Sunday, October 22, 2023


Did various and sundry in the morning, then packed my lunch, took my cart, and walked to the post office for overseas stamps. While there, I fell into conversation with a woman wearing a "Pray To End Abortion" badge. I was interested to hear she had entered a convent when she was young; I didn't catch the name, but it was in Michigan and they wore blue habits. She left there, left Catholicism in favor of a certain Lutheran sect, got married, and now is in some kind of fundamentalist church. She is very, very sure her various activities are divinely directed. The fact that she's the same age I am intrigued me, but her evident evangelism didn't--she expressed the certitude that I would eventually see the light, but I say no way, no how...However, it was an interesting encounter. 

Took the 21 to town and just strolled the stroll, then ate my lunch at my usual spot. I picked up a large basket at one of the thrift stores--not sure where I'll use it, but I like the rural look. Ellen called when I was on the bus home and we chatted happily. She'll be coming after work on Tuesday to take my donations and me to GoodWill. Do I take these things off my income tax? Bet your pretty premiums I do. 

Made turkey stir-fry for dinner and just had that and spaghetti squash for dinner. Later, I found on the chair on Suzanne's and my front walk, some lovely avocados, tomatoes, and mangos, clearly meant to be shared by the two of us. I'm almost sure they were left by Mike, our upstairs neighbor, but will find out for sure.

Mike video-messaged me during his morning miles-long bike ride, always a treat. Can't wait to see him and the fam in December.  A-n-n-d his darling daughter,--the older one, Vivian--and I were in touch yesterday via text. She's a botany major and is hoping to get a part-time job at the arboretum there (what better place than in Hawaii?) and just got 105 on her French test. How I love seeing her young life unfold! 💗   

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...