Thursday, October 19, 2023


Good phone talks yesterday.  I called my old pal, Nancy, and we had one of our heart-to-hearts. It's been months since we talked--Nancy has several health issues and doesn't get out much--so we needed to catch up. Brother Larry called on his way to the dentist, and we had an enjoyable conversation. Bev, from T.O.P.S., texted, then called to say she won't be at the meeting tomorrow. Her husband is suffering from dizziness and is getting a series of tests to try to determine why. My T.O.P.S. colleagues often contact me if they aren't going to be at the meeting, as if I'm some kind of quasi-attendance taker. No only do I not mind, it actually tickles me, so I dutifully report the absentees. 

After breakfast, I walked to the P.O. to send off a little Halloween shirt to grandson K., in Japan. I had bought it at Wal-Mart for six bucks and when I was told the postage would be $18,95, I just couldn't do it. Will donate it and send the little sweetie pie a card.

Made snickerdoodles for the pot luck. I was annoyed at the recipe, which had me make them too large, so they spread more than they should. However, they taste delish, of course, so I knew no one would care.  

Jim picked me up at 5:45 and off we went to Dudley House. The regulars were there, of course, with a few I didn't know, but it seemed to be a depleted group from the days before COVID. We sat with Karen Dudley, the great-great niece of Benjamin Dudley, the patriarch; her father, who died recently and whom I met several years ago, was his great-nephew. 

Karen, who I guessed is in her middle fifties, was very pleasant, intelligent and friendly, and fun to get to know. She had been a fourth-grade teacher before she and her husband became missionaries (Bible types) in Bulgaria and other parts of Europe. She then inherited her father's ranch up in the hills, and now they work that. She introduced the short video of Suz Montgomery (whom I had known*) interviewing her father. It turned out to be pretty interesting, but the evening itself seemed a little less festive than it used to. For one thing, there was a preponderance of bought items on the buffet tables, both entree and dessert. That was kind of depressing--who the hell wants Kentucky Fried Chicken as opposed to an old-family-recipe casserole (well, plenty of people, maybe). Also, and heaven forfend, there was only one bottle of red (which Jim, Karen, and I polished off) and no whites at all! Darn. 

Lynn signed me up to work at the Christmas boutique and Diana gave me the contact info for my pal, Vera, to contact so she can be a vendor at the outside part. That starts the Sunday after Thanksgiving and should be fun. The cookies were enjoyed and I gave Jim some to take home. Also reserved some for Suzanne and Vickie; Suzanne is having us over for one of our social sessions tomorrow. 

Earlier, I lifted this colorized picture from Keith Williams' Facebook page and did a jigsaw of it. It's from a 1906 glass negative photo and, for some reason, I'm intrigued by this elegant lady. Who is she and where was this taken and was she as secure and aloof and elegant as she looks here? And what was the dog's name?   

*Suz had headed up the Agency on Aging and I had been chair of one of her committees when I first moved to Ventura. She died three or four years ago after a long, long journey through the world of cancer.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...