Saturday, October 28, 2023


Weight up in both venues: up a pound at home to 128.6 and 1.3 at T.O.P.S. to 129.8. Meeting was sloppily run, as ever, but endurable. Naturally, Sharon was in full Halloween mode, with wedding of the ghost mice (or something) hat and skeleton gloves and earrings:

Didn't get breakfast until almost 11:00, then walked to Wal-Mart and The Market for a few things. I had just gotten back when Suzanne rang my bell to ask if I was ready. Ready for what? Why, for the Witch Paddle at the harbor, of course. I had completely forgotten about it, but  grabbed my jacket and went with her. It was a fun excursion and the name describes it: just witches and warlocks paddling and strolling around the harbor, ho-hum:


I didn't get a very good picture of the full harbor, but there were probably fifty or more witches paddling around:

But horrors--two of the witches cornered me and were going to put me in a cauldron and have me for dinner! However, I proved to be too tough and they let me go:
After, we went to Andre's and had good clam chowder--Manhattan, my favorite, which I haven't had for years. 

Personal Note That Maybe Fits Right In With The Season
I printed out and will shortly complete and submit this sixteen-page form:

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