send them a note of welcome.

Besides that, I took my underskirt to be altered--at a different cleaners than the one that burned down, of course--which took more than a half-hour because the seamstress was doing a lot of altering for somebody before me. The waist needed to be fixed, too. I finally got it on, it was pinned and so on, then I was informed it would cost fifty bucks! Damn, first the burned skirt and now this?  Told the seamstress not to do it, then changed my mind. Later, I emailed docent director Lynn and she said they have an "inventory" and I could try on some black skirts. Called the cleaner and left a message not to do the skirt. Changed my mind and called back to reverse--AAGH! Now I'm just going to bite the bullet and pay the damn thing. It's really not the fifty dollars, but my indecisiveness that worries me.

Noreen called and we decided on Dargan's for lunch today. I'll tell her my tale of woe and, and hope I can just quit agonizing over it. One of my major faults, I know, is overthinking and finding it hard to just let things go, so quit it, Mimi.

Mike just Messaged me a pic of himself after an evening bike run. (It's 9:30 pm there.) He's into exercise and is getting very fit and healthy:   

Isn't this better than fifty bucks? 💝

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