Monday, March 04, 2024

Sunday--A Downright Draggy Day

True the high point was doing a load of whites in the morning--big whoops, as the kids used to say. Nothing much else went on, aside from a short sojourn to Hallmark to get Valentine cards, including for those in their fifties and beyond.

I decided to walk to Ralph's for several things I saw the other day when I went with Lora. As I was leaving via the back gate, I ran into Leah, my upstairs neighbor, who's in her thirties and works in the coroner's office. We chatted a bit, then I started off. After less than a block, I was stopped in my tracks by the Santa Ana winds that come off the mountains  and are intense. I thought no, sir, I'm not walking a total of three miles in this, and turned back.

At loose ends, I succumbed to temptation and, I'm embarrassed to reveal, watch television for three hours. Since I still can't get Netflix back, it was cable with lots of commercial. That was okay, as they were considerably more interesting than the programs.   

After that, I walked over to Von's for bread and animal crackers. Okay, I just happened to see them and they're relatively low in calories, so I bought them. Wish I hadn't, as I over-indulged last night.

Today should be more enjoyable--Soaring Spirits lunch with Vera and our chums.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Valentine cards? For next year? or did you mean St. Patrick’s Day?



I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...