Monday, March 18, 2024

Simply Spendid Sunday

I bused to Ojai and got there at 11:00. We waited until Ellen "did" her hair--which means using a kind of revolving brush/dryer to coax the lovely curls out. (Darn! What I would have given to have such hair!) We set off for Lake Casitas' about noon, stopping first to look at a house, as Ellen might be interested in moving after she retires.

Lake Casitas was beautiful as ever and this is just a taste of the sun-dappled water, the hills and trees, and overall lovely setting that Ellen lives near. 

We had lunch at the restaurant overlooking the lake. I had a "breakfast burrito," since I had seen the lunch size and it was enough to feed three people.  They have draft beer, too, and I took the server's suggestion to try the locally-brewed Transition IPA.  He gave me a sample and yes, indeed, it was right down my alley--windpipe, that is.

After, we roamed the lake area, taking in the scenery, boaters, and picnickers enjoying the lovely area--pictures don't do it justice. Left about 4:00 and I was taken home after stopping at Target for provisions. 

Soaring Spirits for dinner today, then I have some free days. Must call Noreen, as we've discussed lunch and also Comic Potential. Can't decide if I want to go again or not. Also, Stella called about meeting for lunch, which I want to do, as she's the gold standard when I comes to testing the hearing aids. 

Hmm: It's now 6:45 am (I slept late) and I just got a call from an r.e. agent, asking if I want to sell my house in Jersey. Mike is constantly getting these calls for his house in Florida, so I guess the market is hot all over.   

Note: Although my companions wore green (I forgot) and I had sent the kids St. P. day cards, we really weren't into it yesterday. We talked about the fact that, although it's observed in a way on the west coast, it isn't nearly the thing it is across country.  The history of immigration makes clear why Cinco de Mayo celebrations are much more exuberant. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you meant your esophagus….you’d be dead if it went down your windpipe.

How’d did U know I was Pamela Mason Roccola?….Mason was my 3rd husband and Roccola my 4th. I didn’t like either of them but they had huge estates which are now mine.

BTW, when I lived in San Francisco I don’t remember any big event for St. Patrick’s Day. You’re right …those coffin ships from Ireland all landed in Boston and NYC.



I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...