Thursday, October 05, 2023

Wednesday With A New Venue

Slept well again, but I spent an infuriating amount of time before breakfast trying to straighten out  BMO about the fifty dollars they owe me. Finally did, after placing two calls, one dropped, and being transferred four times. Now I need to call them on Friday, Oct 15, to say I want a check sent me for $50.00.

With Bridget, Julie picked me up, and off we went to the BCNN monthly meeting. Bridget is a non-stop talker and is also hard of hearing (although she wears a hearing aid), which was obvious when she responded to something I said with an entirely different subject. Rather than getting annoyed, I actually thought it was funny, I guess because I like her. Unfortunately, she also has serious eye problems. She said she had spent five thousand dollars on the specially-made glasses she wears. Bridget is eighty-something and I was amazed when she said she talks to her mother every day. At first, I thought she meant in some kind of other-worldly way, but no, her mother is 102.  

We met in a new place: the Pacific Yacht Club in Oxnard and it's very nice. However, the topic was  human trafficking and it struck me as a real snooze-fest. It's not that I think it isn't true, but there are so many world problems I deplore and which, to an extent, I'm knowledgeable about--militarism and propaganda the major ones--I just can't expend too much mind energy on others. I took pictures, as Diane had asked me if the venue was larger than the Ventura Yacht Club, where we met before. Not sure, but I do think there's more room between tables:

The lunch after was at Yolanda's, but Julie, Bridget, Regina, and I went to The Raven instead. I'd never been there before and liked it a lot. I enjoyed getting to know Regina better, too, especially learning that her mother had ice-skated with Sonja Henie! 

Got home about 3:00, and had a sudden yen for chicken liver (could I be pregnant?), so went over to Von's and got some. Also got strawberries. I then went to the office to unravel yet another rent/utilities snafu, which Valarie should be resolving soon.  The liver--of course, I fried some onions with it--was delish and, along with barley and squash, made a great dinner. 

I was so glad to be texted that my personalized gift arrived and the recipients said they loved it. Today: The Townehouse and lunch with Jim. I called him last night, just to remind and was pleased when he spontaneously said he's looking forward to it. 

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...