Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Got a fair amount done yesterday. Left about 9:30 and had plenty of time to go to the hospital billing department. Pled my case about the emergency room charges--why should getting the stitches out cost as much as getting them in? However, I didn't persuade the billing person, so the hell with it, I'll pay it and forget it. 

I had plenty of time after CMH to go to Miramar, pick out some frames, and pay for my glasses, which should be done in a week or so. I then kept my appointment with Amanda, the audiologist, about the problem with getting the left aid in. I was there for quite a while and in her presence, tried to insert it, but I just couldn't do it. She conceded that I have a small and twisty ear canal and then injected pink plastic into my ear, let it harden, took it out. She'll send it away to have a new tip made and, hopefully, I'll be able to handle it.

Walked back to the transit center/mall and went to Target for oatmeal, grapefruit, tartar sauce, and blueberries. Bused home, had lunch, and called Noreen. Tenttively, we'll go to Comic Potential on the 23rd and before that, will meet for lunch sometime next week. 

Suzanne texted Vickie and me to see if we could go over to her place for one of our get togethers on Friday or Saturday. However, V. and I are going to the scattering of Bennie's ashes on Saturday and we both have commitments on Friday, so Suzanne will postpone until later. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...