Tuesday, October 31, 2023


I met Lora and Julie outside at 12:30 and, since Julie had discovered that Cliff House is closed on Mondays, we went to Aloha. I hadn't been there for six months or so and that was fine by me--always liked Aloha. It was a gorgeous day on the water and we had a good time. Talk, talk, talk, of course; Lora went over the sad story of her mentally disturbed/drug and alcohol addicted son and we talked about upcoming cruises, several of which Julie will join. I'm still on the fence about the possibly of Vienna and Budapest, but we'll see. Darn, I wish one of us had thought to take a picture. 

Didn't get home until almost 3:00, then walked over to CVS for my medication and Von's for Squirt Grapefruit Zero Sugar and--well, and actual grapefruit.

Checked my calendar and finally, I have nothing scheduled for today. I think I'll bus over to the Bed And Bath shopping center for more grapefruit and a 2024 calendar. Will go to Wild Birds Unlimited, too, as the greedy little creatures are decimating my bird see. 

Got an email from Lynne, reminding me that I have docent duty on Sunday. Darn, I'll either have to get the Access Van there or ask somebody to take me and bring me home. Ordinarily, I'd have no problem at all busing/walking there, but I can't very well do that with 1890s costume on. 

About 6:30, as I was just about to get dinner, a young woman came to the door from Verizon, asking if their new tower was interfering with my internet and TV reception. Got to talking and, without going into detail, I signed up for Verizon. I haven't be happy with my server for some time and Verizon is actually cheaper. Should get "a box" soon to install. However, now I'm having second thoughts. I assumed that it would cover what I h ave now with Yondoo Communications, but I'll check further. 

I finally succumbed to my nagging conscience and called Jim. We chatted and I invited him to lunch next Thursday, the ninth. I was interested to learn that he had visited another independent living facility by himself, so maybe there's hope for him yet. Typically, he couldn't remember the name of it, but I think I know which one he meant, if it's the one where we used to have Toastmasters meetings. 

Extended family note: At my door about 7:00 pm, I found the book by my niece, Aiming High. I read it in proof, but will again. There are lots of pictures which, unfortunately, are hazy, but maybe that's apropos, considering the context. I do think the cover picture is lovely. 

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