Monday, October 09, 2023


The Sunday Crossword was very enjoyable, since Frank (Longo, the author) seems to have abandoned his uninteresting and obscure references. I don't mean I prefer it to be easier, just more straightforward. Anyway, I got all but one. Changed the bed, re-made, and did a bleach wash, so followed my customary Sunday routine. The rest is, taking my once-a-week "bone pill," Alendronate Sodium, and shutting down my laptop. A creature of habit? You bet.

Virtuous me, after breakfast, I dry- and wet-mopped the hard floors and washed the bathroom rugs. Annoyingly, they didn't dry in the dryer, so I spread them outside on the patio chairs. As of last night, they were still damp, so I won't bring them in until later. 

Chirp Corner:  For the past six months or so, I've been feeding the birds. I put a plate of bird food and a bowl of water out for them and I do attract some. However, I've been annoyed to find they're eating only a certain kind of seed  and scattering the the bulk of it around. The result is a messy patio, even with the containers on a rubber tray; I had already swept up more:


I decided to put a stop to their nefarious doings and after breakfast, took my cart, walked to Telephone Road, then bused to Donlon Street, where Wild Birds Unlimited is located. A lovely young woman, Sonya, the manager, revealed the reason for my dilemma: I had bought inexpensive bird food at Von's and the manufacturer adds a lot of filler which the birds won't eat! Why, the dirty dogs! It's scum-of-the-earth capitalism, pure and simple! How dare they!  And so on...

Anyway, to my amazement, the young woman presented me with a bird life magazine:

                                                 AND, a two-pound bag of good bird food...

...incredibly, both free of charge! 
You can be absolutely sure I'll go back there to get my bird food--and all of my other bird needs (if I every have any). BTW, the owner spoke at our BCNN meeting a few months ago--loved his info on birds in the area.

Target is in the same shopping center, so I stopped there to get more grapefruit and a few other things. Bused to the mall and also stopped at the Target there and, then to Von's for low-calorie ice pops. Walking through the middle on the way to my place, I saw Lorraine, my neighbor, who often sits under the sun shades in that pleasant area. We chatted for twenty or so, then I went on my way.

Drano-ed the bathtub and otherwise busied myself with this and that. Showered, then settled down to watch the next episode of Suits

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...