Wednesday, March 20, 2024


Went to WinCo with Suzanne in the morning and stocked on a lot of large and/or heavy items. Put them away and did a few other chores, then packed my lunch and bused to town. Stopped in a few shops,but didn't buy anything. Ate at my usual place across from the mission, then stopped at the library to pick up the Columbine book I had requested. However, it's at the Oakview branch and won't be in until Thursday. Maybe I'll reread Mrs. Klebold's book. As I mentioned before, what happened holds a horrified fascination for me. 

Maria from the audiologist called to say my ear canal mold is in. Haven't yet heard from Miramar about my new glasses.

I had a number of limes and lemons in the freezer--not bought ones, but given by friends or Ellen. Juiced all of them and will use some with the salmon I'll have for dinner tonight. The rest? Dunno. 

I spent an incredible amount of time on the phone with Wayfair and Citibank. It's infuriating not to be able to get a person and when I did, they directed me to the robots again. Too long and involved to explain the whole thing, but AAGH!!!

Stella got back to me and said she'll be back at her rental house a week from today. We'll lunch at the new restaurant then. Lib Lunch with Diane today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...